The challenges of 21th century and way to face those challenges….

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন বিবেকবান ২০ নভেম্বর, ২০১৪, ০১:০২:১৯ রাত

We are living in the 21th century when multiple types of challenges are coming towards us. Now we are living in a glamorous world. Now come to the point what are the challenges the present not only Muslim world but also by the whole human being are as follow:

1. Cultural challenges

 Cinema, movie based on western holly wood and eastern bolly wood are destroying our young generation.

 Prono sides and other bad sides all affected greatly

 Facebook multiple paged based on sexual and other naked issues are also affected whole communities

 Western culture like beauty competition, to be a superstar overnight destroying our young generation

 Cultural issues lead them to take drug and other anti-social activities.

2. Economy based on MNCs, World Bank, IMF, WTO etc.

 No ethics but world business based on oppression

 Corruption, interest based baking, MNCs business based on monopoly making the general people life impossible to maintain minimum standard

 Capitalism and materialism are making the community more selfish then ever

 Nurturing poverty to maximize their ultimate profit

3. Intellectual battle

 In the name of freedom of women they are making our women out of home.

 Leave to gather, home sexuality

 Humanitarian intervention in different Muslim countries

 Making the Muslim divided based on shiha, Sunni, moderate extreme etc.

 Individualistic and capitalistic

4. Aimless young generation

 Lack of ideological based education

 No perfect model to follow

 Aimless national politics

 Whole education system based on non-creative

5. Subservient of mind

 Western based thought and ideological thinking

 Writers, lawyers, businessmen taking western rules and regulations a perfect one

 Western based blind civil society

 Working as a representatives (dalal ) of developed countries

 Electronic media is coping the program of western countries

6. Social disorder

 Family system is breaking down

 Love marriage and then suicide or doing love with other

 Isolation of people from society

 Binding among people in a society is breaking down

To be continued ..........

বিষয়: বিবিধ

১০২৯ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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