Breaking News! Breaking News!!

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন সেলিম০৫ ০৩ মার্চ, ২০১৩, ১০:৩৯:১৫ রাত

Very recently one of my freinds has informed me that there is no tissu papers at any grocery or any other stalls.I became puzzled at first. How is it possible! At last I called one of my friends who work in a daily. I asked him if he had any news about it. He told me that he heard right this. He also informed me that he got news from reliable source that there is no tissu papers anywhere in the country as Dr. Mizanur Rahman , chairman of Bangladesh Human Rights is using all the tissu papers . And he needs more. The fact is that Dr. Mizan is crying continously after hearing the killing of several activists of Jamat -E- Islami ans Shibir. He is so shocked that he is crying relentlseely. And he needs tissu papers for preventing the flow of his tears. And more interesting matter is that new tissue companies have been set up to meet the demand of tissu papers.

I like to say all the people of the country that What a great and noble hearted soul Dr. Mizan is! He should get Noble prize. If the noble committee does not declare noble prize for Dr. Mizan , Bangladesh govt. will declare "Noble Committee " as " Rajakaer".

বিষয়: বিবিধ

৯৮২ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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