K A N T H O S H A // Muhammad Yusuf

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন মন সমন ২০ নভেম্বর, ২০১৩, ১০:৪৪:১৩ সকাল


Muhammad Yusuf

I, too, am suffering from Kanthosha

As can't hear the songs of my Land ?

The Globalization-tune brings out sound-pollution

I, too, shall fly to Europe-America-Canada

I, too, am in need of my ears treated !

Is there an ear specialist of global repute

Who can remedy the disease of soul ?

Hey, folks ! Do you know a Physician

Who can kill the germs in Soul ?

You, yourselves, are the best surgeons !

You, yourselves, are the best surgeons !!

You, yourselves, are the best surgeons !!!

Now, just Wake Up ! Sparkle !

Say, ' We demand the tunes of Our Land' !

Speak aloud, ' We do have tunes

and melody a lot ;

The Fruits of Peace, the Garden of Joy,

We, too, can bring on Earth ! '

Spread the message around the Cyber World,

Clicking on the Message Option :

' Here in a comfortable atmosphere

We provide the Remedy

of Globalization-Disease' !

Footnote :

K A N T H O S H A : Temporary incapacity to listen to

[ Translation : Mohammad Basirul Haq Sinha

বিষয়: বিবিধ

৮৫০ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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