immortality of human soul

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন যাযাবর চিল ২৮ মে, ২০১৩, ১২:০৪:০৬ দুপুর

All the things we can see we can feel have a termination or ending.Like the phone by which I'm browsing net, like that note you are reading, like the planet where we live, like our universe and like the shirt we wear. like our body.......but there is no ending or termination of human soul. All most all of us think that death iz the termination of our life. It's truly, totally,obviously wrong. Death is nothing but giving up our body like a shirt, after death our soul goes to a new universe and a new life....That life iz the true life.if we can gain merchi of our almighty Allah in that life, we are successful, neither that we are our goal should be gain bless and merci of our Almighty in that should be principal target. Shine in that planet should be optional & trap to capture the principal goal.(our beloved prophet (peach be upon on him) says that this life is a field of the life after death.) if we can gain marci of our almighty, we must be successful in both life before & after death.if don't do that none of in life we can be successful......we may earn a lot of money ,may famous, may be so powerful etc in that planet but without the blessing of our almighty we mustn't feel peace of heart....& for lucking of that all will be meaningless....

so we should think what we should do....

বিষয়: বিবিধ

৮৮৩ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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