Please please Respect the month of Ramadan
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন আনিসুর রহমান ১৫ জুলাই, ২০১৩, ০২:১৪:১৮ রাত
Some people try to disrespect the holy month of Ramadan through very clever way. They try to down Allaha Shafi’s personality based on unreliable proof and cleverly they try to engage believer to unwanted subject during the month of Ramadan.
As a believer I believe during this month of Ramadan, a Muslim should be avoid all sort of rubbish talk, conflict and unwanted talk or activities because of Ramadan. It is important to note that according to Quran and sunnah Ramadan is the month of training.
I know this people are rock hard people but they need to remember that before they try to down Allahma Shafi by upholding ‘Quran burning issue” but fail. Inshallah this time their heinous afford did not bring any success for them.
Beware their heinous conspiracy against the holy month of Ramadan through various activities like downing the Ulema etc
This subject is not suited to discuss during the month of Ramadan. Please no comment during this month but after Ramadan you are welcome for any comment.
My request to every conscious people:
Please respect the month of Ramadan
Respect the majority people believe in Bangladesh as well
I am very happy if anybody else translates it into Bangla and reposts it. Thanks
বিষয়: বিবিধ
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