Holding Key Players in the Government of Bangladesh Accountable for Crimes Against Humanity Before the International Criminal Court

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন সত্য নির্বাক কেন ০১ জুলাই, ২০১৩, ১১:৪৬:৪৪ রাত

Bangladesh’s democracy is in crisis under the pressure of state brutality and human rights violations. Recent months have witnessed extrajudicial civilian massacre by state security; increasedharassment, arrest and torture of opponents, including attacks against Nobel Laureate Mohammad Younus and arrest and torture of Amar Desh newspaper editor Mahmudur Rahman; andthe closure of opposition media includingDiganta TV, Islamic TV and Amar Desh newspaper.

In response, a submission has been made on June 27 2013 on behalf of Bangladeshi-Americans in Greater Washington DC, to the International Criminal Court (ICC). It implicates members of the Bangladesh government and state security in crimes against humanity, petitioningthe ICC to investigate and prosecute those responsible. Bangladesh became a state party to the ICC Treaty on March 23 2010.

Identified violations include (for further information followhyperlinks):torture, forced disappearance, extrajudicial executions and mass murder. Cases include that of Mahmudur Rahman, reported by Amnesty; police abduction of Shukhoranjan Bali, a defence witness of the controversialand discreditedInternational Crimes Tribunal (ICT), reported by Human Rights Watch and abduction and execution of Aminul Islam, a labour rights organizer, reported by Amnesty.

Mass murder cases include the massacre ofat least dozens of pro-Sayedee protesters by policeon February 28 2013 following the controversial conviction of opposition leader and religious scholar DelwarHossainSayedee. Also mentioned is themassacre of Hefazat-e-Islamprotesters, an apolitical religious group, by armed police and paramilitary duringHefazat’ssit-in in Dhaka on May 5 and 6. Rights group, Odhikar, identified 61 Hefazatdeaths to date, statingcasualties are difficult to determine due to government information suppression. Asian Human Rights Commissionand Hefazatreport thousands missing.

The submission implicatesleaders, including the Prime Minister and Home Minister, and those directly participant in violations including Dhaka MetropolitanPolice Commissioner Benazir Ahmed, Mehdi Hasan of Dhaka Police Motijhil district andPradip Das of Chittagong Patchlaish Police Station.

The Bangladesh authorities are committing crimes with impunity, enjoying immunity from domestic law. The ICC is thereforepetitioned to investigate and bring the accused to justice.

Bangladesh’s democracy is in crisis under the pressure of state brutality and human rights violations. Recent months have witnessed extrajudicial civilian massacre by state security; increasedharassment, arrest and torture of opponents, including attacks against Nobel Laureate Mohammad Younus and arrest and torture of Amar Desh newspaper editor Mahmudur Rahman; andthe closure of opposition media includingDiganta TV, Islamic TV and Amar Desh newspaper.

In response, a submission has been made on June 27 2013 on behalf of Bangladeshi-Americans in Greater Washington DC, to the International Criminal Court (ICC). It implicates members of the Bangladesh government and state security in crimes against humanity, petitioningthe ICC to investigate and prosecute those responsible. Bangladesh became a state party to the ICC Treaty on March 23 2010.

Identified violations include (for further information followhyperlinks):torture, forced disappearance, extrajudicial executions and mass murder. Cases include that of Mahmudur Rahman, reported by Amnesty; police abduction of Shukhoranjan Bali, a defence witness of the controversialand discreditedInternational Crimes Tribunal (ICT), reported by Human Rights Watch and abduction and execution of Aminul Islam, a labour rights organizer, reported by Amnesty.

Mass murder cases include the massacre ofat least dozens of pro-Sayedee protesters by policeon February 28 2013 following the controversial conviction of opposition leader and religious scholar DelwarHossainSayedee. Also mentioned is themassacre of Hefazat-e-Islamprotesters, an apolitical religious group, by armed police and paramilitary duringHefazat’ssit-in in Dhaka on May 5 and 6. Rights group, Odhikar, identified 61 Hefazatdeaths to date, statingcasualties are difficult to determine due to government information suppression. Asian Human Rights Commissionand Hefazatreport thousands missing.

The submission implicatesleaders, including the Prime Minister and Home Minister, and those directly participant in violations including Dhaka MetropolitanPolice Commissioner Benazir Ahmed, Mehdi Hasan of Dhaka Police Motijhil district andPradip Das of Chittagong Patchlaish Police Station.

The Bangladesh authorities are committing crimes with impunity, enjoying immunity from domestic law. The ICC is thereforepetitioned to investigate and bring the accused to justice.

বিষয়: বিবিধ

১০৬৪ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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