The Conscience Of The So-Called Intellectuals Is Dead!

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন সেলিম০৫ ০১ মার্চ, ২০১৩, ১০:৩০:১৯ সকাল

Hypocrate Awami Leaders are trying to make befool the people of the country. And so called intellectuals are supporting them blindly. Some media is also trying to show their partiality nakedly. But how long? The Shabag movement is getting label as the spontaneous movement of the common people. In fact, it is a shamless lying. If the Shabag movement is spontaneous, why is the govt. giving them three level securities? Why do they need political support from the govt?The education minister is forcing the school-college authorities to send there the innocent students who actually do not know the evil motoif of the movement.

Today or tomorrow the real picture of the fruads will come out and oneday the hypocrates will be thrown in the dust.

But now we the enlighted people of the country should raise awareness and should work at root level against them and reveal the real picture of these hypocrates.

বিষয়: রাজনীতি

৯৯৯ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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