Govt install 50MW solar power plant projects

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন ইগলের চোখ ২৮ নভেম্বর, ২০১৫, ০৩:০২:২২ দুপুর

The government has a plan to source 800MW of electricity from renewable energy. The government is going to install solar panel-based power plant projects with 50 megawatt production capacity to supply power to the national grid under unsolicited deals in the Mymensing district. The HETAT-DITROLIC-IFDC Consortium (Singapore-Malaysia) will set up the power project and supply per unit of electricity at Tk13.26 for 20 years with 18.5 percent plant factor. The consortium will supply power under no-electricity-no-payment basis, the Power Division agreed to a proposal for purchasing power spending Tk2,148 crore from the plant for 20 years. The projects will mitigate the existing power crisis by enhancing generation of renewable energy in the public and private sectors. We have taken initiatives to reduce dependency on fossil fuel-based electricity generation by developing solar panel-based power plants. The Power Division will place a proposal for the approval of the construction of the 50 MW solar power plant of the cabinet committee on public purchase. A section of businessmen proposed to set up solar-fired power plants to get public and private land easily instead of setting up the plants. Later, they use the land for other purposes. As per the renewable energy policy 2008, the government has a plan to source 5% or 800MW of electricity from renewable energy. Another 10% or 2,000MW from renewable energy has been targeted.

বিষয়: বিবিধ

১০০৫ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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