পুলিশ যখন দায়িত্ব পালনে পশুর মত আচরন করে, সেই সমাজে গনতন্ত্র থাকেনা (পর্ব-3)
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন tritiomot ১১ মার্চ, ২০১৩, ০৮:২৫:৩৭ রাত
অভ্যন্তরীণ আইন, শান্তি শৃংলা প্রতিষ্ঠায় পুলিশের ভুমিকা অগ্রগণ্য। সেক্ষেত্রে বাংলাদেশের পুলিশ সকল সেক্টরে কী করে দেখুন-
পুলিশ ঘুষখোর ও র্দুণীতে লিপ্ত :
Taking bribe by the police officers is a common thing in Bangladesh. Once a person is under custody, the police have adopted a range of alternative ways to proceed. If the detainee can be accused of a serious offence like murder or storing illegal weapons then the investigating officer would already be calculated how much money can be made and from whom it can be collected. On one side, he will be taking money from the complainant (like on the pretext of needing to purchase fuel for the police vehicle). On the other, he will be bargaining with the accused about how much it will cost to escape from the charges, or at least from the Third Degree Method or death by “crossfire”
The people who go to the police office to the police station for making general diaries (GD) had to pay a bribe and those who went to the police station for submitting First Information Report (FIR) had to pay a bribe. People in every span of life have to give bribe. If someone who victim of anyone’s offence, he or she has no way to go police. Because if they went to police they have to pay money and have to give answer of lots of unnecessary questions. They have to face lots of hassles. If people make any GD, they have also give bribe to the police for making investigation. People become discourage to police.
Police officers took bribe from the vehicles. Police officers realize money from a number of vehicles by setting up check posts at different parts of the capital. The police ‘inspection’ rises as the Eid approaches nearer. They set up ‘strategic city points’ where some four or five sergeants instead of the usual one sergeant and even the custom of inspection in case of the violation of ‘unconventional norms’ have become null and void. They are charging the bus drivers at will. Bus drivers also say that besides the ‘strategic points,’ new points have been set up by the sergeants. The passengers sometimes have to sympathize with the unfortunate bus drivers who get ‘caught’ twice or thrice in the span of some ten to fifteen minutes. The sole objective of the police sergeants is to take money from the bus drivers, so they are least interested in controlling the traffic.
The officers also take money from owners of hotels, guesthouses and even apartments regularly and allow them to carry on anti-social and criminal activities. They also take money from the hooker for setting in the store in the roads side. This amount of money goes to the upper level of the police department.
টি আই বি রির্পোট মতে,
The survey conducted by TIB that the household members who were victims of corruption at the hands of police administration incurred is given below:
Expenditure by victim households on an average for police corruption is Taka 9675 annually
Taka 10282 in villages Taka 7845 in towns
Transparency International Bangladesh-2001
Ø Making general diaries had to pay a bribe of Taka 458 on average.
Ø Submitting FIRs had to pay a bribe of Taka 4000 on average.
Ø Average Taka 18000 had to be incurred as bribe for police action to arrest the accused.
Ø The threat of arrest on false charge had incurred an additional expense on average of Taka 18800 on account of a bribe.
Ø Accused by the police had to pay over Taka 8000 on average as bribe.
Ø To lodge a complaint with the police had to pay nearly Taka 2000 as bribe on average.
Ø The average amount of bribe for obtaining a clearance certificate from the police was Taka 1700.
Ø For getting a reprieve (postpone) from false charges was Taka 12000.
Ø The average amount paid by households as bribe to the police for getting other jobs done was Taka 7000.
The malpractices of POLICE in Bangladesh
As enforcers of the law, the police are commonly seen as the trusted discernable of law, meant to protect the innocent, find the guilty and bring them to trial and promote the means and ends of justice. But sadly, all too often police across the Bangladesh are cited for wrongdoing that ranges from individual misbehavior to institutional criminality. Some of the commonest complaints against police experienced by the citizenry of Bangladesh are illustrated below.
Harass and Accused of crime
The most popular types of crime in Bangladesh by the police administration are the accused of crime. The police pick up innocent people with the consent of the officers-in-charge, keep them in custody and only release them when they pay People try to free themselves from those arrests on false charges. Despite a constitutional prohibition, arbitrary arrest is among the most common practice in police of Bangladesh. It is regularly accompanied by assault and extortion, and also often leads to torture, killing and other grave abuses of the arrested person and others. Laws and regulation in Bangladesh make it easy for police to arrest someone on a suspicion and try to pry some information out, with which to conjure up a better excuse to hold the person in custody. Section 54, Code of Criminal Procedure 1898, permits arrest on “a reasonable suspicion” of a crime, is perhaps commonly used provision. For police in Dhaka, section 86 of the Dhaka Metropolitan Police Ordinance is frequently used to arrest without valid cause after dark wherever someone is found “without any satisfactory answers”. The section carries one year penalty, fine or both. A person can also be held in detention under provisions such as the Special Power Act 1974.Police often misused those law and regulation.
Under these laws a hapless ordinary pedestrian can be end up in jail for months simply for crossing the road at the wrong time and in wrong place: specifically, where police were present. Many others are targeted arrestees, having been identified as political opponents or the government as a whole. Police forces do those things for others for money. The following incidents help to understand how easily this works in practice.
Police commonly arrest people as a part of service to someone they know, or in exchange for money or other rewards.
মহিলা এবং শিশু র্নিযাতনঃ
Police also harass women and children. They harass women without any reason. The harassment to women by police is also increased.
According to Transparency International Bangladesh in 2006, a considerable amount of money is paid for informal fees to the police force.
We can easily understands how dangerous the drug for Bangladesh. Police know everything about which way drugs come, where it is sold, who sold drugs. But police hardly caught culprits, because they have got heavy amount of money from them. Sometimes police caught those drug sellers and takers, but within few days they released for the jail and do those illegal activities again. Those culprits maintain a strong relationship with upper level police officers by paying big amount of money.
বিষয়: বিবিধ
১০৭৮ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য
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