SAARC why not so effective like EU

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন বিবেকবান ২৩ নভেম্বর, ২০১৪, ০৪:১৭:১১ বিকাল

The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is an economic and geopolitical organization of eight countries that are primarily located in South Asia. It was established 8 December, 1985 with the aim to promote welfare economics, collective self-reliance among the countries of South Asia, and to accelerate socio-cultural development in the region. The SAARC Secretariat is based in Kathmandu, Nepal. The eight members are Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Afghanistan. The 18th SAARC summit is scheduled to be held in Kathmandu from 26-27 November, 2014. It has become a forum of 1.5 billion people about one-fourth of total world population. Now one of the big questions is that after 29 years how he effective SAARC is. In world economy SAARC is holding just 1% of world trade. In internal regional trade some regional organization conditions are as follows NAFTA 35%, EU 66%, ASEAN 11% and SAARC is only 5%. As a regional organization European Union (EU) is very successful after it was established 1 November, 1993 from the destruction of two great world wars. EU is number one in GDP ranking (US$ 18.451 trillion in 2014)..EU is very powerful from economic side and also growing as a political power. Now if we make a comparative analysis between EU and SAARC then we will get the real reasons behind the success of EU. The reasons are as follows:

Firstly EU came out from the destruction of two great world wars by co-operation, mutual understanding but within these 29 years SAARC has failed to resolve the conflict between India and Pakistan, India and Bangladesh etc.

Secondly EU has common currency, open visa system, unique anthem, parliament (EP) and central bank (ECB) which make them more integrated but because of mistrust and fear of security SAARC has failed to do so.

Thirdly in EU most of the countries have democratic ruling system, good record of human right but in SAARC multiple ruling system like democracy, autocracy, military rule and monarchy is going on and high rate of human right violation(now most of them are following democratic system).

Fourthly in EU the literacy rate is almost 100% but in SAARC country below 60%. Literacy rate is one of the important parameter to measure the development and success of taking effective measures.

Fifthly EU does not have problem regarding terrorism, militants, communal conflict and borders crisis but in SAARC all those problems are so acute (Kashmir conflict, Border killing in Bangladesh).

Sixthly the economy of EU is knowledge based but the economy SAARC is based on agricultures and manufacturing.

Seventhly EU has a common culture but the culture of SAARC is much diversified.

Challenges are facing by SAARC are as follows: (a) Big brotherly attitude of India (b) Unending conflict between India and Pakistan(c) Borders killing and problem in signing treaty between India and Bangladesh (d) Mistrust among the SAARC countries. (e) problem regarding terrorism, militants, communal conflict.

In SAARC the problems are arising mainly from three areas (1) political related (2) leadership crisis (3) structural side (connectivity).

There are some good initiatives of SAARC these are SAFTA, SAFA, Food bank, cultural Centre in Colombo in Sri Lanka, agriculture information Centre in Dhaka Bangladesh, Human resources development Centre in Islamabad Pakistan etc.

South Asian countries are currently engaged in transforming themselves

into democratic states with market economies. They are realizing that

democracy and market economy can flourish only in an atmosphere of

human freedom, creativity and ingenuity. These values are shared by their

friends in Europe. Furthermore, Europe is succeeding eminently in

deepening and expanding cooperation with well thought out institutional

structures. That is why I strongly believe that South Asia has a lot to learn

from the European experience and that the coming decades will witness

meaningful cooperation between the two largest configurations of

democratic states in the continents of Europe and Asia in order to build a

better world.

বিষয়: বিবিধ

১১৩৬ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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