Shaheed Abdul Malek : A Luminous Star
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন জিয়াউর রশীদ ০৮ আগস্ট, ২০১৪, ০২:৫১:৪৩ দুপুর
Islam is a complete code of life. The Quran is the book of guidance. This guidance is for the whole mankind and covers all activity of human life. The Quran deals with all principles embedded in it. Muslims mean complete devotion to Allah and the rules of Mohammad (pbuh). The Quran is the constitution of the Muslim Ummah. The Muslims are the preachers of Islam. In Quranic verse –
“Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoying what is right.” (Al-Imran: 104).
In fact, this is the foremost duty of all Muslims. And the duty of the prophets (pbuh) was stated in Quran like this “Our Lord! Send among them a Messenger from themselves recite to them your verses and teach them the Book and Wisdom and purify them.” (Al-Bakarah: 129)
The statements mentioned above are the real spirit of Islam. Abdul Malek, commonly known as Shaheed Abdul Malek, a name of truth bore this real spirit. He was born in Bogra district at Khokshabari under Dhunata thana in May 1947 to Late Moulvi Munshi Mohammad Ali and Late Mosammat Sabirummon Nesa. He was born into an impoverished family of six siblings. Abdul Malek passed his S.S.C and H.S.C in 1963 and 1965 securing 11th and 4th position in Rajshahi Board respectively. In 1966, he gained admittance as a student of Bio-chemistry in Dhaka University and resided at Room number 112 of Fazlul Haque Hall. He didn’t confine his life mere in the field of institutional education. He took part in various activities of Islamic Movement for the sake of being a perfect muslim. He had shown it by possessing the post of president of Dhaka City of Islamic Movement. Truth never stay with false. Conflict between truth and false is perpetual. Abdul Malek a name of truth can never stay with false. What was the guilt of Abdul Malek? Why he was killed? These are the queries of young Muslim Generation.
In 12th August 1969, a discussion seminar was held on ‘Education System of Pakistan suggested by Mr. Noor Khan in Dhaka University T.S.C auditorium. Abdul Malek, along with other students participated in the program and disagreed with some of the speakers on the issue of the NIPA education policy. He opined, “Pakistan must aim at ideological unity, not at ideological vacuum, it must impart a unique and integrated system of education which can impart a common set of cultural values based on the precepts of Islam”. Suggesting integration of the whole education system in the light of Islam, he urged, ‘Our age must achieve spiritual renewal. A new renaissance must come- The renaissance in which mankind discovered that ethical action is the supreme truth and the supreme utilitarianism by which mankind will be liberated.’
His speech angered members of rival student leaders and organizations, particularly some left and progressive student leaders and their followers. The opponents attacked him mercilessly on that day and eventually he died in 15th August 1969. At that time when the whole country was filled with extreme distress, depression and melancholy following the event aforesaid, Farrukh Ahmad, one of the mainstream and leading poet of Bengali language and literature welcomed martyrdom of Abdul Malek in his own language. By being informed of Malek’s martyrdom, Maulana Sayed Abul A’la Moududi, the greatest Islamic thinker of the twentieth century, very confidently said- “Abdul Malek is probably the first martyr of Islam in this country but surely not the final one”. In Bangladesh and surrounding countries in the region, 15th August is celebrated by his followers every year as ‘Islamic Education Day’.
What Abdul Malek wanted to perform? He declared himself as a perfect muslim and wanted to perform the work of the Prophet Mohammad (Pbuh). The antagonists thought that the voice in favor of Islamic Ideology would stopped by killing Abdul Malek. But Allah (SWT) said-
“Their intention is to extinguish Allah’s light (by blowing) with their mouths. But Allah will complete his light, even though the disbelievers may detest (it).” (Suff:8)
Abdul Malek had a dream to materialize the Islamic Education system. We, thousands fans of Abdul Malek, should not stop the work of Abdul Malek. His departed soul will remain in peace and happiness if we continue his work. We should raise our voice in favor of Islamic Education until it materialize.
Writter: Md. Mofidul Alam
বিষয়: বিবিধ
২৯৯৭ বার পঠিত, ৫ টি মন্তব্য
পাঠকের মন্তব্য:
সাকিপ খান, ইংরেজী বুঝি না তো! বাংলায় বলেন :D
মুভমেন্টের সাথে জড়িত ছিল। আর যারা
১৯৭১ সালে নিজের জীবন বিলিয়ে দিয়েছে।
তাদেরকে কেউ কি মনে করবে। মনে হয় না।
হাজারো দ্বীনি ভাই শহীদ হয়েছে,কেউ তাদের খবর রাখে না। আসুন আমাদের উচিৎ হাজারো মালেক ভাইদের জন্য দোয়া করা, যারা ৭১ তরে হারিয়ে গেছে।
In-sha-Allah. But we should also pray for our freedom fighters
মন্তব্য করতে লগইন করুন