Internet & Facebook
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন নাগরিক ২৫ এপ্রিল, ২০১৩, ০৯:৫৪:২৫ সকাল
After reading my column one may think me a backdated one.But if any one think me so I won't protest.Because,I've no right to protest.
Actually, I've started using facebook few weeks ago.When I was a school student we had to write paragraph on "Bad effects of internet" and there was none in our class who could find more bad effects of internet than me.But the moment I started to browse internet I came to understand that its usefulness doesn't pay any heed to its abusement.I had lost my all school friends and facebook has returned them to me.Actually, internet is just like a sharp knife.A knife is normally used for various household works and this is its main job.But one can kill any one with its help.Similarly, the main job of internet is to communicate with your friends,with your world,with the universe.Its main job is to gather knowledge and to spread it.But, one can use it to bring ill culture to his own country,to his home.
So,now it is me,once who would call internet too much,is now bound to say that internet is the grace of the all mighty Allah,the grace of modern science.Thanx to internet,thanx to facebook.
বিষয়: বিবিধ
১২৯৪ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য
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