Business and ethics in case of MNCs

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন বিবেকবান ১৮ নভেম্বর, ২০১৪, ০৯:২৪:৩৮ রাত

Now a day one of the most important topic of discussion in business is violation of ethics. In this 21th century when the world is becoming more complex than any century that time we are suffering from lots of problems which are from the violation of ethics. Hundreds of multinational companies (MNCs) are doing business all over the world. There are some MNCs which total assets are more than any third world countries. In our present world those countries are controlling the world have hundreds of MNCs. In USA some MNCs are Microsoft (worldwide revenues $ 69900 million), Johnson (Revenues $8800 million), Coca-Cola, Intel etc. in the report o IMF now the economy of china is $17.6 trillion in compare USA is $17.2 trillion. In china there are lot of MNCs are working over the world such as Alibaba larger then Although the main motives of business is to make profit. But in recent century a lot of financial scandals have proved that those MNCs are hanger after profit for example the scandal of Enron, WorldCom etc. Those MNCs are now doing many unethical works like destroying environment, interfering in the economy and politics of third world countries. In middle the western countries are serving the interest of those MNCs. All those ethical violations are happening because of not maintaining code of ethics (integrity, honesty), manipulation in financial statement (overstated or understated), violating rule of the countries and also doing huge damage of environment. To serve the community of any country the MNCs need to follow code of ethics perfectly. Otherwise the agony of destitute people will be out of tolerance. In recent days in many countries protest, procession etc. are held against those MNCs. Above all the MNCs need to follow the code of ethics and also the people of third world countries need to be alert about the malpractices of MNCs.

বিষয়: বিবিধ

৮৬৯ বার পঠিত, ৪ টি মন্তব্য


পাঠকের মন্তব্য:

১৮ নভেম্বর ২০১৪ রাত ১১:০৮
ফেরারী মন লিখেছেন : ইংলিশ লেখা দেখলেই মাথা ঘিন ঘিন করে। তাই পড়তে ইচ্ছে করে না।
১৯ নভেম্বর ২০১৪ সকাল ০৬:৪৫
বিবেকবান লিখেছেন : I bangla likta pari na...sorry for writing bangla...thank for ur comment
১৯ নভেম্বর ২০১৪ রাত ১২:২১
শয়নে তুমি স্বপনে তুমি লিখেছেন : ভালো লাগলো
১৯ নভেম্বর ২০১৪ সকাল ০৬:৪৬
বিবেকবান লিখেছেন : Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck

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