Russia vows to help Muslims tackle crises

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন ইনতিফাদাহ ১২ জুন, ২০১৫, ১২:৪৯:১৪ দুপুর

The Russian foreign minister says his country is committed to assisting Muslim countries resolve crises they are facing.

"Russia and countries of the Islamic world are united in terms of their multifaceted cooperation based on international law and their commitment to political ways of resolving crisis situations,” Sergei Lavrov told a meeting of the Russia-Islamic World Strategic Vision Group in Moscow on Thursday.

He said Muslim countries are facing difficult times due to the operation of terrorist groups in the Middle East, adding, “The Islamic world is going through hard times. Internecine feuds in Syria, Libya, Iraq and Yemen present a serious challenge to safety and security."

Lavrov noted that the Middle East region is experiencing a surge in terrorist activities against the backdrop of ongoing conflicts.

He said regional countries should keep an open mind about “what is happening on the ground.”

Lavrov called on the Muslim nations to support Moscow’s initiative for a UN-supervised analysis of threats looming over the Middle East region.

“We expect that you will be able to discuss Russia’s initiative and hope that it will be supported,” Lavrov said, adding that Middle East countries should try to address the behind-the-scene elements of extremism and terrorism.

He said Russia has already tried to engage in such joint efforts with the Muslim countries by benefiting from the potentialities of the Russia-Islamic World Strategic Vision Group.

Lavrov said important activities have been done within the group, including "the mobilization of brainpower and public initiatives in an effort to promote and enrich the traditionally friendly relations between Russia and the Islamic states."

The Takfiri ISIL group, with members from several Western countries, controls parts of land in Syria and Iraq, and has been carrying out horrific acts of violence, including public decapitations and crucifixions, against all communities such as Shias, Sunnis, Kurds, and Christians.



বিষয়: আন্তর্জাতিক

১০০৬ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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