People’s democracy based on internet
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন বিবেকবান ০৩ এপ্রিল, ২০১৬, ১২:১৯:০৭ দুপুর
……………… The age of globalization based on trade, labor, capital and information are influencing us from every sphere of life. Hundreds of young people are now engaged with this big wave. Like the traditional media, the social media based on Facebook, twitter, blogs are very strong to connect people from all over the world. From the occupied Wall Street movement (we are 99%) to different social movement in Africa (give back our girls), Middle East (Arab spring) are organized by utilizing the power of these social media.
……………. According to a report published by International Telecommunication Union (ITU) there are now:
I. 3.2 billion internet users,
II. 300 million twitter users,
III. 1 billion of Facebook users
Now internet is in middle level and it will be grown very within this 21st century. It seems that within this century nobody will be out of the influence of this giant net.
……………… Jhon Stuatt Mill has mentioned three basic freedoms these are:
a. Freedom of tastes and pursuits
b. Freedom of thought and speech and
c. Freedom of being united with others.
According to him the first two can be achieved from internet and last one from the free countries.
…………… The united nation (UN) and World Bank (WB) are like to give digital IDs to each and every person within 2030. Digital IDs will have cryptography, contain biometric information and allow easy proof of identity.
…………………. Depending on Facebook and other social media a new type of democracy is emerging and taking the place of conventional one. Journalism based on social media is now very strong and can create huge pressure on government and its ruling system. Even in some countries government is giving restriction on using social media (Venezuela), in some countries the governments are banning using community based social media (china, Saudi Arab ). We know few months back the government of Bangladesh banned using Facebook on the very issue of war criminal.
………………. A new dawn is waiting for the people of the world. Now the youth to all ages of people are becoming very conscious about their roles and responsibilities. They have raised their voice against all sorts of unwanted activities like corruption, killing, raping etc. Community based leadership is created and is started to build a hope for the oppressed one………….
বিষয়: বিবিধ
১৩০৯ বার পঠিত, ২ টি মন্তব্য
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