A Tribute to Shaheed Abdul Malek
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন জিয়াউর রশীদ ১৫ আগস্ট, ২০১৪, ১২:৪০:০৬ রাত
The history of conflict between true and false rooted to dim and distant past on this planet with a sublime beauty created by the almighty Allah.The believers had always been trying to raise the truth to the pinnacle. On the contrary the disbelievers kept on their efforts to annihilate and extinguish the sparkle of all pervading gleam of truth.But the history witnesses that, they never succeed. Truth could not be extinguished rather it diffuses deformities all directions and reaches to a boundless extent.The conflict between light & darkness never come to an end. Rather the Jihad of Ibrahim (A.S) against Namrud, Musa (A.S) against Farao, Mohammad (SM) against Abu Zahel is continuing in the same pace till today.The instances of martyrdom of saheed Hasan al Banna, Abdul Qader Awdah, Saheed Kutubb are the testimony of this truth.
And also that of Saheed Abdul Malek, Sabbir, Hamid, Safiq, Anwer, Alfaz, Salauddin, Sahangir and more than one hundred martyres further consolidates this truth.
Saheed Malek sacrificed his life for the establishment of the system of Islamic Education.
He succumbed to his severe injuries on 15 August at DMCH which was caused by a barbarous attack made on Him on 12 August at the Racecourse Maidan in 1969 The enemies of Allah could not endure the slogn of Islamic Revolution and they killed Abdul malek the then president of Dhaka City unit, one of the leading champions of Islamic Educaton Movement in a very brutal and hineous manner. They wanted to exterminate the Islamic movement by killing abdul Malek, but his fellow brothers foiled that hatred conspiracy. The blood stream of the marttyers for the sake of the Islamic social system has accelerated its speed.
Saheed Malek is not only a name but also an Era. He is the most pronounced name and a symbol of inspiration among the people who love Islam. Though no monument had been built on his memory, yet he is ever alive in the hearts of thousands of believers. Allah, the almighty preserves the memory of martyrs for ever in this way. All the conspiracies have to face the same fate like this one. Because, the relation between the history of the establishment of Islamic movement and martyrs is inextricable. The hypocrites can do a little in this respect.
The more the Islamic Movement soaring high and high the more the curiosity of knowing Saheed Malek increasing among the Mujahids of the camp of believers. A strong affinity of fellow feelings and inspirations are making ground evolving him. This feelings of affinity is prevalent not only in our country but also through out the world wherever the movement is on function. Through th passage of time the name of Saheed Malek is being spoken off it the same importance along with the names of Saheed Hasan-al-Banna and Saheed Kutub. It is an usual demand of I'maan to the believers to remain curious about the martyrs who showed us the pavement of this movement. This tendency cannot be stifled to do so is nothing but a suicidal effort.
Saheed Malek was used to lead a very simple and plain life. He was never pretentions. He was a man of great humility. Whoever came to his association, got benefited in either of the ways. There are alive persons till today who were closely acquainted with Saheed malek and through discussions with them many things can be known about him which can act as a huge source of inspiration for us. This is why it is very much wise and beneficial to maintain a communication with the honorable contemporaries of Shaheed Malek.
Shaheed Malek was an embodiment of many qualities. He was an endowed with many divine gifts. Whoever commemorates him, gives emphasis on this aspect of his life. Precisely for his character he had assumed a great threat to the enemies of Allah.
He was man of profound insight and could easily read the thoughts of the enemies which enabled him to tackle all the problems in a smooth way. Shakeed Malek sacrificed his life not out of any craving for name or fame but to give the Islamic movement a go ahead' impetus. He inspired us to follow him to the noble act of martyrdom.
The study of his life reveals the following salient features of his character that is worthy of imitation.
He was very assiduous and introspective.
Modes, polite, sympathetic and sweet-tongued.
Very much generous and perspicacious in the acceptance of truth.
Very much wise in discriminating true and false.
He was never insincere to his words and work. There was no contradiction between his promises and work.
Tireless in the acquisition of knowledge.
He was ever steady and constant in his determination to establish the truth of Allah on his earth.
A glaring example of love and sacrifice.
Out of many qualities only a few we have been mentioned here. The more we shall analyze his life the more we will be benefited. This tendency of knowing the great souls will be an ever growing one. The martyrdom of Saheed Malek is no isolated phenomenon. Rather it is a name which has been added with a long and glorious process of enumeration. The effort of analysis and knowing of Saheed Malek and the other martyrs will be meaningful only when we shall be able to establish a formidable and unconquerable stronghold on the way to establishment of the rules of Allah in the world.
Post Written By : Belal Rashid Chowdhury
বিষয়: বিবিধ
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