Present political situation
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন মাহা ০৬ ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০১৩, ০৪:২৭:০০ বিকাল
About to end the Awami Government all the nonsense failures are coming forward too much. This government has no acheivement except corruption. Sk Hasina knows only to use very faul words against Khaleda Zia and Tarek Zia. On the other hand Khaleda never used any slag languages such the Dr. Hasina uses. Now they are doing drama about "Manobotabirodhi oporadher bicar". I also wish such but not in their own process. If Jamat would be connected with AL, what may happens? I think this chapter will never raise in AL Government. Actually this government is doing all in a desired shape due to tackle their failures. What is their goal? Where Padma Bridge does not get shine but Abul is declared great Deshpremik! The greatest Kadder Siddiqui is now treated as Rajakar but Mosarraf Sb. is the minister. I think all the citizens shoul be awared about their activities. They only know how to earn more and more money from all the sectors as Electricity,Share Market, Hall Mark, Padma Bridge, Arms purchasing etc.
If some one enter into AL he becomes certified as freedom fighter or great bangladeshi. What a great idea of a old and great Party?
To overcome all these failures we need the future rescue Tarek Zia. By the grace of almighty Allah he will must carry us to a well organized Bangladesh.
বিষয়: বিবিধ
৯০১ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য
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