বিশ্বাসিরা আজকের দুনিয়ায় কেন পরাভূত হছ্ছে?(Why the believers are failing in this world?)
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন মহিউডীন ১১ নভেম্বর, ২০১৩, ০১:৩৬:০৪ দুপুর
Muslim all over the world are suffering various way. We have to think deeply what is the root cause for that? We have to gear up ourselves to send true message if we know. This is the field for examination for us and we have to be careful for the messages are sending to one another.If it is not based on quran and Sunnah surely it will go against him/her. In Sura Zumer verse 2 Allah swt said “ we have sent you the Book with truth so worship Allah sincere to him in religion.” Islam is the true religion and this true religion is only for Allah. Allah swt declared for our whole security if we have 100% belief on Tawhid. Unfortunately our ebada is full to the brim with Shirq and Bida’a for which most of us not aware. Establishment of full Tawhid = full security in this life and hereafter. This equation is teaching us if we follow Al Quran and true sunnah in all sphere of our life we will not have problem. But for the test disaster can come to us. In this regard the true believer will accept the disaster as a test and accordingly for the disbeliever it will be a punishment. For a muslim, every moment and every of our work is ebada if we do for Him but most of us are impure in case of purity , in case of ebada related to Allah and related to human being. Most of us are doing injustice in the family,society as well as in the country. If the injustice(zulm) is there everywhere, there is no question of having peace.
Sura Al Imran verse 190 Allah Says “ The creation of the sky and the earth and the alteration of day and night there is knowledge for the wise.” We the people how much thinking about our lord who is the most high. Every single thing in the sky and earth in His knowledge. If you study sura kahaf will find Prophet Khizeer(as) gave an example to Prophet moses (as) that when a small tiny bird took a drop of water for her thurst. Khizeer (as) said the knowledge from him(Allah) gave to you and me that would not reduce from His knowledge like a tiny bird took a drop of water from the ocean. Allah created the sky and earth , all creatures for benefitting human being. How much we are grateful to Him? He is the Allah who created all these. He is the only owner of the sovereignty. All the creature are grateful to Him except a portion from human being. There is no lord except him to be worshipped. In the day of judgment no one will take others load. Everyone will be responsible for him/her. Sura Noor verse 55 “ Allah has promised those who have believed among you and done righteous deeds that he will surely grant them succession upon the earth just as He granted it to those before them and that He will surely establish for them their religion which He has preferred for them and that He will surely substitute for them after their fear,security they worship me , not associating anything with me” In this verse,why Allah clearly described and gave condition to mankind that if we want to have security, our ebada must be pure and without associating anything with Him. We have to have analysis for our life. The believers today are not furnishing their belief, not performing 5 times prayer on time in masjid, not paying their Zakat and even after having rich not performing Hajj. Most of these immature muslim are running behind democracy for establishing Islam which is not a straight way of islam. For establishing islam there is not a short cut way. All muslim ummah need to be united and in this regard personal character to be established by Quran and Sunnah. Most of the muslim are illiterate from quran and sunnah and we are running for establishing Islamic state. Prophet (pbuh) was furnishing people 13 years in Makkah. Sura Furkan verse 63 to 70 explained the quality of a muslim. If we are not true mu’min we have to suffer more and the disbeliever will dominate us in the long run. It should be clear for a muslim that this life is the work field for hereafter. We must lead our life according to the scripture. Surah Al A’la verse 16-17 is explaining “But you prefer the worldly life while the hereafter is better and more enduring.” Unfortunately the muslim today are behind money and wealth and muslim culture has changed by mixing non culture. We have to build our Islamic heritage by searching our old history otherwise we cannot save ourselves from hell fire as Sura Zumar verse 16 explained “ They will have layers of fire over them and under them.”
As a muslim , as a human being we must help the mankind by our effort to save the society.Every religion has some benefit and needs to follow their daily life accordingly. Government must take initiative to stop all bad things which are unfavorable for the society and bringing destruction for the generation. I am requesting all muslim brothers and sisters to go through Quran and Sunnah deeply to build Islamic life and develop the morality of the family and children and the morality develops out of deep knowledge. We have to reduce our desire and we have to earn that much from this world which will help us for our worship. We have to search all halal and throw from life all haram.We have to read Quran more and more because the first verse revealed “Iqra” means read. society is running in danger in this age. Most of us are not realizing due to the ignorance or we are not caring due to materialistic life. Moreover we must help the government by sending our information if we see they are playing negative role but polite way without making any crisis in the society. Ancient Muslim society was not like the age is running. Go back history and look how they were announcing islam beside the government even they were not following Islamic sharia properly. Islam is teaching us to be polite , to be modest , to be care for others. Most of the things are opposite now and we are worshipping and making our prayer around a dirt. If all of us can build our family and children by teaching Quran and Sunnah Insallah society will improve faster and no harm can touch muslim society. Why I am requesting all of you , the reason is clear that we will surely stand in front of Allah swat. one day and we have to reply what we did in our life time. There should not be any misunderstanding with us because this life is an examination field for us. We all must follow Quran and Sunnah and find out solution how we can reply the only one lord. Our work to announce or place the correct information to the community, As Allah says in Sura Gasia verse 21 “Your work to advise them only”. We have to take initiative to make one muslim ummah. Muslim cannot divide in groups. It is contradicting with our Islamic heritage. When shirq and bida’a started the Sufism and Islamic group started to establish in the society in the name of islam. Due to the reason the Islamic power is reducing and the non muslims are dominating us.We have to announce true islam from the life of Prophet(pbuh) and to be followed golden age of islam. This is the true way of islam and we have to follow till our death for our ebada. If you want to save yourself or your generation please take initiative to announce what is reveled from Allah swat. for mankind. Prophet (peace be upon him) said “ If you know a verse announce on behalf of me”. This is the only way and this is the way we can handle it. May Allah forgive all of you , forgive me and forgive all mankind.
বিষয়: বিবিধ
১০৮০ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য
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