How brutality? How possible? How to believe that’s?

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন কাজী মামুন আল ফাতেহ ১২ জুলাই, ২০১৪, ১২:৪১:৩৫ রাত

At least, 115 Palestinian have killed and more than 2000 injured (include children as well as pregnant women) start from the Israel launched so called operation protective edge two day ago to prevent missile and rocket attack.

How brutality running?

Is the whole world united single state? But is Palestine out of the world? Where are get away our human rights? Where are human rights? Where are HW, UN, and AMENESTY INTERNATIONAL?

We are how to accept that’s brutality? How possible that’s? Please anybody explain that’s, I can’t understanding that’s, how possible?

Please human rights activities, just throw yours eye with great thoughts on GAZA as well as think that’s, how possible that’s?

After the bombing, there are all hospital is in crisis, like electricity problem, drug problems, also have seen huge problem, when Israel throw suicidal bomb on innocent people of GAZA, then their all property destroyed. Broken there community system.

For that, there are all victim is died without treatment.

What’s the bloody moment! What’s bloody experience! Why Israel play with human blood and why after they celebrate those moments?

Hey Allah, save our brother and sister from the Israeli terrorist. Hey Allah, Palestine is our blood related brother, please Allah drop peach on Palestine and give most power than any kind terrorist minded country.

You rahmanur rahim, you ganiul azim, you alimul Hakim, you are perfect justice. Hey Allah solve that’s problem rapidly and give freedom for Palestine.

Dear non Muslim brother, mind it, Islam does not allow any kind of brutality, don’t allow any kind of bombing. Islam doesn’t accept suicidal attack. Islam synonymous name is peach. This is perfect life design. Who doing such brutality, like AL-KAYEDA, BOKO HARAM, TALIBAN, there are not Muslim, there are does not follow Islamic suggestion.


Human rights how to accept Israeli brutality and aggression against Palestine? Why there are silences? I can’t realize that’s.

বিষয়: বিবিধ

৯৬৮ বার পঠিত, ১ টি মন্তব্য


পাঠকের মন্তব্য:

১২ জুলাই ২০১৪ সকাল ০৮:৪০
সন্ধাতারা লিখেছেন : Hey almighty please save our Muslim brother n sisters from brutalities bombing, and bloody masacare. Jajakalla khairan.

মন্তব্য করতে লগইন করুন

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