Yet I can not belief ! And I do not want to belief ! Why GENOCIDE happened on 6th May, 2013 at Matijeel Shapla by Bangladesh Government !!

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন আহবান ১০ মে, ২০১৩, ১১:৫৯:১৪ সকাল

After 40 years of our Independency, we are doing some trial for those who supports Pakistan during 71 war. But in today's world, how come Bangladesh government conducted GENOCIDE to unarmed protestors using all lethal arms ? These people never used even a single hand bomb. They were in the center of the city whole day, but they did not do torch or any damage to different office, banks around their gathering. Even if they would do so, government can not conduct mass GENOCIDE against them. How ferocious and dare this government leadership is !! PM Hasina said they burnt Al-Quran. But if they need to burn the Qur'an, they can do that near to their gathering. Moreover Al-Qur'an is in their heart, why they are going to burn? Government is thinking that public are too nonsense. Inqilab and other media revealed that Chattra league leader Bishajit led to burn the Islamic Book stores in Baitul Mukarram and that area was controlled by AL workers. This is pre-planned. I may have doubt about picture, but video clip is also fake ?? It has been revealed that Awami league workers with helmet torched parking cars inside house-building office. So what else ? Is it possible to hide the truth in today's world.

If trial can be done after 40 years, do you think today's GENOCIDE will be escaped !!! We feel so sorry Hasina, MK Alamgir, Benazir, Inu, will be hanged during trial without any doubt. So why they did this heinous GENOCIDE !! Why they killed people who are hafiz and alim on Al-Qur'an ?? I'm not getting any answer and I do not want to belief. But so far the video clip revealed it is clear -it was MASS GENOCIDE. Is it something like that this government likes to drink BLOOD !! The whole nation is shocked and sick knowing this GENOCIDE occurred by Hasina government.

Note: People of Bangladesh has to be more careful about their life from this Hasina government. She is so ferocious and autocrat that she can order anything to destroy the humanity, brotherhood in Bangladesh.

বিষয়: বিবিধ

১০৪৮ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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