Ideal life.

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন Mutual respect for development ১৩ এপ্রিল, ২০১৩, ০৩:৩৪:০৯ রাত

I am writing a very simple thing which is known by every one in this earth because it is inseparable part of human knowledge.

when a person in a position to dominate a group of people he supposed to do his job in compliance with his dignity as well as morality which could make him happy in order to continue his job for the betterment of his personal life as well as for the group to whom he is serving.

A person who is appreciated for his good leadership in order for think forward for the betterment of a country which could relief from the curse of poverty;then why we should not appreciate that of. A good thing always supported by a group of people which will certainly longer than everything else.

we are the young generation of this country we should not be demotivated from our sprite by the way of wash.I am study in a foreign university and i have been missing a good leader who could bring my country forward;where the general people of mine country will get enough security in terms of everything and I strongly believe that we will get that one day BUT how long we should wait............

These are our mistake, we should not be like a gold fish which forget everything in a minute, in order to select a proper leader for our hopeful country. I certainly believe we can do it if we think about it.

বিষয়: রাজনীতি

৯১৯ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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