Advise To Muslim Sisters How to Dress Modestly As a Muslim Girl

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন Sadik Hasan ০৪ আগস্ট, ২০১৩, ০৪:২৮:০০ বিকাল

1) Wear proper hijab/khimar. This means that you

must obey Allah's command to cover everything

apart from your face and hands (on which opinion

is divided). The clothing must be loose and not

revealing the shape of your body, it must not be

see through, it must not be too eye catching and it

must not resemble the clothing of a man or the

non-Muslims. Wearing it is a command by Allah

swt, we have to obey this rule or face punishment

2) Avoid fancy hijabs in bright colours, with

patterns or tassels or sequins. Hijab should be

plain and simple in design, with maximum

coverage. Not a single hair can be shown and the

neck must be covered. Plain colours such as

black, brown, dark blue and white are best.

3) Do not wear make-up in front of any non-

mahram males, that includes in laws. Do not leave

the house wearing make-up. During Eid, using

sparkly lip gloss, eyeshadow, and lipstick is

perfectly fine. However, using a little makeup is

okay as long as you don't abuse your right to

wear it. However, there are still debates about

whether or not you're allowed to wear it. Since

there's no obvious answer, follow the tips above. If

you're not sure about wearing it outside, that's

okay, but you can wear it in front of a mahram.

4) Hijab is not just the headscarf. This is a

common misconception. Skinny jeans, see-through

clothes, and tight t-shirts messes up the whole

modesty concept. It is preferable to wear an outer

garment outside, such as an abaya or jilbab,

because even loose clothing is sometimes not

Islamic enough.


বিষয়: বিবিধ

৯৮০ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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