Sabr does not mean suffering in silence.
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন রাবেয়া বসরী ১৮ অক্টোবর, ২০১৩, ০৯:৩৬:৫৯ সকাল
Yasmin Mogahed said in her lecture-
Sabr is not suffering in silence. Sabr can be translated into patience, perseverance, consistency, persistence, its being able to withstand hardship, its being able to respond when needed and not respond when needed.
Sabr is not actually mean as being passive. .... it does not mean being passive on whats going on in our lives. Rather there are times when we need to stand firm. One of the meaning of Sabr is standing firm. ...... How does Sabr fit in in the context of oppression ? Sabr does not mean that you don't take any action to end the oppression. In fact, in order to take action, in order to stand firm , in order to be successful in that action that you are taking, you need Sabr. You need to stand firm, need to persevere if you are going to stand up against oppression.
SubhanAllah, the concept of Sabr in the context of oppression or in the context of abuse is quite the opposite than what we usually think of as Sabr.
A lot of times when women are told or women believe that if they are being mistreated or they are being abused they should just be patient. They are told to be patient. And this concept of being patient in the concept of oppression is something that is not in Islamic concept.
The Prophet (SW) has taught us that when we see something wrong then we should try to change it. He doesn't say that when you see something wrong just be patient and stay quiet about it. Rather when you see something wrong try to change it with your hand, if you cannot then try to speak out against it. And at the very least hate it in your heart. And that's the weakest of faith. In this Hadith we are taught how we should respond when we see something wrong, when we see oppression, when we see abuse; or if its happening to us. We should try to change it. It should not be something that we just accept and that means we are being good Muslims.
In another Hadith Prophet (SW) told his companions, "Help your brother whether he is an oppressor or whether he is being oppressed." The companions said, "We can understand how we help our brother when he is being oppressed. But how do we help our brother when he is the oppressor ?" The Prophet (SW) said, "By stopping him from oppressing." So you see, we learn from this Hadith that you are actually helping your brother, whether he is your husband, your wife, or your significant other, or your father or your mother or anyone in your life who is being oppressive, who is being abusive. By stopping that person you are actually helping them. This should be the thing that one does for the sake of Allah.
Here is the link of the lecture -
বিষয়: বিবিধ
১৪২৬ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য
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