Blackmailer Sk. Hasina

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন মাহা ২৩ জুন, ২০১৩, ০৩:৩৩:৫২ দুপুর

By this time Sk. Hasina very often uses few unusual, very ordinary and uneven words in favor of her own self and Government. She is that Hasina who has done all as per her ability to establish Caretaker Government formula. Many people were killed, too much loss have done to the nation but She was street on her demand and finally it become included in to constitution. After winning in last Moinuddin’s election her party alliances earned great (Much people take it selection) result. By reading all the parts of Moin gongs activity it is very clear that this Government was made by their desired demand. Only to confirm no punishment against their naughty (Finally) acts they have to shake hand with compromising character in the country Sk. Hasina. This is that Hasina who was described wrong headed by the Supreme Court, who told her BCL to kill 10 against 1 dead, who has used Jammat first after 90’s, Signed contact with Khelafot Mojlish etc. If I may remember than she bears really a funny character where she is found simply selfish who always does only to keep herself better.

Now she is crying too much to teach Begum Zia about Caretaker Government’s demand. What type of love from her to Begum Zia! Yesterday she told that if Caretaker Government introduced then they will never hold election till to the Keyamot! What a speech by a prime minister! I think she realized about her and her alliances future. So she has no idea to hold free and fare election. She only thinks how can she stay long time thus very often she uses very childhood lectures. Time and tide wait for none. Because she is the only more times Doctorate degree holders in the world and she should show respect to the nation’s demand unless she will be treated very cheaply by the nation. I feel very shame and sad that why she has to create drama again and again. Why Reshma is kept from the press?

Please PM, to keep the nation well be friendly with us. We are not fool as you and your leaders mean. We are a brave nation and we can do everything in order to establish our demand.

বিষয়: রাজনীতি

১১৮১ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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