Free associations

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন আনিস১৩ ১৫ মে, ২০১৩, ০৭:১৮:৫৫ সকাল

Our thought is always relative as we know. It is associated with language, culture, race, religion, family, education and with many other factors.

And no argument should arise on the point that our action is based on our thinking.

Now what do we do to build up our children's mind set up. On the starting line parents are most important factors for their children's up bringing.

But what actually are we doing now? Are we focusing only on the progress of grade? Yes. Our young groups are too busy with Gpa's. Now where stands the morality and other social aspects.

Now a days when we see a son is engaged with corruption guessing his salary scale, do we need to blame his parents also? Yes of course. They feel proud of their son when he buys a luxury flat far far beyond his limit. But these sorts of people can make you fool urging for the establishment of fair and just society. To my observations our educated middle class in the urban and sub urban area is most hypocrite. I also belong to this class, and the reality is we stand no where. Our morality, both civil and religious stands as long as our affairs are not affected.

Free association means what comes across the mind freely. And it is obviously that it is from our learning and observations. When we think of the sky, vastness and blueness comes to the mind. When our children think of achievement, they think of competition, cars, flats, luxury commodities. These are the children that will send us to the old home. Because they will not wish their affairs to be affected anyhow, as we are doing now.

বিষয়: বিবিধ

১১২৬ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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