World Today; World to Come Tomorrow
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন সাদাচোখে ১১ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১৬, ০৫:০৯:২৫ বিকাল
The Great Deceiver wearing the mask of US wanted to ensure two things to happen on this world (i) a severe enmity and clash between Muslims and Christians so that morally they bow down to the feet of deceptive Jews only and (ii) a complete destruction of existing system of governance of the world (specially in the areas (a) loyalty, rule of law and its enforcement, (b) money, trade, profession and commerce); so that a new system of governance of the world can be imposed upon the mankind controlled from Jerusalem; instead of todays’ Washington or like earlier London.
In order to fulfill its first desire; US administration knowingly or unknowingly has had to form this illegal force; with many names and brands of it like Al Qaida to Boko Haram to ISIL to IS to FSA to Kurdish Army to Moderate terrorist and to what not; calling these brands of theirs jointly as Muslim Extremist/Islamic terrorist – by capitalizing the legitimate peoples anger bubbling in Muslim Lands for decades, against the systematic occupation, oppression, torture and the many variety of controlling regimes put in place disguising under the names of UN, IMF, World Bank, Developing Partners, Rights Organization, Free Medias, Civil Societies, Dollar based Transaction and ever changing so called Politics and Democracy etc. that the UK and later the US visible and invisible imposed on them sometimes forcefully and in some cases deceitfully.
The objectives of forming this force i.e. Islamic Terrorist are to create grounds to (i) radicalize more and more young people in one hand; who will express their hate and discontent online and offline to sensitize different social and news media’s, dictate discussions among the friends and families because of its awe type action and force youth to join in different hate mongering groups and gangs elsewhere so that they can feel a kind of perceived engagement and revenge is under the process - forgetting all sorts of sanity, thoughts, rationale and surely respective religious doctrines; on the other hand (ii) spread a sense of insecurity and helplessness all over the world among the masses of Christians and Muslims men, women, children and elderly. So that the masses live like no one, dependent on the mercy of forces in the power structure; who are under command, influence and constant threat of Great Deceiver. As a result both the groups from Australia to Canada are now under the grasp of the Great Deceiver, submitted and subjugated – without any clue, facts, figures - nothing. Under this mechanism (truly it’s a test and trial) a group confirms their destiny to the hell fire by killing innocents and creating anarchy on the earth; while the other group ensuring their fate by tolerating such cruelty, injustice and undertaking orders from deceivers in disguise - even though the orders contradict their key religious demand i.e. refrain from associating anything with true sustenance provider and exposing disbelief in God.
In order to fulfill its second desire; US administration knowingly or unknowingly has had to look for every single possible ways and means to confront with the legitimate interests of Russia and China; ignoring and bypassing all existing international rules, protocols and organizations whatsoever. In that process US abnormally (i) pokes its nose to issues of other parties without any relevance and relation of it whatsoever, (ii) exert, conceal and contaminate true facts and figures everywhere from east to South China Sea to Ukraine to Crimea to Black sea to Syria to Malaysian air line, everywhere. Furthermore it uses a bunch of countries (like Philippines, France, Poland etc.), statesmen (like Angela Markel, Hollande etc.), multinational organizations (like EU, NATO, G7, IMF, Moody etc.) and their special agents (like ISIS, Black Water, Charle Hebdo, CNN, Al Jazeera etc.) to keep (i) burning the hearts and souls of Russians and Chinese, (ii) insulting their sense of tolerance and care, (iii) ensuring their materialistic losses in economy and human life and livelihood and (iv) tempting them to fight back and engage in warfare.
The objective of the Great Deceiver behind the curtain of US administration; is to administer and pursue China and Russia to form a military alliance first and then push the newly formed alliance to confront US led NATO in every single spare of influence possible; so that both of the sides will find no options but to engage in Nuclear War instantaneously; resulting near complete destruction of US, Canada, UK, Australia, France, Germany, India and so on in one side and on the other Russia, China, Pakistan, Turkey and so on. That war will then ensure legitimacy of Israel to rise on the top of the ladder and to dictate new laws, protocols, monetary mechanism and relevant enforcement regimes to rule the world from Jerusalem replacing the current rule of the Washington using UN and IMF bodies etc. It would be as identical as the US rise on the top of the ladder on year 1945; just after the war; when US dictated the new laws, protocols, monetary mechanism etc. to rule the new world by replacing the then rules and protocols of United Kingdom.
বিষয়: বিবিধ
১৩৫৯ বার পঠিত, ৪ টি মন্তব্য
পাঠকের মন্তব্য:
Jajakallahu khair.
মন্তব্য করতে লগইন করুন