কাইমাতি কেনিয়ান পানতোয়া
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন তিমির মুস্তাফা ২২ অক্টোবর, ২০১৪, ০৩:০২:৩৪ রাত
I love sweet. In the last Ramadan, Iftaar parties were arranged in our Masjid as usual. By the grace of Almighty- we had tested so many wondwerful delicacies from different parts of the world. One day, one Kenyan elder brought this 'kaimati. The look, the test and flavor was very 'deshi, however- it was not! I have asked the Brother, how did you make it! then I got it ! It doesn't take that long and preparation is simple! Jelapi balls! As I enjoyed, wish others will enjoy as well!
Kaimati –sweet dumplings- a Swahili delicacy
2 cups of all purpose flour
1.5 teaspoon yeast
2 tablespoon ghee ( can be supplemented with oil)
1 and ¼ cup of water, (warm water is better in Canada)
Cooking oil for frying (vegetable oil is fine)
2 cups of sugar
2 Cups of water
1 teaspoon saffron ( if unavailable, add ‘clean food color )
¼ teaspoon cardamom
2 drops of rose flavor
Mix all flour, ghee and water together properly, add warm water and mix well until no lumps remain, add yeast and mix again. Cover the mixture and let the yeast work, the mixture will rise up with bubbles! Mix again prior to use. The mixture will be a bit liquid!
Syrup: Boil Sugar in water, add all the ingredients, cook until become sticky, keep aside.
Heat oil in a dip frying pan, Use a tablespoon or a teaspoon ( depending what size you want!) and start spooning out small amount of mixture and fry them until golden brown. Take them out and drop them into the Syrup, Dip the ball into the syrup, hold for a while and take them out, Keep in a plate to serve!
tricks: some says, cooling down of the Fried dumpling before tossing into the Syrup. Some says, return the syrup Pot into the stove, put on high heat and then add the dumpling on it –Slowly Rotate the dumplings inside the syrup to have a better coating of sugar solution in all side.
বিষয়: বিবিধ
৯৬৫ বার পঠিত, ২ টি মন্তব্য
পাঠকের মন্তব্য:
রান্নাও একটা ‘আর্ট, নেহায়েত হেলাফেলার বস্তু নয়!
যে রাঁধে সে চুলও বাঁধে‘র অনুকরণে
যে লিখে সে দেখেও শিখে! আমাকে সেরকম
দেখে শিখা এক ভোজন রসিক বলতে পারেন!
ফলাফল জানাবেন কিন্তু !
মন্তব্য করতে লগইন করুন