Lost Id/Password
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন সেলিম ২৯ এপ্রিল, ২০১৩, ০২:৪৮:৪৩ রাত
Being busy with professsonal life as well as going on HSC exam, I could not visit todayblog for a pretty long time. Unfortunately, I have lost my id/password .As a result, it has become imposssible to log in. At last I made request for password. Yet I could not enter my own page. Finding no way, I have to make a new account. Has there any way to find out my username and password? Otherwise I have to shed tears for my lost posting.
বিষয়: বিবিধ
১০২৮ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য
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