যে কারণে হারানো যায়নি এরদোগানকে------সফলতার সংক্ষিপ্ত খতিয়ান
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন তাজুল ০১ এপ্রিল, ২০১৪, ০১:৫৪:০৬ দুপুর
- Turkey becomes 16th largest economy of the World. 11 years ago, Turkey was the 26 th largest economy in the world with an annual GDP of $230 billion.
- Today, Turkey’s annual GDP stands more than three times bigger than that of 2002 which is $775 billion .
- GDP per capita has been more than tripled, exceeding $10,000 in 2011 from $3,492 in 2002.
- Exports in the defense industry sector were up to $1 billion while the figure was just $247 million in 2002.
- Exports, which were $36 billion in 2002, more than tripled to $152 billion in 2012
- The debt of IMF decreased from $25.6 Billion to less than $1 Billion. Turkey pledges to lend $5 billion for IMF coffers against crises.
- Central Bank Reserves increased from $22 Billion up to $112 Billion.
- Number of public housing TOKI increased from 43.145 up to 540.000
- Total Road increased from 6100 kilometers up to 21.227 kilometers
- Health Budget increased from $1.6 Billion up to $36.3 Billion.
- Education Budget increased from $3.59 up to $38.2 Billion.
- The amount of public investment increased from $ 8.7 Billion up to $35 Billion, and so on
বিষয়: বিবিধ
১২০১ বার পঠিত, ৮ টি মন্তব্য
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