লিখেছেন লিখেছেন ইগলের চোখ ২৬ জানুয়ারি, ২০১৬, ০৩:৩১:৫১ দুপুর
Simplification of policy regulations, connecting domestic and foreign investors and technological innovations are key to attract foreign direct investment in Bangladesh. Investors would be able to reap the best benefits from their investment in Bangladesh than any other countries in the world. Bangladesh should address the challenges to keep the country’s advantage in attracting FDI guaranteed. The country also takes initiative to attract FDI from the South Asian nations with enhancing regional integration and boosting trade within the region which is currently the least integrated one in the world. By investing in Bangladesh the investors also would get access to domestic, regional and global markets. Now in Bangladesh, the investors will enjoy immense benefits including duty- and quota-free market access to almost across the world for at least next 10 years until Bangladesh graduates from least developed countries to next stage. No country will provide with such advantage. Regional integration involves four processes–market integration, growth integration, investment integration and policy integration. Innovations needed to be encouraged to attract lots of domestic investors as well as foreign investors. Connectivity is also very important for an efficiency and productivity of driven economy.
বিষয়: বিবিধ
৬৮৮ বার পঠিত, ১ টি মন্তব্য
পাঠকের মন্তব্য:
thanks dear brother
মন্তব্য করতে লগইন করুন