Hot cake Jahangir

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন মাহা ২৪ জুন, ২০১৩, ১১:১০:০৮ সকাল

Gazipur city election will be held on coming July. Government shows heavy hungry attitudes to win this one by any way. They nominated Ajmotullah as their Mayor candidate and kept Jahangir way out from the race by super pressure. Yesterday Jahangir's press conference is clear to feel how type of pressures have going on him. PM has to handle this case thus she called Jahangir to Gonovhabon. Sk. Hasina and her alliances took this election as the toughest prestige issue and left all their mind set in Gazipur Election. I think they will show their all ability and practice even unauthorized power in this case. On the other hand Mannan the 18 alliances nominee is the best and ultimate choice of the voters because he bears a clean image. He is too much popular candidate in Gazipur. The general voters seriously take the matter of Jahangir which is shown before his press conference. If The government does not play any antihero role Professor Mannan will win by at least 100000 votes difference. If AL can't present hot cake Jahangir on favor of Ajmotullah then Mannan will by minimum 300000 lac votes difference.

বিষয়: রাজনীতি

১৪৪০ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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