Is Economic solvency important for the Islamic revolution?

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন এরবাকান ১০ নভেম্বর, ২০১৪, ১০:১২:১৯ রাত

By Nayeem Siddiqi

The beduin population of Arabia was poor and lived nomadic life on the meager income from their cattle or restored to armed robbery. In the hamlets and villages their chiefs snatched away all the produced of their labour large cities were few and comparatively better off but even there, the gulf between the upper and lower classes existed, the former living in affluence and the letter condemned to starvation level. The rich spent their income on women and wine, gambling and other vices and some of them, particulary the jews, carried on money-lending business and exploited their customers. The masses in Arabia lived in abject poverty, and ate even dried blood, boiled skin of animals.Education and medical aid were lacking and even those who had learnt somthing had learnt it by practical experience. For treatment of disease they prayed to their idols or used charms and potions, and the soothsayers and astrologers exploited them. In short, the basic need of Arabia was bread and in a population whose only problem was how to keep the body and soul together no lessons in higher truths could be tought or learnt. Any ideology which aimed at r praising the level of a people steeped in abject poverty could never succeed by mere preaching or sermons on moral values. Even if the rod is used to establish order and teach morality the system will become an anathema to the public. Humanity can be conquered by a moral ideology only when along with concern for the Hereafter the problems of this world are also trackled, when along with moral uplifts, economic problems are also solved. The movement which the Prophet Launched while giving the light of faith and moral values also propagated the most effective methods of providing the fill for the stomach. In the brief moral code of earliest Islam, feeding of the hungry was given the highest importance, while care of the orphans, widows and wayfarers was an incumbent duty of every Muslim.

বিষয়: বিবিধ

৮৭০ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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