Beautiful muslim society infected by disease and how to be cured? ( সুন্দর মুসলিম সমাজ রোগে ঝরাগ্রস্ত এবং কিভাবে সুস্হ করবেন)

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন মহিউডীন ১৪ মার্চ, ২০১৩, ০১:১০:৩৮ দুপুর

Assalamualaykum. The days passed are the best and coming days are worse. Why I am uttering these words perhaps few of us knows those are watching media and reading news paper daily basis. I remember my early days of my life we were leading good life with family , friends and relatives. The society was not worse like the days passing. In between many of us left from the world. This is the reality we all will face the same in our life wherever we are. This topic will help all of us including our new generation those are habituated in English in their daily life and not understanding even their mother tongue. Specially, I think it will help them to understand and find the light of basic Islam and what is happening in our society. Perhaps some of us aware , there are many chronic diseases are affected to us. The illness of human being is not coming suddenly. There are some sources like genetics, bacteria, poor nutrition, viruses, parasites and fungi etc. Any human being are not inviting or expecting diseases , if any disease affected, everyone wants to control or prevent the same. There are many kinds of diseases are affected to present society from which , I am highlighting some, which can be help us and our generation to survive from the destruction. We all must work for our muslim community to present a peaceful society.

However, the world today is suffering from a terrible disease , a philosophy , an ideology which affected all of us individually , socially and every corner of the society. Every one of us are enjoying a materialistic life. I am telling what it is ?.

I am also one of this society. By the Grace of Almighty Allah swt. , has shown me by His grace such a light, from which I found some indication to go forward and announce for mankind some sort of information which exists in the society, so that everyone of us can lead a healthy life. For your information I am compelled to say that most of the people are not realizing about the life they are passing either in country or abroad. Those came in Saudi Arabia also most of them are enjoying materialistic life. Allah swt. expressed in Quran this is the secured place (Makkah) and surely wisdom is there. But unfortunately most of our people are coming here with Shirk and Bida’a (Associate something with Allah while worship and New invention) and going to Makkah and Madina but they don’t have heart to look what kind of worship is going there and how to be make an amendment for life or our culture? And staying some years and leaving the kingdom with some materialistic goods. Every one of us are very busy from morning till evening behind two things. Money and wealth and most of us are thinking wealth and money is equal to happiness. If you ask most of the people what brings you happiness? They will answer about Money and wealth only.

What Allah says in Al Quran Surat Adariah Verse 56 “ I created Jin and human being for the worship only”. Look my brothers most of the muslim does not know how to be a good muslim. A part of my life I was a muslim. I was doing all muslim culture without knowing. My parents prayed and I prayed. My parents did good deed and I had done also accordingly. They have taken care of the relatives , I have also followed same way, They have given charity , I have followed also accordingly. Most of the generation you will find are following the forefathers, as the Arab Moshreq was doing. Islam din’t come from family. Islam is the guidance from which Allah swt. Has sent through a special kind of human being named Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him). Islam is peace and a muslim means who surrendered himself to islam because this islam came from Allah swt. Allah swt. said in sura Al Imran Verse 19 “ Islam only religion from Allah swt”. So the one who will tell I am a muslim he must vow his head in-front of Allah by following exactly Al Quran and Sunnah of prophet ( peace be upon him). Prophet (peace be upon him) said this world and whatever belong to this are curse except the scholar of the religion , the student of knowledge and remembrance of Allah (dhikir). The surrendering muslim must follow the Islamic sharia (rules and regulations) all of their movement of life. Why? Because Allah has sent human being in this world to follow his guideline only. Human being is the best creation of this universe and he has given authority of freedom for a specific period to do good deed and avoid all bad deed only in every sphere of his life. Sura Mulk Verse 2 Allah says “ I created death and life to justify whose work is good”. One most important thing need to be explained, if you look Islamic history approximate 124,000 followers of Prophet ( peace be upon him) and later the muhaddesin(scholars of quran and sunnah) were announcing islam based on Quran and Sunnah. They din’t divide islam. And in Quran also documented in-front of us Sura An’am verse 159 “ Surely you have no responsibility for them those who divide islam” unfortunately last 500 years muslims divided through majhab and many groups of islam is delivering dawa by following different culture or inventing new things in worship and some are involved in politics by following democracy. In Quran it is clear that muslim will be one nation. They will follow Quran and sunnah in their daily life, they will work together , they will protest together , they will earn something together by following the life of Prophet (pbuh) but they will not harm any creature or kill people through bombarding or damage peoples wealth or any other destructive way. This is not the way of establishing peace and this is not the Islamic way. We have to follow Islamic philosophy how it came from Prophet (pbuh) and a group of followers will work for islam till the end of this universe.

Generally two kinds of people are in this universe. One who are in the shade of Islam means believers and the others are Disbelievers. In the day of judgment also it will be divided same way. But the justification will be for the believers. Why believers will be justified? Within the believers there are Muttaki ( those follow exactly the one lord, separating Halal(valid) and Haram(invalid) in daily life and make worship without shirk and Bida’a). In Quran also declared Paradise for Muttakin. So within the muslim the Hypocrat (monapik) and the sinners will be separated and will be thrown in hell fire with the disbeliever. But Allah swt. will bring some by his mercy from hell fire to paradise after punishment. Those are prayed but did mistakes like Bida’a( which prophet din’t do)and other sins. According to hadith the last person will enter in paradise who has belief but prayed. Without prayer no one can enter paradise. In our society many people are telling Insallah we will enter paradise due to belief. If anyone is a believer he must obey five pillars of Islam, this is compulsory and will perform other good deed. Ok I was explaining about the people are behind two things and those are money and wealth. The muslim are following this ideology parallel to their religion. It is destroying us individually , families, society and all over the world. This is the religion and ideology of consumerism or materialism. Surely I am not telling no one is getting benefit from it but how much? Alhamdulillah, you are doing a job, this is halal(valid) for you. You will run your family , you will give charity from it , you will help relatives and poor that’s fine. But I am telling most of us we are following this as an ideology. We need to proof how wealth can be equal to happiness? We individually like spending. How we can expand more business , how we can be economically more prosperous. Every nation has a priority. They have a competition how they can make a prosperous country. Because we think money is the social prestige and happiness. By money we can buy everything , we can have holidays , we can buy expensive materials , expensive cars , furnish beautiful wife , smiling children , enjoying to look smiling teeth in the concert of social gathering ,nice house , loving husband , buying fast food and soft drink so on and consumer society surely are providing all of these. La hawla wala kuwaata illah billah ( There is no help except Allah swt.)

We are bombarded 365 days in a year with the doxin , with the religious text of this ideology , the advertisement , buy this buy that , have this have that . if you buy a latest car you need to sell it tomorrow. If you have a family car you need to have again individually. If you drink so much soft drink you will burst , your teeth fall out. The advertisement is telling drink coca cola it’s a real thing it’s a life. Is it reality my brothers? We are all pulled. We are all busy behind money and wealth how much money we can generate. Because now we imagine we have been indoxinated, money is equal to wealth. It’s the American dream. It’s the dream of staying Europe. Do you know the dream of Americans? 70% of the world resources are using 17% of the world population and this 17% largely concentrated in western homsphere. If we want to lead a life of one average American we need to have three planets like this earth. This is the first problem. Second problem is we everyone are watching it daily basis. Last few years even before many people made suicide and hang themselves including teen ager. Many king , Cinema artist business personalities, journalist and media workers. Do they not look beautiful? Do they not have fame? Do they not have enough resources? They have all material facilities. If money and wealth = happiness why they killed themselves? I have seen long time ago in an Indian news paper 14 years old girl made suicide. The reason her mother would not let her watching TV. And you will find most of the days in our news papers teen ager (boy and girl) together hanging themselves. O my lord! this is the curse of consumer society. This is the curse of this ideology. Look what is happening in our neighboring country.

Last December in india at Delhi 6 persons raped a medical girl named Damini and she died in Singapore an hospital named Mount Elezabeth hospital. What happened? She was coming back from cinema hall with her boy friend and in bus 6 people raped her ,bitten her and throw her from the car. Yes, this a criminal act. But where was the control of the Indian government? It is happened in capital city. It is an open news in the news paper and it affected in Indian politics. Since long time news already been published no state of india is safe including capital city for the woman. These type of criminal act huge in the society but some are publishing due to the expertise of media worker. Many cases the victims are not going to police station for social prestige. Now a day’s most of the Indian citizen are believing this is the worst place for the woman. People are not safe anywhere either travelling by bus , by train or any other transport. After the incident of damini in 3rd January again another incident happened by a powerful Congress Leader named Bikrom sing Borma in west Bengal who was forcing a lady to rape and the lady was calling her husband and the people of the area handed over him to Police. According to police station statistics these kind of social torture increasing day by day. From 2010 – 2012 this number is 1714 but few criminals are punished. This number is the tip of iceberg than the criminal. The social disease not only happened in Delhi everywhere in india spreading now. The day Damini died, another same incident also happened in Delhi. Rajosthan , Gujrat and west Bengal also people are suffering for this type of cases and patients are not secured in hospitals. Recently there is an NGO named Association for democratic reforms pressed editorial. It is explained there are allegation against 6 elected member of various State Bidhan Association. And last five years 27 candidates has chosen whom are involved in same case. Those people of Kashmir and Nagaland are against government, police himself torturing the ladies of these states. In another Indian news paper stated “ women suffer big in india’s vs. rebel’s war”.

Damini was from one of the Indian poor family who was dreaming for a beautiful life. She lost her life by some animal those we cannot tell a human being because this kind of activity can be done by an animal. United Secretary Ban Ki Moon expressed in his opinion “ Every girl and woman has the right to be respected , valued and protected” He was urging Indian government to take positive action for the same. I was astonished to read some news from the news paper that Shahrukh Khan , the bollywood super star expressed his opinion in tuitar “ I feel shame to be one of this unhealthy society and culture.” All the Indians are soul searching now a day’s including Lata mungashkar , Omitab Bacchan , Shabana Ajmi so on. We are not expecting these type of emotion will continue long run in this materialistic society. What is behind this you can find out from Indian culture the work of bollywood and let’s look it. After the incident , I have studied sometime why this type of cases are happening all over the country? I found Two main reason. First one is , People are out from religion. Second is the Bollywood film industry. So I have gone through just looking some scene for my writing purpose only. I found most of the pictures are against humanity and recent pictures are worse. I am asking all of you, is there any learning from these? For building human character nothing is there but it is derailing the generation and they are learning how they can fall in love with each other. If you notice, you will find less number of adults are going to enjoy cinema hall. Most of the young generation are there because when they are looking in the advertisement a sexual refection, as a matter of fact the sleeping mind of the young has risen to watch this and afterwards his brain is working to look a girl. The other problem due to social crisis many of the boys cannot marry on time and they are addicted by adultery, drinking alcohol and gambling a certain period of daily life. I have seen from my early life Bollywood Cinema are exporting worldwide and wherever Indian people are there they have shop for cassette and Cd’s. Those shops are selling Indian blue film also. India is near to us and we have seen before there was no much restriction for people coming and going to this two neighboring countries. Their film is full to the brim in our market and a percent of our young generation are affected by this. Last few years in bollywood cinema displaying a song named “ Item song” which is the worst dance , it is not possible to watch in a family with the children and family members. Surely, it is prohibited for muslim. This has broken the other pornographic Indian cinema. I am sorry to say, just informing the readers not to watch those or keep away your family and children from that. If you look recent production of their cinema not only young generation and the old people also will embrace this type of sexual activities. They have spread it to society and it spread like a disease all over the world. Do you think indian government are sleeping? The producers are earning crore’s from one film. Today Mr. Shahruk Khan is depressed for the worst situation of Indian culture. Why no one heard from him the days what was happening in Indian cinema? Many of the Indian cinema cannot be enjoyed with family members because of necked scene. Did he not act those cinemas? Did he and other actor actresses are not millionaire by this business? Are not these money from poor rikshawpuller and daily workers? I am giving one example from one of the film he acted as Billu Barber in “Love mera hit hit”. If any young unmarried person watching the dance, after cinema show he will surely fall in great danger. Many cinema directors produced dirty picture as Bidya Balan acted a picture named “Dirty picture”. In this picture hottest photos, has many sexy performance, Bed scene with actor and “ Qurban” one of them acted by Saif Ali Khan and Karina kapoor which reflected the secret information of a couple. These are few example and there are a lot of necked film displaying in their society and sucking the blood of the poor people. By watching necked film a young man what he will do? This is the impact of bollywood and spread in every corner of the society. By these films millions of our generation like school and college going students are destroying? Two years back he and some other cinema artiste came for a stage show in Bangladesh. In that function the young girls including rani mukharji were displaying the necked dance which you all aware at the time. That day he gave hurt to millions of religious muslims of the country. I cannot imagine, some parents were interested to send their daughter’s in the stage to display themselves. We have our politician always speaking for the development of the country , speaking for the benefit of the freedom fighters, speaking on behalf of muslim benefit and at the same time they are importing and worshiping this type of non culture. Not only that a minister also enjoyed the function by seating in the floor and he is a muslim. What will learn the generation from this minister? He is leading a ministry and delivering his speech for the betterment of the country. This type of dance is making mad to the young generation and due to that the victims are suffering all over the world. You muslim are watching advertisements and why your voice is not reaching to our government? Some of the advertisements of our media also playing negative role and it affects in the mind of our generation. When Islamic Tv came in the media we thought that our children will be helpful by that but later added advertisement like others to earn materialistic benefits and many of the business now came in the market by the name of islam but those actually are not playing on behalf of islam. Look Indian advertisement how spreading sexual emotions to their advertisements.

One Indian bollywood star named Catrina Kaif is displaying advertisement for a mango juice and it is displayed half neckedly and a feeling of sexual reflection is there and there are many others also displaying the same and all her Bale dance are making mad to the indian generation. If you look another advertisement deodorant it is used for a male. In this advertisement an old man when polished deodorant and a girl like a daughter who was jumping on him and opening the dress, if you look this scene you will tell that advertisement director is completely a mad. If these type of culture is full in the society no one can save themselves and a class of cinema director and investors are responsible for that. Government must control and stop all necked film for the building a healthy society. They are believing one lord beside others. I think if they go back to their religion will not find religious information to adopt like this culture. And another most important problem is, we the parents are not taking care where our children are moving? Is she not died due to the consumerism? Why it is needed to go to the cinema hall for enjoying cinema? This is the tool of consumer society. This is the curse of this ideology. We have humanity for all either muslim or non-muslim but we have to control ourselves from using this ideology.

We need to have the basic need from this consumer society. You will find huge stories of un- happiness , stories of confusion and stories of miseries. This ideology is telling us lies. We are all trying to have happiness by more fun , movies, society gatherings ,dancing ,drinking , amusement , music , so much fun in world fantasy. We are all enjoying with Christian , hindu , jew together with different culture. These are now the practice of muslim and it is their culture. Most of our media infected for the non culture. When we had one media we could at least watch the program with our family and children. I remember still now Professor Abdullah Saeed sir was presenting program and speaking soberly and a simple man with a white dress we called the dress “ Pajama Panjabi”. We were searching news paper to watch his program. Where are those program? We have now a lot of channel but the standard is zero. Most of young generation are going to lose our muslim heritage. In any of the media, our religious learned are not invited and if anyone wants to speak about Islam there is no chance at all. Last 10 years I myself stop TV at my home when I saw my daughter was made a comment for one of the dialect from a dramatic actor. We had hope after liberation we will be one nation who will be a prestigious nation in the world. The necked advertisement , face book , internet net working , Mobile is destroying most of our young generation. Every parent must control their children by using those. We must teach them for the bad impact of these. A big percent of teen ager are destroying their golden life by face book and many couple are divorcing from this now a days. Government must take an initiative to control of non culture and make amendment rules for the social crime which cannot be delayed month after month.

Any abnormal incident are happening the nation wants to have severe punishment so that the crime will be lessen. Rule is not for giving punishment to the criminal , rule is for reducing crime and we are seeing a lot of major crime is floating in the society and there is no justice. This way people will lost hope , criminal will be safe and social crisis will increase. In our time school , college or university was teaching us some general principles for the society. Most of the teachers we found honest and religious. They were teaching us and highlighted about religious activities. Now a days students are not safe in the institutions. Most of the teachers are involved in dirty politics. This way country cannot rise. Country will rise if the law and rules are applying correctly, if people accepting and applying in their daily life and honest administration go near to the people.

Our situation in the country is worse. Politics is spread now every corner of the society including institutions and student politics is in front. All the parties have “Youth league” those are controlling school , college , university and society. No one is in politics for learning and thinking for the development of the country. Most of those are coming to gain material benefits and this is only reason people are losing life , damaging wealth and unstable society with us. One awamiligue Minister was expressing his opinion about Cahatroleague that it has loosen its previous prestige due to the activity of the present chatroleague worker. I was surprised to read another news about a professor and he stated in daily “ Prothom Aloo”. I am asking professor Zafar Iqbal who is professing in Shahjalal University passed a comment only for shibir. I am not speaking on behalf of shibir. I am a Bangladeshi and all are my muslim brothers. He was telling “in those age when boys and girls are falling in love why “ shibir” are not respecting that feeling.” I am not seeing the teachers, Learned of the country and susil somaj except Mr. Mahmudur Rahman written against this speech. Do all our learned are accepting his words? I think shibir has learnt from Quran and Hadith that this is a guilt and shameful task for muslim. If Professor Zafar Iqbal inspired this and if it is happening for his daughter how he will feel?

I think we have time to think and Government take initiative to establish a healthy teaching environment and to warn like these teachers for those institutions for the betterment of our generation. We have read in some books in the history , after 1905 to defeat “Bongo Bhongo” a kind of young hindu’s inspired to be unmarried whole of their life and make movement against British to be freed the country. Master the surjo sen also one of them. Sorot Chandra Chottopaddhai has written a book named “ Pother Dabi” The main character of that book “ Sobbo shaci” also unmarried. But I think from jamaet e islam , there is no ideological cause for this which Professor Zafar Iqbal Explained. In sura Hadid verse 27 Allah announced “ they have discovered the ideology of un-marraying , I din’t send this rule”. Universities are not safe for our children now a days. These are the sign for ruining Islamic ideology from the society. Where are the leaders those are leading for ladies? We are seeing the possession and seminar for them and speaking against humanity. Daily “Protidin” pressed a report In 6th December that 15 years old school student named mahela, who was the daughter of a riksawpuller from Madupur, raped by some scoundrel and 21 days are fighting with death pain in hospital. There is a survey in 2012 that 800 ladies are raped all over the country. In india when the incident happened, the country has gone to burst including government. But in Bangladesh for this incident there is no sound except some. I am giving thanks to Mr. Kader siddiqi , who wrote an article in “Amar Desh” and rose his voice that the whole country is under rape and he made valid criticism against Government and opposition. If any of our government is not go forward for justice what does it mean? Where we are now? Most of us are in under politics. When any political worker will be affected than the voice is coming vigorously. If any innocent is dying no one is opening the mouth. Why? I think we have lost our sympathy due to materialistic life. Even the woman leaders I din’t find any sound from them. Those woman leaders are speaking many times against islam and throwing worse question that Allah has made discrepancy for them. Man and woman is the best creation of Allah swt. And they are created by nature. Allah swt knows what is to be necessary for man and woman. Accordingly he justified them. I am answering their some questions. Usually they are telling about the equal right of man and woman , man will get 72 beautiful ladies(hur) in paradise and man is marrying four ladies why they cannot do? They were throwing many questions like that in the seminar. Once I was watching in TV , a seminar which held “Chin maître Sommelon” and was presiding a hindu woman leader perhaps her name “Hena Das” and one of Adviser from our government office expressed a nice wording that “ For achieving the target women will be the partner of man” and this is the true word. Anyway ,A man has capability and sura nisa verse 3 Allah swat. explained “marry two, three ,four and if you cannot make justification marry only one” if all of you verify in the society, you will find few people got married more than one. Those who married more than one they have specific valid reason is there and I have seen many couple is running well. If it is happened for a woman what will be the situation? if four person are coming to her at a time for fulfilling sexual desire? Is she will be capable to meet the situation? We have seen most of the ladies when they are exceeding 40, they have no capability to have one husband. If any new born come, who will be responsible for him/her? Do four person will agree to accept it? for this there should be an amendment in the constitution and the case will go on long run perhaps their life will finish but case will be kept pending in court. For distribution of wealth Allah swt explained in sura nisa verse 11 explained “ Male will receive double than female” why? Female is going to be married and leaving parents house. Parents responsibility is shouldering by a male. If father has loan male is the one repaying on behalf of father. Even if sister is divorced or having any problem with her husband, male is the one solving the problem. I have seen some places when father’s sisters had monetary problem they are coming to their nephew. But there are some parents in the society are making discrepancy between children due to ignorance. May Allah Bless them to make an amendment for the reality. I am requesting my sisters those are in the road are speaking against islam , must study Quran and hadith to know how Allah swt. Justified not only human being but also for other creature. Allah swt. Has given respect to the woman in all the stages respected as a wife, as a mother, as a sister, as a daughter. Devil wants them to display in front of other devils and the woman need to realize the truth by following Islamic way of life. We have seen once it is displayed in most of the news paper, a student leader of Zahangir Nagar university has made century by raping. What action has taken by the government?

Most of the people of our country are silent when these things are happening and these scoundrels are doing again and again but no action is going to be taken against them. In Bangladesh around 90% people are muslim. A percentage of muslim are involved in politics. In 1971 a group were supporting Pakistanis but most of other muslim are innocent. But why the left minded learned are announcing against islam? And they are under the shade of islam. In social culture islam is avoided. In the cinema or drama we are seeing mans wearing islami dress, with beard and a turban in head but playing negative role. And when any religious person died very few leftist are joining in janaja. While any leftist died their dead body is moving door to door. Allah swt. Kept a position for religious people here and in hereafter. Because when anyone dies his right is to send him grave as soon as possible. It is not very far , in india when they are making any advertisement in TV channel on the occasion of PUJA (worship) for Soap or any other thing , they are highlighting and respecting their religion very fantastic way. But our people hating when they are seeing a man with beard and with a turban in his head. This is the way they are insulting islam. Aisah ® was expressing her view, I am grateful to Allah swt. that He was beautifying a man by beard. If you people are insulting islam why you are in this shade? We know the Christian , the hindus , the buddist according to their culture. But you muslim staying in muslim shade and harming islam. In islam these are called hypocrite (monapik). In our media there is no chance to announce real thought of islam. There are some invented or false hadith explained in various religious occasion and the general people are worshipping accordingly. I am suggesting all of you , if you hear any hadith from those media verify it from Sohi Bukhari or Sohi Muslim than you can justify it is correct or wrong. But most of our muslim following new invention and avoiding real sunnah. We have to respect our wife , sister and daughters. Allah has given a boundary for us to run in this life and not to follow so called freedom of life which is destroying ourselves here and hereafter. What the ladies made fault that those have captured by police from a house? They were learning islam and if they are doing anything wrong against government court will justify. But we have seen in news paper the ladies are insulted by police. They are the nation of mother. we have to respect them. No one can take the rule in his hand. Even a thief when is caught no one can torture him. He must be handed to police and court of the country will justify. Any prosperous country national forces are working for the people. Their work to help the citizen. But when our people are seeing police force they are angry and try to flee suddenly from them. The reason is, most of them are entangle in malpractice. If you go police station for valid reason , will not find justice rather than you will be harassed. Why the Governments respective administration is not looking when university students are doing adultery in the university yard in front of other students or seating near central masjid or the grave. Why you are not capturing boys and girls when they are doing evil things in the night of December 31st ? Go to the park area any sensible person cannot move there. Why this sort of mal practice and in-justification? O muslim ? fear Allah. One day you will stand in front of Allah and accountable to him for your action. Make proper justification for the mankind. That will be better for the society.

Look what happened in 31st 2012 and every year muslims are following the same with other nations. Chittagong is the second city of Bangladesh, one week back of 31st December all hotel , motel , resorts, private houses booked and many people slept in the car and in open area. Why? They wanted to enjoy 31st night and all the hotels arranged concert by bringing national artiste and artiste from india and to see the first rising sun of the new year 2013. In these days you will find most of our young generation there. Long ago I have seen in my eye. Many boys and girls have gone there with school, college and university trips. When they reach there, boys and girls left to enjoy in sea-beach. Did those parents thought about their children for their security? In these days millions of corruptions are happening. We have to think and we have to control our generation from these diseases. Did any muslim thought that we should worship this night because another new year is coming and I have done a lot of mistakes during the previous year. No, they were not in the right way. If you ask them there is an Islamic seminar or you need to contribute for the orphans and widows of the society , you will find them in a miserable condition. This way they are avoiding islam. Allah swt. also explained in sura Taha verse 124-126 “ those who will return from my way surely his bread will be lessen and in the day of judgment they will come with blind eye. They will ask o lord! In the world we had eye and you brought us with blindness. Allah will tell them , you received my direction in the world but you avoided and you will be hated today. Recently in America 20 years boy killed 23 infant student and 4 adult including his mother. if you go back history first world war in hirosima died 150,000 and Nagasaki 75000 , 2nd world war hitler killed 6 million jew , Gulf war ( Iraq iran war) ( Iraq kuet) , bosnia horzigibina , ithiopian starvation so on , how many people died, Palestine 67 years how people are dying , in the name of Arab spring how many people dying and wealth damaging every day. If you watch news daily basis , every country how many are killing due to social crisis and how many are making suicide will find the statistics. Prophet (peace be upon him) said , “ If anyone save a person he saved all people in the world and if anyone killed a person he killed all persons in the world” So all these are happening due to the materialistic life not to achieve peace for the mankind.

Actually why it is happening? It is due to frustration , depression , discrimination in the society, due to enmity, Displaying sexual activity in media. This is an empty life , a meaningless life and most of those people are far away from religion. It is the curse of consumer society. It’s giving us destruction. You will find people enjoying in the party , bar , five star hotels , laughing but inside is empty , miserable life and not satisfied at all. If you notice worldwide in non-muslim society how many OLD AGE HOME? It came in Bangladesh muslim society and called BRIDDAH ASROM. In some special cases the old age home are established where the old people will stay, whom has no one to be cared. But the consumer society developed it now when any people will be old the children will transfer them there. Because old people cannot walk properly ,they are sick , they need to go to toilet , who will take care of them?. So any one expert will be taken care of in BRIDDAH ASROM. In west, government is taking care of those old age home. But in poor countries it is running by some of the humanity and other people perhaps donating for it. Many parents are overlooked and themselves are searching where are these Briddah Asrom. By throwing them the children are enjoying their life. I asked many Christian about this. In 25th December or good Friday or any other day 10 years they have no communication with them. I think most of the parents are responsible for that. Most of our generation now build their children through English medium school. For learning English or any other language is good habit and it will help. But a kind of people are taken it now as an ideology so that they can earn more money by going Europe , America so on. This is the reason in Bangladesh BRIDDAH ASROM is establishing many places. In muslim society we could not expect like this situation. This is due to the hatrance of Quran and Sunnah. For worshipping Him and taking care of the parents Allah Expressed In sura Nisa verse 36 and sura Bani Israil verse 23/24 described “ Worship Allah don’t associate anything with him and then make very good treatment and behavior and take care of parents?” In my view point children are not 100% responsible for this. Prophet (peace be upon him) said every human being born in nature and parents are directing them jew and Christian”. No one wants to learn Quran and sunnah , no one wants to teach these , few of the muslim are delivering dawa. We have no problem to read volume of books of other writers. We can study of volumes for our bright future but if anyone is asking for Quran we are telling it is hard. Is it true my brothers? Allah said in Al Quran I made easier for you this Quran so that you can lead a good life. If you leave your religion and availing materialistic life what does it mean? Allah has sent us to make pure worship and in beginning we must learn and teach our children Quran and sunnah than the worldly education that will be a logic. Islamic history is telling to have a simple life. If you have enough wealth and money religion will leave from you. That is the reason most of the followers of prophet (peace be upon him) din’t ask for wealth and money and were leading their life very simple way.

Here is the story of Rabiah Ibn Kab, one of the great follower of Prophet(peace be upon him) told in his own words: "I was still quite young when the light of iman(belief) shone through me and my heart was opened to the teachings of Islam. And when my eyes beheld the Messenger of God, for the first time, I loved him with a love that possessed my entire being. I loved him to the exclusion of everyone else. One day I said to myself, Woe to you, Rabi'ah. Why don't you put yourself completely in the service of the Messenger of God, peace be on him. Go and suggest this to him. If he is pleased with you, you would find happiness in being near him. You will be successful through love for him and you will have the good fortune of obtaining the good in this world and the good in the next.' This I did hoping that he would accept me in his service. He did not dash my hopes. He was pleased that I should be his servant. From that day, I lived in the shadow of the noble Prophet. I went with him wherever he went. I moved in his orbit whenever and wherever he turned. Whenever he cast a glance in my direction, I would leap to stand in his presence. Whenever he expressed a need, he would find me hurrying to fulfill it.

I would serve him throughout the day. When the day was over and he had prayed Salat al-Isha (night prayer) and retired to his home, I would think about leaving. But I would soon say to myself ,Where would you go, Rabi'ah? Perhaps you may be required to do something for the Prophet during the night.' So I would remain seated at his door and would not leave the threshold of his house. The Prophet would spend part of his night engaged in Salat (prayer). I would hear him reciting the opening chapter of the Quran and he would continue reciting sometimes for a third or a half of the night. I would become tired and leave or my eyes would get the better of me and I would fail asleep. It was the habit of the Prophet, peace be on him, that if someone did him a good turn, he loved to repay that person with something more excellent. He wanted to do something for me too in return for my service to him. So one day he came up to me and said: 'O Rabi'ah ibn Kab.' 'Labbayk ya rasulullah wa Sadark - At your command, O Messenger of God and may God grant you happiness,' I responded. 'Ask of me anything and I will give it to you. 'I thought a little and then said: 'Give me some time, O Messenger of God, to think about what I should ask of you. Then I will let you know.' He agreed. At that time, I was a young man and poor. I had neither family, nor wealth, nor place of abode. I used to shelter in the Suffah( of the mosque with other poor Muslims like myself). People used to call us the "guests of Islam". Whenever any Muslim brought thing in charity to the Prophet, he would send it all to us. And if someone gave him a gift he would take some of it and leave the rest for us. So, it occurred to me to ask the Prophet for some worldly good that would save me from poverty and make me like others who had wealth, wife and children. Soon, however, I said: 'May you perish Rabi'ah. The world is temporary and will pass away. You have y our share of sustenance in it which God has guaranteed and which must come to you. The Prophet, peace be on him, has a place with his Lord and no request would be refused him. Request him therefore, to ask Allah to grant you something of the bounty of the hereafter.' I felt pleased and satisfied with this thought.

I went to the Prophet and he asked: 'What do you say, O Rabi'ah?' 'O Messenger of God,' I said, 'I ask you to beseech God most High on my behalf to make me your companion in Paradise. ''Who has advised you thus?' asked the Prophet.' No by God,' I said, 'No one has advise me. But when you told me 'Ask of me anything and I will give to you,' I thought of asking you for something of the goodness of this world. But before long, I was guided to choose what is permanent and lasting agains t what is temporary and perishable. And so I have asked you to beseech God on my behalf that I may be your companion in Paradise.'The Prophet remained silent for a long while and then asked: 'Any other request besides that, Rabi'ah?' 'No, O Messenger of God, Nothing can match what I have asked you.' 'Then, in that case, assist me for your sake by performing much prostration to God.' So I began to exert myself in worship in order to attain the good fortune of being with the Prophet in Paradise just as I had the good fortune of being in his service and being his companion in this world.

Not long afterwards, the Prophet called me and asked: 'Don't you want to get married, Rabi'ah?' 'I do not want anything to distract me from your service,' I replied. 'Moreover, I don't have anything to give as mahr (dowry) to a wife nor any place where I can accommodate a wife.'The Prophet remained silent. When he saw me again he asked: 'Don't you want to get married, Rabi'ah?' I gave him the same reply as before. Left to myself again, I regretted what I had said and chided myself: 'Woe to you, Rabi'ah. By God, the Prophet knows better than you what is good for you in this world and the next and he also knows better than you what you possess. By God, if the Prophet, peace be on him, should ask me again to marry, I would reply positively.'Before long, the Prophet asked me again: 'Don't you want to get married 'Rabi'ah?''Oh yes, Messenger of God,' I replied, 'but who will marry me when I am in the state you know.' 'Go to the family of so-and-so and say to them: the Prophet has instructed you to give your daughter in marriage to me.' Timidly, I went to the family and said: 'The Messenger of God, peace be on him, has sent me to you to ask you to give your daughter in marriage to me.' 'Our daughter?' they asked, incredulously at first. 'Yes,' i replied.' Welcome to the Messenger of God, and welcome to his messenger. By God, the messenger of God's Messenger shall only return with his mission fulfilled. 'So they made a marriage contract between me and her. I went back to the Prophet and reported:' O Messenger of Allah. I have come from the best of homes. They believed me, they welcomed me, and they made a marriage contract between me and their daughter.

But from where do I get the mahr for her?'The Prophet then sent for Buraydah ibn al-Khasib, one of the leading persons in my tribe, the Banu Asiam, and said to him: 'O Buraydah, collect a nuwat's weight in gold for Rabi'ah.This they did and the Prophet said to me: 'Take this to them and say, this is the sadaq(gift) of your daughter.' I did so and they accepted it. They were pleased and said, This is much and good.' I went back to the Prophet and told him: 'I have never yet seen a people more generous than they. They were pleased with what I gave them in spite of its being little...Where can I get something for the walimah (marriage feast), O Prophet of God?'The Prophet said to Buraydah 'Collect the price of a ram for Rabi'ah.' They bought a big fat ram for me and then the Prophet told me: 'Go to Aishah and tell her to give you whatever barley she has.'Aishah gave me a bag with seven saas of barley and said: 'By God, we do not have any other food.' I set off with the ram and the barley to my wife's family. They said: 'We will prepare the barley but get your friends to prepare the ram for you.'We slaughtered, skinned and cooked the ram. So we had bread and meat for the walimah(marriage feast). I invited the Prophet and he accepted my invitation.

The Prophet then gave me a piece of land near Abu Bakr's. From then I became concerned with the dunya, with material things. I had a dispute with Abu Bakr over a palm tree.'It is in my land,' I insisted. 'No, it is in my land,' Abu Bakr countered. We started to argue. Abu Bakr cursed me, but as soon as he had uttered the offending word. he felt sorry and said to me: 'Rabiah, say the same word to me so that it could be consi dered as qisas -just retaliation.' 'No by God, I shall not,' I said.'In that case, replied Abu Bakr. 'I shall go the Messenger of God and complain to him about your refusal to retaliate against me measure for measure.'He set off and I followed him. My tribe, the Banu Asiam, also set off behind me protesting indignantly: 'He's the one who cursed you first and then he goes off to the Prophet before you to complain about you!' I turned to them and said: 'Woe to you! Do yo u know who this is? This is As-Siddiq... and he is the respected elder of the Muslims. Go back before he turns around, sees you and thinks that you have come to help me against him. He would then be more incensed and go to the Prophet in anger. The Prophe t would get angry on his account. Then Allah would be angry on their account and Rabi'ah would be finished.' They turned back.Abu Bakr went to the Prophet and related the incident as it had happened. The Prophet raised his head and said to me:'O Rabi'ah, what's wrong with you and as-Siddiq?' 'Messenger of God, he wanted me to say the same words to him as he had said to me and I did not.''Yes, don't say the same word to him as he had said to you. Instead say: 'May God forgive you Abu Bakr.' With tears in his eyes, Abu Bakr went away while saying: 'May God reward you with goodness for my sake, O Rabiah ibn Kab... 'May God reward you with goodness for my sake, O Rabiah ibn Kaab..."

This is one example for one of the follower and you will find most of them are with same character. No one of them had chosen materialistic life. Now look our muslim area. In india , Pakistan and Bangladesh people are going UK or America only to earn money and buy their culture. They are working in restaurants and serving pig and wine. They don’t have prayer. No Islamic culture to be adopted. Only running behind money and the parents are happy when they send big amount and making good house , buying shops and market complex so on. If you visit Sylhet district will find some areas the architectural design of the house like foreign aristocratic area which perhaps costing USD 3 to 4 Lakh in a house. I appreciate for bringing remittance to the country but why the brothers are invested big amount behind house? You know when blood accumulated in one place of the body its alarming for death. If money is not circulating properly and investing idly , it also can cause the death of the society as well as country. This is not their mistake it’s a deficiency of education. Most of them are illiterate and making wrong business like serving restaurants shops and market places from which they are not finding a source of learning Islam. They are making charity also from that money.

Some years ago I was travelling to Jeddah and waiting in Dhaka airport inside the lounge. I was looking a young married couple are going around many of us. When the man are leaving she is kissing the man as west are doing. Not only that, attitude of dresses also has changed for current generation. In west this is their culture. But why she followed because her husband import it from them and they are so called musllim. Many of the young generation build their life accordingly and the next generation will be harmful for society. In middle age we the muslim dominated in most part of the world. We had science and technology , we had religious base , muslims were in power. Why it loosen? When the civilization become rich and wealthy, the morale are declined. People have tendency to enjoy and forget the religion. This was the case for muslim at the time. They dived into comfortable life and lose religious base and the disaster came to them. Look the society now. What is called society? Society means to live together , to earn something together , to help each other. Prophet (peace be upon him) said if any muslim eating and sleeping and his neighbor are without food he is not a believer. If individual establishment is rising, than the society is going to be collapsed. Poverty is going higher and social crisis is increasing. Rich are going to be rich and poor are going to be poor. Un-employment , robbery , adultery , injustice are going to be increased. Corruption is taking away all happiness. You notice last year the young generation of UK around 15 days looted in business centers , killed people. In America the young generation even don’t care to kill for a simple wrist watch. We have divided our society as aristocratic area and normal area. Allah has sent human being with equal right. In sura Hujrat verse 13 explained “ Among you he is the most high in-front of me who has Taqwa (Allah fearing)” All these human maid things are curse of a consumer society. There is no ending of desire. Prophet (peace be upon him) said the son of Adam belly will not be filled without the dust of grave. And told again this world would be for a believer like a “ Passerby” who is staying sometime in the shade of a tree for rest and his destination will be the paradise. Human desire will not be ended till his death.

We have another most important disease for which society is suffering and that culture confusion. This disease entered most of our families due to acceptance of non culture. Specially in Europe it is shown those are migrated from other countries. A Muslim is guided by the Quran and Sunnah only. A muslim wherever he be either from Asia , Europe , America , Africa or any other part of the world the root is same. Islam has five foundation and to be followed by Quran and sunnah only. If any muslim is following accordingly there will not be difference with the culture. Because our culture is based on islam. Al Quran explained to be followed one character and that is Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him). This is the essence of islam. Quran also is telling Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) is the best example for us. He was the one surrendered Allah swt and he tested various way. There is no easy definition of culture. Culture is the thing people do , the thing people believe , custom the people followed. This culture can be bad , can be good. In Arab at the time of ignorance age (Jahellia) people has culture ,they were rounding in Qaba neckedly and they were burying small girl alive. At the same time they were believing Allah. This was their culture at the time. If we know anything against our culture we should not follow. There is no basic difference with Arab moshreq and todays muslim. The arab moshrek was praying Allah beside the Idols. A kind of present muslim also worshipping Allah swt and divided islam in various groups. Abu dawood explained an hadith from Prophet pbuh said, “ My Jew will be divided by 71 groups , Christian 72 and my ummah will be divided by 73 groups. Jew ,Christian and 72 groups of my ummah will be thrown in hell fire and A group will enter in Paradise” A muslim must believe by heart when a verse of Quran or any sohi( authentic) sunnah is coming to him. For the division of islam Surah An’am verse 159 and surah ar Rum clearly defined about this division of islam. Our work to study , justify and apply in our life. We don’t need to follow who is doing what?

Todays world a kind of muslims are using islam in their way of life. Allah swt says in Surah Hasr verse 7, “ what my apostle is giving accept it and what he is forbidding stop for it”. Due to the divisions muslim ummah lost the strength. Every group has their own invented manifesto by taking some from Quran and sunnah and their political thought. Not only that they have invented various types of Ibada(worship) which is contradicted with Quran and sunnah. In the Indian sub continent there are a lot of Islamic groups which divided from Madhab. If you go through all Madhab, will find all Emam followed authentic sunnah. Emam abu hanifa told his first number disciple emam yousuf , “ O yakub ! I am sorry for you. Don’t write all my words. Today what I am telling , tomorrow I am changing it. If you see any of my word is disagreeing with the authentic sunnah, throw my word and take the sunnah.” And emam yousuf disagreed 2/3rd of his(emam abu hanifa) opinion. British ruled 190 years in Indian sub continent and they divided muslim through “ divide and rule” which you need to study. In the continent the main groups are 1. Qadiani Group 2. Moududi Jamat 3. Berulevi Jamat 4. Dewbond Jamat 5. Illiyasi Tabligue 6. Pirtontro. This is a large subject just I am highlighting you to read their books(kitab). I have gone through the fundamental of their manifesto and some books which explained shirk and Bida’a.

For me it is clear that I am a muslim and I have to fundamental scripture which Prophet pbuh said in his last philgrimage, “Verily I have left amongst you that which will never lead you astray, the

Book of Allah and my sunnah, which if you hold fast you shall never go astray. After this sort of clear information why ummah divided and invented their books? Which a kind ignorant people are following. You will find them worshipping graves various places of India , Pakistan and Bangladesh. You are kindly requested to read books of “Illiyasi Tabligue” named “ Fazael” A book which translated in begali by Mawlana Shakaet ullah and another Ambor Ali. The books are , Fazaeli Tablig, Namaj(prayer), quran, zikir, Ramjan,Hedaya sahaba, sodaka , durud sharif,hajj , jazul amal etc. Specially you need to read Fazaeli durud and hajj. You will find many shirk (polytheism) and Bida’a(new invention). It is simple that why I will go behind these? These way millions of muslim are directed wrong way of culture.

My brothers of islam remember ,I am telling again, Islam din’t come from family or leaders or any saint. Islam is the guidance from Allah swt. Through a special kind of human being , a polite and extraordinary character in the universe named Mohammad ( peace be upon him). So we muslim must be careful at the time of our worship. We have to think before doing any worship whether it is described in Quran or Sunnah. This is the only way to find straight way. Moreover our new generation the way are adopted their culture it’s really harmful for Islamic heritage. This is due to wrong interpretation of islam and all muslim organization should come in the shade of one ummah as Prophet pbuh informed to us.

We have one more vital misunderstanding about democracy and Islam which contradicts with Quran and sunnah, when the Islamic political parties are joining with democratic government. For a muslim constitution is Quran and Sunnah. The legislation will be from these two sources and the muslim community will follow how Prophet(pbuh) established a small state in madina. Prophet(pbuh) left, and Kholafa E Rashedin ( Four Khalif) run 30 years exactly by following Prophet(pbuh). This is the basic for muslim ruler and it is very simple to understand. Prophet(pbuh) said islam is in straight way. So there is no question to find out solution from the words of any Islamic expert which is contradicting with Quran and sunnah. 160 million muslim now in the world and no muslim country is running hundred percent on sharia( Islamic rules and regulation). So how the general muslim will lead their life? There are hadith explained when you will not find any muslim ruler even the ruler is transgressor , you will not go against him because if you are fighting with him he will kill people and the crisis will increase more and more. Look please when Ali ® killed , Hassan ® came in power but Muwawia ® could not tolerate him due to juniority. After six month Hassan ® left power to Muwawia ® . Why? For avoiding bloodshed only. The root of the country and society is sovereignty. It is the supreme authority to make legislation and establish law and administration for the country. It is necessary to be a permanent and supreme power for owning sovereignty. Allah swt is only owner of this universe not a human being. The one is the owner of sovereignty , He is the one has right to make legislation. For forming government and applying administration in various countries of today’s world , sovereignty is for human being, it’s a lie and a revelation against Allah swt. The right position of human being is an Ambassador from Allah and will lead the life under His sovereignty. If human being is deviating from his position , surely he is violating the order of Allah. Human being has given a temporary authority in this life for testing how he is performing his life in earth. So a muslim cannot think or follow any other constitution which is made by human being. I am asking those are embracing democracy what is the basis for them to make justification even they will be partly in power. To establish the rule of justice is a basic responsibility of an Islamic state. The demands for justice prevails in all walks of life and let us speak only for judicial justice. The Quran also provides the required guidance for justice. It is necessary to understand one basic principle about justice. According to common concept of justice in the world, the duty of a law court is to decide the disputed affairs according to the code of law that is prevalent. Therefore a decision made accordingly shall be considered as based on justice. But if the law itself is not based on justice then the decision based on it can never be considered just. Thus the principle laid down by the Quran is that the law of the land should also be based on justice. In this respect the Quran does not indulge in a philosophical debate as to what is meant by “ Law on the basis of justice” and what is the definition of justice. It addresses the Islamic sovereign state decisively follows sura ma’ida verse 44 “ if any do fail to judge by what Allah has revealed they are disbeliever”. It means that where the rule is based on Quranic laws, it shall be an Islamic government and if it is not based on Quranic law , it shall be a government of non-believers. In this respect any Islamic group is joining democratic government they are surely following disbelievers because the present constitution made by human being. Only that law shall be considered as based on truth which conforms to the book of Allah swt , any law contrary to it shall be based on “zulm” ( injustice). Thus the judges are addressed in Quran “ They guide the people towards the truth and dispense justice in accordance with what it dictates”.

The real justice , infact is the justice based on truth. If the law is not based on truth, then any judgment according to this law cannot be considered as meeting the requirements of justice. Truth is in fact, another name for the book of Allah. The same is the difference between an Islamic state and a secular state. In sura saad verse 26 is saying “ thus we told Daud (pbuh) (to carry on with mission of reforming the society without any fear) that we have granted you the control over the kingdom, so that you can decide on people’s affairs with complete justice and equity in accordance with the Divine laws and do not follow anyone’s personal desires. If you were do that , these people will lead you astray from the right path. Just remember that people go astray because they forget or ignore the day of accountability. The result is total destruction”. This makes clear two issues: first , that the law of the land ought to be based on truth( Quran) , secondly , that the court of law should remain above its personal sentiments that is it should remain natural. That is what is called ‘ a just decision’.

For a system of justice the Quran has explained sura nisa verse 58 “ in order to establish quranic system, it is necessary to entrust responsibility to those who are capable of discharging it. all matters should be decided justly. This is excellent counsel which Allah is giving you for Allah Almighty hears and sees all”. even when you make peace between parties , do so with justice. In sura hujrat verse 49 Allah says “ if two factions of muslims develop a dispute, sort out their mutual conflict with justice”. Even enmity with a nation should not incline you to act unjustly. Sura ma’ida verse 8 Allah says “ Let not the enmity of others make you away from justice, be just, that is only nearer to Taqwa( Piety). Not only for the muslim but also for the cases of non muslims also should be decided with justice. It is ordered to Prophet (pbuh) sura ma’ida verse 42 “ Even if the non muslims come to you for the judgment of their cases , judge between them with equity”. Sura ma’ida verse 42 Allah says again “ So judge between them as Allah Almighty has revealed and follow not their vain desires”.

Democracy were used in ancient Greek philosophy. They could not solve most of the major problem of the society. The leaders cannot take merely sound decision. The modern concept of democracy came from Abraham Lincoln , one of the old president, the Americans call him the father of democracy. The duration of his reign from 1861-1865. His theory is “ Government of the people , for the people and by the people”. In this theory country people are holding the supreme power, legislation will be made by them, it can be amended whenever needed. But muslim constitution is Quran. This law is from the supreme authority Allah only . It is only the divine power. It cannot be amended or modified. Allah swt. decided what is valid or non valid( halal and haram) and it will remain till day of judgment. Allah swt says those who do not judge by Allah’s rules , they are disbeliever. So democracy is against the law of Allah. How muslim can accept this? A kind of muslim leaders has given political explanation and they are participating with democratic government. In worldwide there are a group from various muslim countries following in ISLAMIC MODERNISM. Islamic modernism is a reform of Islamic movement which started by politically- minded urbanities with scant knowledge of traditional Islam. These people had witnessed and studied western technology and socio-political ideas and realized that the Islamic world was left behind technologically than the west and had become too weak to stand up to it. They blamed the weakness on what they saw as “Traditional Islam” which they thought held them back and was not progressive enough. They thus called for a complete overhaul of Islam including or rather in particular Islamic law (sharia) and doctrine (Aqidah). Islamic modernism remains popularly an object of derision or ridicule, and scorned by traditional muslims and funadamentalists alike. In islam there is no opposition and in democracy there are many groups or alignment. If the ruling class is giving best effort also the opposition will blame them. Because their target to achieve power only. In democratic government most of the leaders are not honest. So it is not possible for them to give proper decision. General muslim may ask what will be the solution or how we will lead our life? In this situation if any government is coming, muslim must obey the rulers with their good deed. For bad deed or mistakes people will inform them by speech , by writing , by seating together without making any crisis. What is happening now a days? The ruling class is in power. According to their expertise and political policy they are working for the country. Some of the issue perhaps are not agreeing with the opposition opinion. The opposition are on the way of movement. The power is with the ruling class and surely all the government department will follow them accordingly. If the opposition will move destructive way there will be fighting with the government force because the law and rule will support them. Most of the developing country are in same condition. Islam is teaching us to run peacefully in this situation. All the muslims must be united and work together. Allah swt did not gave authority to Prophet (pbuh) to make war before handing over the power of the state. In the state or society the only peaceful method is the way of Prophet (pbuh) and Sura Noor verse 55 Allah swt has given this commitment to the believer. Unfortunately a group of muslim all over the world in the name of so called politics joined under democracy with other opposition political group and started to make collision with the ruling class for which in the society increases un-happiness , political un-stability , less economic development , Damages peoples wealth ,killing people , price of daily necessary goods going to be higher and higher , law and administration is in worse situation and mass people are losing their minimum rights. If Muslim wants to see muslim government, must be united together , Must build the character the way of Al Quran and Sunnah , Must trained up area people by teaching Quran and sunnah and educate themselves with scientific education. Al Quran says if you have any quarelling or confusion go back to Quran and sunnah and it is clear to us. My argument according to my Islamic thought and understanding by following scripture only. The reason is clear , this is our field of examination. We need to study the holy book and run our life. The final justification will be with Allah swt. We can place our true and authentic da’wa according to Quran and Sunnah that’s my information to you all.

I explained you various kinds of social problem and we have to go back to Quran and Sunnah because there is no other substitute for a muslim. We have more exercise to be done by learning Quran and sunnah but most of the muslim we don’t know how to handle it. We have to search how we can find solution for meeting these diseases to save our generation. I think we need to start from our family life which can control if we can build our generation properly because these are the people are going to be handle society later and this is Parent children relation. Islam is a complete way of life. It considers the family the corner stone of Islamic society. It bases the atmosphere in the family on sacrifice , love , loyalty and obedience. A family mean the traditional definition of it namely husband wife children and the grandparents together. Maintaining better relation with kids is not an easy task as their emotions are very much delicate and immature. Children do not interpret what they observe and feel but just react in the most spontaneous way to what they see. They understand things just the way they feel them. Thus dealing with them requires skill and maintaining proper and better relationship with children is a hard to crack nut. There are some suggested ways of dealing with the feelings of children and manipulating the relationship with them. Taking a bit of extra effort will make parents affectionately attached with children. Most important is to make them feel that you care for them, you love them and you consider them. This is the right way of achieving the trust of children and having a healthy relationship with them. Parents must use some technique to motivate them.

How does islam organize family relationship? Family relationship based on husband wife relationship and family children relationship. In some extent parents will play a role and children also play a role to establish the family. This is the reason family is the smallest unit of the state. Sura Roam verse 21 explained “And among his signs is this, He created for you spouses from yourselves that you might find rest in them and he ordained between you love and mercy”. Prophet (peace be upon him) said The best among you are those who are the best to their families and I am the best of you to my family. Once a man came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and asked who is the person is most worthy of my good companionship? The prophet (peace be upon him) answered three times your mother then your father. That is the reason paradise is under feet of a mother and most of the children now a days are not respecting mother. They have wrong attitude , wrong feeling , quarreling with them and are not taking care of them. If they know without parents cannot enter in paradise surely they will take much care of the parents. Children must loyal to the parents. As Sura Lokman verse 31 explained “ Lokman said to his son while he was exhorting him O my dear son! Ascribe no partners unto Allah Lo! to ascribe partners unto him is a tremendous wrong. And we have enjoined upon man to be careful of his parents. His mother bears him in weakness upon weakness and his weaning is in two years so give thanks to me and to your parents for unto me is the journeying. But if they strive with you to make you ascribe to me as partner that of which you have no knowledge, then obey them not , but deal with them nicely in the world and follow the path of Allah who repents to me. Then unto me will be your return and I shall tell you of what you used to do”. These verses clearly informing us the Islamic relationship between parents and children. It is a relationship based as we see in believe on Allah swt. and feeling that He observes all what we do and that we are accountable to Him. It is only the parents who do their duty and deserve this honorable treatment of their children. That is why when a parent came to the prophet (peace be upon him) and complained to him about the ingratitude of his son, the son said he was ungrateful to me o messenger of Allah before I showed ingratitude to him. So the prophet ( peace be upon him) did not blame the son but disliked the attitude of his parent. This is a message to all parents. Hence parent are the earlier born in the world , so they have much more responsibility for the children. If all the families in the society build their children or educating with Islamic culture , teaching them good manner there must not be crisis in the society. If we look or justify our society we will find the reason that children are not build under Islamic rules and regulations. According to islam children has some right over parent these are as follows:

Rights before marriage: children’s rights over their parent start before their mother and father get married according to islam. That is to say , one should be very careful with choosing the person whom he or she will marry because his or her descendants will continue through that person. Abu Aswad ad-duali who is one of the greatest Islamic scholar saying to his children “ I did you favors when you were young , when you grew old and before you were born. When his children asked how he did them favor before they were born, he said to them “ I chose for you a mother whom will not be sworn at” During the period a mother is pregnant with her baby, she must be careful about what she drinks and eats and about all of her attitude and actions , because whatever she does during pregnancy certainly affects her baby and the baby develops accordingly. A mother must be careful till the delivery and after delivery till to be grown up.

Giving a nice name: After a child has come to the world through birth , the childs right over parent continue to exist. It is sunnah to recite call to prayer (Adhan) to the new born right ear and iqama to the left ear. The Prophet (pbuh) reported to have recited adhan to his grandson Hassan’s ear. When the messenger of Allah encountered a child , he uttered these words “ O Allah! Make this child one of those who are virtuous and who fear Allah and bring the child up in a nice way”. The second duty of parents for their children after birth is giving a nice and appropriate name for their children because a name is very important for people. As a matter of fact the Prophet( PBUH) said “ one of the rights of children over their parents is being given a nice name and having a good education. You will be called out with your names and your fathers names on the day of judgment. So give nice names to your children” Hazrat Ali narrates how his first son was named: “ when my first son was born , I named him “Harb” which meant war. The messenger of Allah came and said , show the baby to me, what did you name him? We said that we named him harb. He said no, his name is Hassan”

A good education and discipline: Another right of children over their parents is receiving a good education. Educating and disciplining children and preparing them for the future is one of the duties of parents. Parents are responsible for not only feeding and dressing their children but also for providing them with a good education. Families play an important role in children’s education. Education starts at family . why they will build because today’s child is the father of future. Fathers are the primary people who are responsible for the education of children. They are held responsible for this by Allah. It is stated in the Quran that fathers who did not fulfill this responsibility will be the ones in the worst situation and the most devastated fathers in the day of judgment. Sura Tagabun verse 15 explained “ your riches and your children may be but a trial but in the presence of Allah , is the highest reward” . The trial mentioned in this verse for fathers is not only about meeting their children’s physical needs but also providing them with a good education” A father is the one who is responsible for his family members both in the world and in the hereafter. His responsibility for disciplining his children can be fulfilled by preparing them very well for life and bringing up them well enough so that they can fulfill their own responsibilities as well. Teaching children merely religion or merely professions is not a good education. It is incomplete education and most of the parents are in this category.

Treating children well: it is one of the children’s rights over their parents to be treated well. It is wrong to beat children in order to discipline and educate them. However, it is essential to give them the feeling that they will be punished if they do something wrong. Parents should approach their children understandingly, mercifully, and affectionately while educating them in the family. When a child does something wrong for the first time parents should explain very well give the reason for understanding why it is wrong? If they start to do again and again then try to make light punishment. Truth should be explained to children by simplifying the subject to the degree the children can understand. Simplifying subjects and explaining them to young people in a way that they can understand is an important factor for education to be successful. It is necessary because the religious truths are usually abstract. They are not easy to understand and comprehend. For this reason we should make matters easier for them to understand by making use of examples, following the method of Quran , The Prophet (pbuh) , Islamic scholars.

Treating children equally and justly: parents should treat their children equally and justly. This is a sensitive matter and most of the parents are not aware. By love , by spending there will not be any discrepancy. Parents must treat all of their children without making any discrimination between girls and boys and younger ones and older ones. This equality includes all kinds of interest and offerings for physical and material things. Unfortunately some ignorant parents today do not treat their children equally in material things and affection. As a result of this wrong attitude, children feel hatred each other and thus love and respect between them disappears. Not only that Some parents attitude are defeating the age of ignorance ( jaheliyya). These type of characters are hated. But Allah has given direction to mankind not to make crisis in the world. Having patients, giving them the requirements whatever needed but if they are pressing children to do something against Allah only the time to be avoid them. But it is better to pray for them to Allah so that they can have mercy from Allah. Numan ibn bashir narrates “ my father had granted some of his property to me. My mother amra bintu rawaha said I will not accept it unless you tell Prophet (pbuh) for this grant. Upon this my father took me to Prophet (pbuh) in order to tell about this grant. Having learned this the Prophet (pbuh) asked have you got any other children? My father said yes. The Prophet (pbuh) asked again did you also grant the other children same? My father said no. upon hearing this the Prophet (pbuh) said ‘ Fear Allah , be just your children! My father left and returned the grant. It is clearly understood from this hadith that anything to be distributed as Quran and Hadith described. As narrated from Hazrat Anas ® while a man was sitting with the Prophet (pbuh) one of his son come. The man kissed his son and sits him on his lap. After a while his daughter come without kissing her he let her sit in-front of him. Seeing this the Prophet (pbuh) criticized and disapproved his behavior by saying are you treating them equally by behaving like this? Unfortunately today many of the parents are doing unjust to the children which will be cause of entering hell fire. Many of the cases happened those are staying abroad. They are sending money to fathers account and father spending and distributing money to other children. When the son go on vacation finding zero in his account. These way social crisis increasing and they are hating each other. Those ignorant parent actually don’t know the logic and treatment of the distribution of wealth. Prophet (pbuh) said the best spending for the family. Many of the parents likes children to be slave in front of them. Insallah they will be slave of hell fire if it is not amended in life. But it is necessary for every muslim to make continuous dawa for this matters so that Allah can bless the society.

Marrying children when they are old enough to get married: one of the rights that children have over their parents is to be provided with marriage when they are old enough without delaying it is the best. Marrying children is an important part and significant matter of domestic discipline and education given to children. Because the goals of islam in terms of family can only be actualized with the help of good marriage. This is the reason Quran explained this matter in detail in sura Nisa verse 25: wed them with the leave of their owners (parents) and give them their dowers , according to what is reasonable: they should be chaste , not lustful nor taking paramours” And sura Baqara verse 221 explained “ do not marry unbelieving woman until they believe nor marry your girl to unbeliever until believe.”Express your emotions verbally.

Verbal and physical emotions of love and care make kids believe that parents are always with them. Tell them every day that you love them unconditionally. The knowledge that parents remain with them throughout the life will help them grow more confident and smarter. Few simple words of love like “I love you” have abundant impact in maintaining better relationship with kids.

Find time to spend with them: You can address your kid by any pet name but good name. a pet name will give him or her a extra affection and feeling to parents. Specially mother needs to give them time to breakfast , lunch , dinner and at the time of bed.

Respect kids feelings and choices: Parents must respect kids reasonable feeling and choices. This will generate a mutual respect between children and parents. Most of the children are fond of toys , cars , fast food , enjoyment of holidays. Few of the children like to buy books. It needs to be decided parents carefully to find out Islamic cultural center. If any wrong application coming from them technically needs to be motivated or the children are grown up must place the verse of quran or Hadith for their understanding.

Make them priority and seek their opinion: Parent need to make kids a priority in life. Kids are the leaders for tomorrow. It is through them the mankind goes ahead. They are the essential links in the community of human race. Every parent has to bear in mind this essential realization and should grow up the kids as responsible human beings. Teach them to have own opinions about all that is related to them. You can ask their suggestions whenever you take a decision for them. This practice helps kids to feel that they are people of importance at home. Good parents and good friends always. Parenting in better relationship with people is just understanding the kids and developing an atmosphere of mutual respect at homes. Ignored kids are found to grow up as social nuisance and anti-social persons.

My dear brothers of Islam, in conclusion, As a citizen of the country, as a human being we must help the mankind by our effort to save the society. Every religion has some benefit and needs to follow their daily life accordingly. Every Government must take initiative to stop all bad things which are unfavorable for the society and bringing destruction for the generation. I am requesting all muslim brothers and sisters to go through Quran and Sunnah to build Islamic life and develop the morality of the family and children and the morality develops out of deep knowledge. We have to reduce our desire and we have to earn that much from this world which will help us for our worship. We have to search all halal and throw from life all haram.We have to read Quran more and more because the first verse revealed “Iqra” means read. It is my small effort and from my shallow knowledge what I understood about islam tried to inform all of you because all the muslim society is running in danger in this age. Most of us are not realizing due to the ignorance or we are not caring due to materialistic life. Moreover we must help the government by sending our information if we see they are playing negative role but polite way without making any crisis in the society. Ancient Muslim society was not like the age is running. Go back history and look how they were announcing islam beside the government even they were not following Islamic sharia properly. Islam is teaching us to be polite , to be modest , to be care for others. Most of the things are opposite now and we are worshipping and making our prayer around a dirt. If all of us can build our family and children by teaching Quran and Sunnah Insallah society will improve faster and no harm can touch muslim society. Why I am requesting all of you , the reason is clear that we will surely stand in front of Allah swat. one day and we have to reply what we did in our life time. There should not be any misunderstanding with us because this life is an examination field for us. We all must follow Quran and Sunnah and find out solution how we can reply the only one lord. Our work to announce or place the correct information to the community, As Allah says in Sura Gasia verse 21 “Your work to advise them only”. I hope this sort of small work will help me when I will fall in great danger which is near to all of us. If you want to save yourself or your generation please take initiative to announce what is reveled from Allah swat. for mankind. Prophet (peace be upon him) said “ If you know a verse announce on behalf of me”. This is the only way and this is the way we can handle it. May Allah forgive all of you , forgive me and forgive all mankind.

বিষয়: বিবিধ

১৩৯২ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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