কিছু ফরেনদের সোস্যাল নেটে বাংলাদেশে প্রতারণার ব্যবসা
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন বাংলার মানব ১৭ নভেম্বর, ২০১৩, ১০:৩৩:০৩ রাত
কিছু ফরেনদের ব্যবসা চলছে আজকাল বহু পরিমান বেড়েই । ফেসবুকে একটি এসএমএস দিয়ে ইমেইলের সাথে যোগাযোগ থেকেই শুরু হয় এই প্রতারনা । আর এই খপ্পর বিশ্বাষ করে খপ্পরে পরছেনতো নিশ্চিত বিতারিত হবেন কিংবা এইরকম বিতারিত হয়েই চলছে আমাদের দেশের কিছু সুশিল সমাজের মানুষ ।
তাই আজ আমি আপনাদের সামনে এই প্রতারণার মুলটি সংক্ষিপ্তভাবে নিন্মে তুলে ধরছি >>>
নিচে সম্পূর্ণ প্রমানসহ তুলে ধরলাম , এখানে বাংলায় সংক্ষিপ্তভাবে তুলছি >[[[[[ ১ম আপনার ফেসবুক আইডিতে এসএমএস আসবে
Hi, My name is Jessica, I will like you to contact me on my private email address for discussions. Here is my email address,, Please i am waiting for your response,i have a very important issue. Thanks, Jessica.
তারপর ধরুন আপনি ইম্ইলের উত্তর দিয়ে তার সাথে ভাব মিলালেন , এরপর আপনার আপন করে আপনার কাছে আরোও ছবি চাইবে , ছবি দেখার পর আপনাকে তার ভালোবাসার কথা বলবে আপনাকে ঈঙ্গিত করে , এরপর আপনাকে প্রোপোস করবে , তার পরিবারের কথা আপনাকে বলবে , এবং পরিবারের কাহিনী হবে তার গোছানো , যেমন > তার এলাকায় কোন এক ডাকাতের দল এসে তার পরিবারের সবাইকে মেরে ফেলল এবং সে ছাত্রাবাসে থাকায় একাই বেচে গেলো , কিংবা তার পরিবার কোন এক দূর্ঘঠনার কারন দেখিয়ে সে একা প্রমানিত করবে , এর পরপরই বলবে আপনাকে যেহেতু ভালোবাসছে সেহেতু সে আপনার দেশে যে কোনো পড়ালেখা কিংবা যে কোন ভিসা নিয়ে চলে আসতে চায় এবং তার বাবার কিছু টাকা আছে তার বাবার পার্টনারের কাছে , সে সেই টাকা আপনার ব্যংক একাউন্টে ট্রান্সপার করতে চায় (টাকার পরিমান মিলিয়ন / বাংলাদেশের প্রায় মতকোটি টাকা)এবং সে আপনার সেখানে গিয়ে টাকাটা তুলতে চায় । সমস্যা হচ্ছে একটাই সে তার টাকাটা ট্রান্সপার করতে হলে আপনার সাহায্যে করতে হবে এবং তা হচ্ছে আপনাকে সেখানকার একজন লয়ারের সাহায্যে তাদের ব্যংক থেকে আপনার একটি আবেদন । তবে সবই সে করে আপনাকে বানিয়ে দেবে এবং লয়ারের কাছে আবেদন করাটাও সে বানিয়ে দেবে যে সেটা ঐ লয়ারের ইমেইলে পাঠানোর জন্য । ব্যস আপনি ঠিকঠাক মত সব করলেই লয়ারের মেইল আসবে আপনার কাছে যে > হ্যা আমি তোমার কাজটা করে দিতে পারবো তবে আমার চার্জ ফি অগ্রিম পাঠাতে হবে (বাংলাদেশের প্রায় ১২০০০ টাকা ) এবং তার ফি পাঠানোর জন্য মানি ট্রান্সপারের নাম্বারও আপনাকে দিয়ে দেবে । ব্যস আরগুলো নিজেই বুঝলেন ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
নিচে আমি শুধুমাত্র এক ফরেনের প্রকাশটাই দিলাম >>>>
My dearest,
I am happy when i saw your mail. How was your day? Mine is a little bit cool over here in Dakar Senegal. My name is Cythain Willians,23 year of age,i am from Sudan in African region.I am 174cm height,with body average of 56kg, fair in complexion. I am gentle and romantic person with real principles.I believe that honesty,sincerity,faithfulness,trust and open mind are the keys to a standard friendship,which i believe that with them,we will build a solid relationship.My hobbies are,cooking,reading,listening to music,play video games at my free time,like swimming too.
I am single, never married before and presently i am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar as a result of the civil war that was fought in my country.
My late father Dr.Minnawi Willians was the managing director of Nawi Manufacturing industry Limited,before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed my mother and my father and my sister in cold blood.
It is only me that is alive now and I managed to make my way to a near by country Senegal where i stay now.I am a sensitive person with a lot of respect to the other people feeling.
I would like to know more about you.Your likes and dislikes,your hobbies and what you are doing presently. I will tell you more about myself in my next mail. Attached here is my pictures. I will also like to see yours too.
Hoping to hear from you soon,
Dearest in heart,
I really appreciate having you in my life.I love to have some confident and trust in you,believing that you can keep it confidential and treat me as your love. As i told you in my last mail,when the rebels attacked our house,i was lucky to ran out and get to this country,senegal where i am residing a a refugee. All my father assert was burned down, only by the grace of God,i was opportune to have with me now is the deposit certificate of $4.3million (Four million,three hundred thousand United States Dollars) by my late father, which he deposited as our family treasure in one of the leading bank,and i am the next of kin as the first daughter of my family.
I am telling you all this with hope that you will not betray my trust to represent me as my foreign partner in making the claim of the money from the bank. I want you to be my trustee,and my investor to claim the money from the bank, and transfer it to your own account, pending on my arrival to you. I am willing to relocate to your country and continue my education.
I am hoping that you will wipe away my past tears and sorrows, i bestowed my hope and trust in you.
I wait for your reply soon.
Yours sincerity,
Darling,i appreciate you so much and hoping for a successful transfer soon so that i can come to your country.
I want the money to be transferred to your own account, so that you can be able to send to me some money from it to process my international passport,and as well buy my air ticket to come to you in your country. I want to come to your country and then complete my education,while you will invest and manage the money in any business you like that can give us a good profit.
Call me on (00221778370703),but the telephone number belongs to Reverend father Peter. He is in charge of this refugee camp ok,whenever you call,tell him that you want to speak with,and he will send for me to come to talk with you ok.
Honey, I want to prepare a nomination letter of transfer and send to bank to present you before the bank as my foreign investor and my partner. I need your information such as your full name, your residential address, and telephone number because i want to use them to prepare the letter that i will send to bank on your behalf.
Yours lovely,
Darling,i appreciate you so much and hoping for a successful transfer soon so that i can come to your country.
I want the money to be transferred to your own account, so that you can be able to send to me some money from it to process my international passport,and as well buy my air ticket to come to you in your country. I want to come to your country and then complete my education,while you will invest and manage the money in any business you like that can give us a good profit.
Call me on (00221778370703),but the telephone number belongs to Reverend father Peter. He is in charge of this refugee camp ok,whenever you call,tell him that you want to speak with,and he will send for me to come to talk with you ok.
Honey, I want to prepare a nomination letter of transfer and send to bank to present you before the bank as my foreign investor and my partner. I need your information such as your full name, your residential address, and telephone number because i want to use them to prepare the letter that i will send to bank on your behalf.
Yours lovely,
My Darling,
How is your work today? I am happy having your support and trust.I am so happy to have you in my life as my love life.
I have sent a nomination letter to bank to present you as my foreign investor.All you have to do now is to copy this application letter of transfer below,and send it to bank emails ok.I am hoping for a successful transfer soon to your account so that i can come over to you and have a happy life with you. I am counting on you darling.
I am waiting to hear from you as soon as you send it to their emails.
Yours in love,
The application letter of transfer below; send to ( ) and ( )
The Royal Bank Of Scotland London
I am Mr.shahriar ahmed Riad.c/o : vedvedi, rangamati, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Phone number; 88001820355595 and 88001837998795. I am a foreign partner/investor to Cythain Willians,a daughter to Dr.Minnawi Willians,from Sudan, who deposited the sum of $4.3million in your bank, and the money is been inherited by her as the beneficiary next of kin. I am her investor,and her partner.
With due respect Sir,i wish to know the possibility of transferring the money to my personal account in my country on her behalf as the investor.
I am expecting your immediately and earliest response toward my request.
Yours faithfully,
[your name]
Below is the bank address and contact emails ok;
The Royal Bank Of Scotland Group
Cavendish Square, London
28 Cavendish Square, Marylebone
London, W1G 0DB
Telephone: +447024091105
Fax +447024065172
Good morning today? How are you doing.Honey,yes you have to send the letter to their two email contacts ok.
You can as well add your account number or you wait for bank to demand it from you.I am hoping to hear from you as soon as you receive reply from bank ok.
Yours lovely,
Ok darling,
I am happy that you have sent email to their two email,they will reply you ok.You know it is one of the biggest bank in europe and they are so busy.Be expecting their reply ok,and let me know as soon as you get reply from them ok.
Yours love,
OUR REF: RBS/RBSL/RS/091/2013 Date: 18 June, 2013
The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of or taking of any action in reliance upon this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient or delegate is strictly prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the Royal Bank of Scotland, London and delete the material from any computer.
The integrity and security of this message cannot by guaranteed on the Internet. The sender accepts no liability for the content of this e-mail,or for the consequences of any actions taken on basis of the information provided. The recipient should check this e-mail and any attachments for the presence of virus . Royal Bank of Scotland, London accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus.This property belongs to Royal Bank of Scotland, London and must not be altered or circumvented in any manner.
My darling,
After reading the letter from bank,i went to our Reverend father and explained to him to guide me because i do not know them and how we can get the affidavit of oath and support and power of attorney from federal high court in your name as bank demanded.I explained it all to him and showed him the attached letter from bank.He said that the two documents are the right and power you will have as my foreign investor to enable bank transfer the money to your account.He said that we need a lawyer from senegal to get them in your name from the high court.
I told him that i do not know any lawyer here and pleaded him to assist me with any good lawyer he knows that can do it for us.He told me that he knew a good and trusted lawyer who can get them in your name,but you as my foreign investor will be the one to contact him. I pleaded him to give me the lawyer's information which he gave to me.
I love you darling,
Honey,copy this letter below and send to the lawyer's email ok, ( )
Dear Barrister Alfred Luisian,
I need your assistant to obtain these two listed documents in my name at the federal high court of senegal to enable Royal Bank of Scotland London transfer $4,300,000.00 to my Bank account.
(1) Affidavit of Oath and Support replacing all information of initial customer, Dr. Minnawi Willians currently with our bank with to you, Mr. Shahriar Ahmed Abu as the investor/ Mandate Beneficiary.
(2) A Legalized and Endorsed Power of Attorney signed by Miss Cythain Willians to you, Mr. Shahriar Ahmed Abu, empowering our bank to recognize you as an Appointed Trustee cum Mandate Beneficiary. This Power of Attorney must be witnessed by the Chief Probate Registrar of the Probate Registry Section of the High Court of Justice here in Senegal.
This is the lawyer contact details below ok.
Alfredo & Alfredo Associates
Name: Barrister Alfred Luisian
Telephone: +221 776998234
Email: ( )
Alfredo & Alfredo Associates.
Gueule Tapee Rue 54 x 621 / Villa 1723 BP320
Dakar Ponty, Dakar, Senegal.
Direct Phone No. +221 776 998 234
+221 25 474 44
Dear Client, Mr. ………………….
Sequel to your letter sent to my noble law chamber, read and observed it's contents of the requirements from Royal Bank of Scotland London to empower them transfer $4,300,000.00 into your account.
On that note, I wish to inform you that the required Affidavit Oath of Support and the Power of Attorney are to be obtained at the probate registrar of the Registry office of the High Court in your name as her investor,change the name and information of the initial depositor, Dr. Minnawi Willians to you as the Mandate/Investor and then legalized and endorsed at the Ministry of Justice to empower Royal Bank of Scotland transmit the Fund into your nominated bank account.
At this juncture, I wish to inform you the legal costs of the two documents and their legalization at the Federal Ministry of Justice.
Stated below are the official legal costs;
1. A Power of Attorney:..... $275.00
2. An Affidavit Support of Oath:...... $370.00
3. Notary Stamps:..... $200.00
4. My Legal service fee.... $500.00
Total Amount:....... $1,345.00 (One Thousand, Three Hundred and Forty-Five United states Dollars Only)
Note: We collect payment before any official legalization. This is law of our services of our Senegalese Barristers Association constitution (code 11 of 1989). Because, we must pay the the cost of the two documents at the probate registrar of high court and as well pay for legalization at the ministry of Justice.
You are hereby required to send the total sum $1,345.00 via western union money transfer with the name and address below to enable me commence on the preparation.
Name: Collins Nelson
Address: Gueule Tapee Rue 54 x 621, Dakar, Senegal.
For more information, call me on my direct number or via this email as soon as you made the payment and send as follow to me via email, 10 digital MTCN Receiving numbers, Secret code (Question & Answer).
Your Legal Adviser,
Brr. Alfred Luisian
The information transmitted is intended only for the client or entity to which it is been addressed to, and may contain confidential or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or taking of any action in reliance upon this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the Alfredo & Alfredo Associates, and delete the material.
Alfredo & Alfredo Associates.
My darling,
How are you doing today darling? hope all is well with you over there.I read the letter you forwarded to me and saw that lawyer said that everything will cost us $1,345.00. Darling,as you can see now,it is the only thing that hold the transfer,all we have to do now is to get the two documents and send to bank for the transfer.Honey,please,you are all i have,all my trust and hope lies on you.I can not achieve this without you by my side.I am hoping on you darling to have the transfer to your account soon.Do your best to send the money to lawyer as he directed you so that he can process the two documents in your name and send to bank for the transfer.I am counting on you baby.
Love you always daring.
I wait for good news from you to know when you are sending the money to lawyer darling.
Yours love,
আংশিক নয় পুরোই প্রমানিত সত্য ।
হয়তো একটু বড় হয়ে গেল লেখাটা তবুও প্রকাশ না করে পারলামনা কারণ আমি একজন বাংলি আমি চাইনা আমার এক ভাই প্রতারিত হোক নিশ্চয় আপনিও চাননা ।
ভালো লাগলে অবশ্যই জানাবেন ।
বিষয়: বিবিধ
১৭৩৫ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য
পাঠকের মন্তব্য:
মন্তব্য করতে লগইন করুন