The challenges of 21th century and way to face those challenges….
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন বিবেকবান ২০ নভেম্বর, ২০১৪, ০১:০২:১৯ রাত
We are living in the 21th century when multiple types of challenges are coming towards us. Now we are living in a glamorous world. Now come to the point what are the challenges the present not only Muslim world but also by the whole human being are as follow:
1. Cultural challenges
Cinema, movie based on western holly wood and eastern bolly wood are destroying our young generation.
Prono sides and other bad sides all affected greatly
Facebook multiple paged based on sexual and other naked issues are also affected whole communities
Western culture like beauty competition, to be a superstar overnight destroying our young generation
Cultural issues lead them to take drug and other anti-social activities.
2. Economy based on MNCs, World Bank, IMF, WTO etc.
No ethics but world business based on oppression
Corruption, interest based baking, MNCs business based on monopoly making the general people life impossible to maintain minimum standard
Capitalism and materialism are making the community more selfish then ever
Nurturing poverty to maximize their ultimate profit
3. Intellectual battle
In the name of freedom of women they are making our women out of home.
Leave to gather, home sexuality
Humanitarian intervention in different Muslim countries
Making the Muslim divided based on shiha, Sunni, moderate extreme etc.
Individualistic and capitalistic
4. Aimless young generation
Lack of ideological based education
No perfect model to follow
Aimless national politics
Whole education system based on non-creative
5. Subservient of mind
Western based thought and ideological thinking
Writers, lawyers, businessmen taking western rules and regulations a perfect one
Western based blind civil society
Working as a representatives (dalal ) of developed countries
Electronic media is coping the program of western countries
6. Social disorder
Family system is breaking down
Love marriage and then suicide or doing love with other
Isolation of people from society
Binding among people in a society is breaking down
To be continued ..........
বিষয়: বিবিধ
১০২৯ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য
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