Autobiography: Mahibul Islam Faruk
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন মহিবুল ইসলাম ফারুক ০৫ মে, ২০১৩, ১২:৪০:৩৪ রাত
Mahibul Islam FARUK:
Ex-General Secretary,
BANGLADESH STUDENTS' UNION (BSU), University of Chittagong.(Dec 1992-July 1995)
Ex-National Council Member, Bangladesh Students' Union (BSU).
আমার স্বভাবঃ
As a man I am Optimistic, Rational and too much INTROVERTED & Nostalgic. I am always satisfied with whatever I have; I have no any inferiority or superiority complex at all. I prefer Death to Dishonour.
আমার দর্শনঃ
There was a time when I was a 'SCEPTIC' and partially devoted to 'MARXISM' . After 1999 ALLAH (the Greatest) has given a 'RADICAL & SIGNIFICANT CHANGE' in my REALIZATION by HIS OWN GRACE; As a result
Now I am a MONOTHEIST and as well as a FATALIST.
I put my full trust in ALLAH.
At present I am trying my best to be a PRACTICING Muslim and simultaneously a non-communal & non-violent Muslim also.
Now I strongly believe that :
(1). No one is worthy of WORSHIP except ALLAH,the Almighty. HE is our Creator & Everything else are HIS Creation. Creation can not do anything without the help of ALLAH but ALLAH can do everything without any help or consent of Creation.
(2). Prophet MUHAMMAD (S) is the BEST EXAMPLE to follow in every respect. SUCCESS in this life & the life hereafter depends only on 'OBEYING' the ORDER of ALLAH according to the way shown by Prophet MUHAMMAD (Peace be upon him).
(3)The WORLD beyond DEATH is FACT and it is UNAVOIDABLE.
(4). ALLAH is the SUSTAINER of all the WORLDS and also HE is the BEST of all PROVIDERS.
My Religious 'LIKES & DISLIKES' :
I prefer the PRACTICING MUSLIMS to others but I never hate the OTHERS; I hate only the HYPOCRITES(বক-ধার্মীক).
MY POLITICAL 'LIKES & DISLIKES': আমার রাজনীতি...
Although I am not involved in any party politics at all; But as a rational being I HATE seriously the such DEMOCRACY which is dominated by a FEW FAMILY and their FLATTERERS associated with imperious, corrupted & unskilled BUREAUCRACY. Simultaneously I hate Imperialism, Terrorism, Extremism and 'MOWDUDI-ism'(মওদুদীবাদ:jamat-shibir) as well.
In absence of proper Democracy,its valuesðics I prefer 'non-blasphemous PATRIOTIC Dictatorship' to 'the so called DEMOCRACY'.
আমার চাওয়াঃ
May ALLAH make our Heart filled with VALUES of Pity, Sympathy, Love, Affection & Ability to serve MANKIND.
May ALLAH make our Motives, Attitudes, Aims and Objectives in favour of ultimate PEACE & PROSPERITY.
আমার আশা-সপ্ন
(1) Hunger free BANGLADESH, free from Corrupted or Dishonest Politicians & Bureaucrats.
(2) The Bangladeshi free from DISHONESTY & Backbiting.
(3) A moderate BANGLADESH free from WESTERN Cultural Aggression & the 'immoral or Obscene' TREND of Culture.
(05 May 2013)
বিষয়: বিবিধ
৯৪২ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য
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