The Chosen One

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন তৌহিদুল ইসলাম তানিন ১১ এপ্রিল, ২০১৩, ১২:০৩:৫২ দুপুর

HE sent you to a decent Muslim family,

With joy, happiness and enormous love.

That indicates you are the chosen one.

Alhamdulillah ! Alhamdulillah !


You were born with all perfect limbs of your body,

And your first cry brings great elation in minds.

Oh ! Alhamdulillah ! Alhamdulillah !

That shows you are the chosen one.


And what about others,

Who missed out one or more body parts ?

Nope ! They are not less blessed by Allah.

‘Cause they would get the full reward from Allah, hereafter.


You got a peaceful surrounding,

And were brought up in a happy family.

Oh ! You are also the chosen one.

As all of us didn't have the same.


You never plucked nor got a chance to steal fruits,

From the trees of neighbors and others.

Yes ! It’s also a blessing from Allah.

Alhamdulillah ! Alhamdulillah !


You neither had nor have not enough financial support,

And didn't have prestigious and luxurious life.

That signifies you are the chosen one.

‘Cause you'll be less questioned by the ONE.


You're still alive and able to see the beauty of the world.

Oh ! You are also blessed by the Almighty Allah.

HE is giving a chance to repent and seek forgiveness.

And also revert to the right path.


You always remain ill and have limited option to Sujood.

Indeed, It’s a reward from Allahu Subha’nallahu Ta’ala.

Since, HE is perishing your burden of sins.

And you are the chosen one.


You are truly highly famous and solvent.

That means you have options to spend it,

Unto the cause of good deeds for the sake of Allah.

To acquire more rewards, here and hereafter.


You have extraordinary specialty;

To write, sing, act, motivate, call and preach.

Then, utilize it politely, wisely and intelligently with no vanity.

‘Cause you are the chosen one.


You are not highly educated in the way of Allah,

As you hadn't had the infrastructure and surrounding facilities.

Oh ! Yes, your answering session will be easier.

That means you are the chosen one.


You are a Scholar, Mufti or Sheikh .

That means you are also a chosen one.

To call humans more in the way of Jannah.

And diminish the evils from the society, permanently.


Dated: 05.04.2013

বিষয়: বিবিধ

১১৩৯ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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