শাহবাগের চলমান আনডোলোনের জন্য কে দায়ি?

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন মহিউডীন ১৭ ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০১৩, ০৬:৪৪:২৮ সন্ধ্যা

shahbag movement is running last twelve days. Our youth is an asset for the country. in all the ages youth has brought the result. if you go back the history, for peace youth are the one lost their blood. Every one in the society wants peace. All the super power wants also peace but the real peace is not coming due to the dirty politics. From very beginning the killing has happened between two Adam (a) sons. Habil killed kabil. this was the first incident. later in all the ages battle took place in the society and we have seen in history two civil war happened in 1914 first civil war and 1939 2nd civil war. the super powers are telling these all happened for peace. Hitler killed 6 million jew also for peace according to him. but history is not telling that. i am a muslim and i have to focus in islamic way. from my study of Quran and sunnah , i found that Allah swt created this universe and he has arranged everything properly for his creature. in age to age when the creature started to make crisis in the society , he has sent Prophet with the divine guidance to make amendment for the society. Sura Aa'raf verse 65 to 93 explained in concentrated way, many of the prophets called their generation " o my people! worship Allah , you have no deity other than him" if you look carefully , all the prophets came for helping the generation without taking benefit.Prophets gone and now it is our duty to make peace in the society according to the application of the scripture. Prophet pbuh said if anyone killed a person he killed the nation and if anyone save a person he saved the nation. this is the teaching of islam. now in muslim area everyday how many people are dying? can we tell these are muslim work or they are muslim? according prophet pbuh i am not agreeing they are muslim? A muslim cannot heart a muslim.

Now i am giving some small description about our government how they are running after the liberation period. in 1971 history was made and got freedom. the war has finished and new government established by Sheikh mujibur rahman. that was the proper time to make the justification for the war crime. but why suddenly our youth came to the field? most of them don't know the history. they are asking for the justification. In a sense this is right. Are they really blaming criminals or the government? 41 years those two parties were in power. Are they slept and they don't know the issue? these are all fun and our youth needs to understand and learn from the history. in education field there is no proper education. students are not devoted to their studies. most of them are involved in politics and the politicians are gaining by our youths. youths are giving their blood and the leaders are speaking in print media. staying government cottages , using a car of latest model , eating good food. Are our youth thinking what benefit is giving by the MP's and ministers?

in 1992 there was a movement in the leadership of the late Jahnara emam. after her death the movement stopped. at the time Awamiligue made a friendship with jamaet e islami and in 1996 they came in power by using them. it's a question, why they forget to make justification which our generation asking now? any of our generation opening this subject? they were in power 5 years but din't open this subject once. in july1972 there was an agreement called "simla agreement" happened between india and pakistan. in this way 17 april 1973 india , pakistan and bangladesh agreed to make a friendship for the betterment of this sub continent. in 5th to 9th april 1974 there was a seminar collaborated with our the then foreign minister Dr kamal hussain , Pak foreign minister Aziz ahmed and Indian foreigh minister sardar soron sing. in that seminar it is discussed for 195 war criminals , those are military officers . 9th april 1974 an agreement presented by this three countries foreign ministers which as follows"

"in this connections the three ministers noted that the matter should be viewed in the context of the determination of the three countries to continue resolutely to work for reconciliation. the minister further noted that following recognition, the prime minister of pakistan declared that he would visit bangladesh in response to the invitation of the prime minister of bangladesh and appeal to the people of bangladesh,to forgive and forget the mistakes of the past similarly. the prime minister of bangladesh had declared with regard to the atrocities and destruction committed in bangladesh in 1971 that he wanted the people to forget the past and to make a fresh start stating that the people of bangladesh know how to forgive. in the light of foregoing and in particular ,having regard to the appeal of the prime minister of pakistan to the people of bangladesh to forgive and forget the mistakes of the past , the foreighn minister of bangladesh stated that the government of bangladesh has decided not to proceed with the trials as an act of clemency. it was agreed that the 195 prisoners of war may be repatriated to pakistan along with the other prisoners of war now in process of repatriation under the delhi agreement " Sheikh mujibur rahman himself has forgiven the most criminals and started to build a new country. the chapter is ended and 41 years all the government were sleeping because they know the history. this was a national issue. did sheikh mujibur rahman asked the nation for the forgiveness? while that was a national issue. But he told bangladeshi national knows how to be forgiven? it is true that any harm dint touch sheikh mujibur rahman or his family. when he was jail in pakistan , pakistani government kept him in comfort. He was using high quality of arinomo tobacco while millions of bangladeshi were dying and birds are eating their flesh. this was the picture of politics.

our generation must know the history of politics world wide. no one is making politics for the mass people. this is their gain to build themselves and their generation. rich are going to be rich and poor are going to be poor. as a national i have sympathy for our generation. i know they have no place for stay , they have no proper food , they have no proper education, they have no proper care at home. You all need to understand who are playing behind you. these are all political gain. Urban people are voting them and send them in parliament for their up gradation of new life. but after election , people are not seeing their face. for the infrastructure development crores are coming and 40% also are not using for development. if this is the condition of the country no one can save the generation except Allah swt.

if all of us establish ourselves with honesty and good character perhaps we can go a step further. Government must be play an honest role , opposition also do the same and if the country people are helping each other , country can be risen. for the betterment of the country every nation must work and help each other. education must be upgraded with high technology and islamic base to be adopted from the elementary level to produce high quality of honest generation. if it is possible in the long run people will observe the result. Our society is affected in disease and the disease captured whole our structure. without any delay steps to be taken to cure the society.

বিষয়: বিবিধ

১১২০ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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