Who are Muslims
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন মুিজব ২৪ এপ্রিল, ২০১৩, ১২:৪২:৪৮ দুপুর
It was a matter of concern for the Muslims of Madina during the time of prophet (PBUH) who were muslims and who were munafiq. Allah revealed a complete sura to make munafiqs familiar to the muslims. So, they could be identified. But what will happen now? Who are muslims and who are munafiqs? Can we identify? Very difficult. Those who want to destroy religious faith are again quoting quran or hadith.
In this regard, the statement of Mr. Rashed Khan Menon can be considered which is available in the following link.
Mr. Menon now refers hadith. Very nice. We all know his mode of thinking and philosophy. But he fails to understand the difference between the women's right and islamic view. Islam allows women to work. No problem. It does not mean to have free mixing. There should have a margin line at the mixing between men and women. Islam suggests controlled position. So, where is problem in the 8th point of Hifazat? It will rather bring social regularity and discipline.
Is there anybody who likes to display his wife or daughter to be badly used or humiliated? If anybody likes such situation, he cannot be gentle man. For them return will remain as very calculated. If we want to claim that we are muslims we should obey quran properly. Otherwise no need to be identified as muslim. It is not compulsory to be muslim. Identification as muslim with underhand opposing the quran and hadith creates us munafiq. May Allah make us hidaya.
বিষয়: বিবিধ
১০৯৩ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য
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