লিখেছেন লিখেছেন খাস খবর ০৩ নভেম্বর, ২০১৪, ০৫:৩৩:১৪ সকাল
।। MD. Ahiduzzaman ।।
The loneliness
is making me sad
when ever I am lonely
I remember you.
You are in my heart
but I can't touch
kiss and hug-dandle.
You are in my heart-soul
but you are invisible for my selfish eyes.
I silently looking at the sky of Autumn
be far beyond the white clouds that fly.
I think you going to floated away
It makes me loneliness more.
My life goes day after day like this
I slowly go insane.
I hear your voice
in the lines of nature.
but it doesn't stop the pain
I see you next to never.
But as much as the colour of mind of me
entirely that for you.
My every moment for you.
thy cheek touches lips of me
brawl in the heart of longing- thirst
Your popping in my heart
remembering you for ever me.
বিষয়: বিবিধ
৮২৭ বার পঠিত, ৩ টি মন্তব্য
পাঠকের মন্তব্য:
My every moment for you.
মন্তব্য করতে লগইন করুন