Jannah, The Gateway
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন তৌহিদুল ইসলাম তানিন ২২ জুন, ২০১৪, ১০:০৬:৫৪ রাত
HE knows what we like, what our desires
‘Jannah’ is exactly same as what we want
Anybody can enter, open to all of mankind
No restriction of race, age, gender, class, color; nothing at all
Hundreds of thousands of level, we don’t even know numbers
8 doors, has been alienated to one good deed like Fast, Prayer, Charity
Each of doors as vast as the distance between Makkah to Basra, Iraq
One day, jam packed with the people, in a good way, try to get in
Within ‘Jannah’, each person has more than one Palace
Inside of palaces have gardens under river flow
Gardens festooned by tents along with palaces
Each tent made of inner core of pearl, made shallow, so vast
Brick made of Gold, Silver, Coral and Pearls
‘Muttaqin’ sitting in the chairs of silk brocade upon them
‘Gelman’ will be inside of the palace to serve
Rivers of pure water, lashes honey, pure milk and wine with no toxic
No deserts in the garden, green upon green
Plants are planted unto our garden by every ‘Zikr’
Shed and Shelter wherever and whenever
No heat, No cold, perfect temperature
No day no night, always light, not the lightness like bright sun
A light without heat, coming under the throne of Allah
Eternal spouse for every single person who enters it
Each person will have more than one ‘Hur-Al-Ayn’, even if not married here
Foods, fruits, meats and desires shall be presented, instantaneously
Worldly look with different taste or feel each and every time
Things are not being described as will not be able to understand
Never seen, never heard, mind has never conceal, not even think of them
One greatest blessing out-shadows and eclipses every blessings
Is the blessing, Face of Allah (SWT) Himself
Faces will be bright and shining coz will be looking at Allah (SWT)
“Oh Allah! I ask You the sweetness for looking at your Noble Face.”**
May Allah ‘Ajja Wajal’ Shelter us by the Shade, that day
May forgive our uncountable, known and unknown sins
May Grant us to drink from pool of Prophet (PBUH)
May bless us to cross the bridge over ‘Jahannam’ to enter ‘Jannah’
Dated: 19.06.2014
Based on a Lecture named Best Place to Exist In by Mishma Khan
** Du'aa = Allahumma Inne As’aluka Lajjatan Nadore Ila Waj Hi Kal Karim. [Prophet (PBUH) used to say]
A poem on Jahannam: https://www.facebook.com/notes/496722120377502
More English Poems on: http://tanin87.blog.com/category/english-poems/
[ আমার সকল রচনাবলী (ইসলামিক কবিতা ও অন্যান্য) আমার ব্যাক্তিগত ব্লগ http://www.tanin87.blog.com এ ইনশাআল্লাহ্ যেকোন সময় পাবেন ]
বিষয়: বিবিধ
১০৪৩ বার পঠিত, ৬ টি মন্তব্য
পাঠকের মন্তব্য:
Abu Hurairah Narrates that the Prophet said, Almighty Allah says, ‘I have prepared for my pious servants that which no eye has seen and no ear has heard and neither has the thought occurred in any persons’ heart, so recite if you wish’. ‘No soul knows what pleasures are hidden for him’ (Al-Qur’an, 32: 17)
Thanks for the beautiful poem of Jannah
মন্তব্য করতে লগইন করুন