'Diabetes' - By Yasir Haque,Grade 4, (2006 Ontario provincial Educational Challenge First Prize Winner)

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন রেজাউল হক ০৯ জুন, ২০১৩, ০৪:০৬:৩০ বিকাল

Hey everybody, I’m here to talk about a disease

A disease that is called diabetes

Here are some things that make it our foe,

So listen up and be in the know

There are 2 types of diabetes that can affect you

So you should know about type 1 and type 2

Type 1- your pancreas does not make any insulin

and You usually get it when you are younger

Type-2 your pancreas make some insulin and

you usually get it when you are older

But what does it do? You ask

Well I am getting there, so here are some facts

But before we start I have something to say,

Your pancreas has an important part to play You see you eat an apple or so,

It turns into glucose and gets on the go

Your pancreas produces insulin to glucose into each cell,

So they can have energy to get working well

But when you have diabetes your pancreas can’t make Insulin or any at all,

So the glucose just stays there and like a car at a stall

Then your body feels kind of drowsy,

Even your mood can start to feel lousy.

But we can prevent this disease now you see,

By eating healthy, exercise and daily activity

Now get out there eat well, have fun and play!

I hope you have learned something about diabetes today.


বিষয়: বিবিধ

১৩৪৬ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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