Winsome Designer is a graphics design services company in Bangladesh,
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন ফুয়াভ ০৩ জুন, ২০১৪, ০১:০০:৪৪ দুপুর
Winsome Designer is a graphics design services company in Bangladesh, with a range of activities covering various areas of design. The Company specializes in clipping path service, image masking, raster/bitmap to vector conversion service, photo retouching, color correction, object removing, logo design, digital banner, web elements, statistics and dynamic web sites design, web template and OS-Commerce. GSG management recognizes that there are distinct limits to further expansion in its present markets and is considering a move outside of Bangldesh as its major strategic drive for the future. At this time we work in eCommerce platform to assist other run their business on the web.Winsome Designer is a graphics design services company in Bangladesh, with a range of activities covering various areas of design. The Company specializes in clipping path service, image masking, raster/bitmap to vector conversion service, photo retouching, color correction, object removing, logo design, digital banner, web elements, statistics and dynamic web sites design, web template and OS-Commerce. GSG management recognizes that there are distinct limits to further expansion in its present markets and is considering a move outside of Bangldesh as its major strategic drive for the future. At this time we work in eCommerce platform to assist other run their business on the web.Please visit this site
বিষয়: আন্তর্জাতিক
৯১০ বার পঠিত, ২ টি মন্তব্য
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