Last night they tried to kill us in East London mosque while we were praying taraweh !

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন সিরাজ ইবনে মালিক ২৯ জুন, ২০১৫, ০৪:৩৭:০১ বিকাল

Are you clear now that ISIL is not a Islamic group?

Why they attacking mosque?

Why they want to kill Muslim ?

Why last night we was scared about bomb out side of East London mosque while we were praying?

ISIL, ISIS, IS,BOKO HARAM, TALEBAN ETC those are cancer of the society and whole humanity. They're growing up day by day and remember they can kill you anytime that you never knows. Last night taraweh prayer time in our East London mosques area we heard somebody left the bomb for attack our mosque then police investigated and they didn't found at the end. I believe it was a false news but who knows it could be truth !

Of-course good Muslim are follow the guideline from Al mighty Allah which is sent through Quran and teaching of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) . And i want to ensure you this lunatic cult of people which is name as ISIL have no relation with Islam. First of all Islam forbid suicide and killing people. I don't know how they brain wash those small poor youth might be they are using misinterpretation of Quran And Hadith. Any how there is evil force active behind the scene how are supplying arms , money and propaganda to ISIL . And that satanic cult goal is to destroy ME by waging sectarian war which they got success in Iraq , Libya and Syria. Finally they want to start it between Iran and KSA. So i urge to all ME leader open your eyes if you can not still see your enemy go back and check the history via Quran and Hadith. Terrorist has no religion and please call them terrorist and don't blame any religion.

France, Kuwait, Tunisia: Where next?

O Allah save us from Dajjal. Ameen


বিষয়: বিবিধ

১৪৪০ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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