TV news and news papers
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন মাহা ০৩ মার্চ, ২০১৩, ০১:১০:১০ দুপুর
I am very sad by watching maximum TV channel's news coverage and newspapers. All the killings are charged on Jamaal-Shibir. How it possible that the maximum died persons are Jamaati-shibir but charged against them. Any high officials have yet explain about thus random killings. It seems that those are not human. Civil Society or intellectuals are now quite silent, why? Except few news papers as Amar Desh, Noya Digonto,Digonto Tv etc are placing the real news probably but why the others are doing it colored. Few channels as Shomoi, Independent, 71etc are intentionally expressed nasty propaganda about the nasty killings,why? Because they are the representative of only Awami league family. Yesterday in BNP's rally one leader is died but nothing is important than the news of sahbag. Yesterday Kader Siddiki also addressed it as "Gono hotta" but Awami channels has no interest to alter their motives.If media does not play as white is white and black is black then what will may happens? What is their fear? Mokha Alomgir has to be praised sorry due to comment on tribunal as to finish the cases early but Doctor Imran is not same to treat. He is crying for direct hang till to death but he is not yet taken punished, why?
I think judicial has to clear their freedom equally all. How dare that he addresses the nation as "Priyo deshbashi".
By watching whole I request to honorable Bar. Rafiqul Islam sir, please kindly do few for us. We are passing very terrible times now. We are not secured. You are the respected one for all over bangladesh. Almighty ALLAH will help you if you may call the nation to a goal of peace.
বিষয়: বিবিধ
১১১৯ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য
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