An ancient poem written by a Muslim of the Middle age!

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন তিমির মুস্তাফা ১০ জানুয়ারি, ২০১৪, ০৪:৪০:৩৬ রাত

If a Muslim complains in China,

A Muslim in India will feel pain and weep.

Egypt is my sweet basil, Syria is my narcissus,

And Arabia is my history and homeland.

In Iraq I see my glorious past which makes me

Look down on every treacherous aggressor.

Al-Masjid al-Aqsa and its dome reside in my heart;

No doubt I care for it and it cares for me.

I think of Bukhara as my homeland

Although it is so far away,

And I am cheered when Khorasan is mentioned.

The Sharia of Allah has brought us together

And raised our status through sincerity and faith.

(an-Ni'mah, al-Wahdah al-Islamiyah bayna al-Ams wal-Yawm, p. 24 )

According to the current media outlets, Middle age was the worst time –of the history, when barbaric people ( namely Muslims) did so many atrocities ( namely,ruled most of the world, had kicked the Europeans out from the holy land – Jerusalem and captured more than half of the Europe, India, China ( part).

But the glory of Muslim rulers such as Salah ad deen can’t be stipulated by that. However, let’s enjoy a poem collected from an ancient book – written by a Muslim. Although the translation is ‘par, I don’t want to touch anyway. The theme of the poem- touched me. Aren’t you feeling the same?

বিষয়: বিবিধ

১০৮৬ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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