ইসলামিক সংসকৃতি এবং আমরা
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন মহিউডীন ২০ ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০১৩, ০৬:১৬:২২ সন্ধ্যা
We have one of the most important disease infected in the society for which people are suffering and that culture confusion. This disease entered most of our families due to acceptance of non culture. Specially in Europe it is shown those are migrated from other countries. A Muslim is guided by the Quran and Sunnah only. A muslim wherever he be either from Asia , Europe , America , Africa or any other part of the world the root is same. Islam has five foundation and to be followed by Quran and sunnah only. If any muslim is following accordingly there will not be difference with the culture. Because our culture is based on islam. Al Quran explained to be followed one character and that is Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him). This is the essence of islam. Quran also is telling Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) is the best example for us. He was the one surrendered Allah swt and he tested various way. There is no easy definition of culture. Culture is the thing people do , the thing people believe , custom the people followed. This culture can be bad , can be good. In Arab at the time of ignorance age (Jahellia) people has culture ,they were rounding in Qaba neckedly and they were burying small girl alive. At the same time they were believing Allah. This was their culture at the time. If we know anything against our culture we should not follow. There is no basic difference with Arab moshreq and todays muslim. The arab moshrek was praying Allah beside the Idols. A kind of present muslim also worshipping Allah swt and divided islam in various groups. Abu dawood explained an hadith from Prophet pbuh said, “ My Jew will be divided by 71 groups , Christian 72 and my ummah will be divided by 73 groups. Jew ,Christian and 72 groups of my ummah will be thrown in hell fire and A group will enter in Paradise” A muslim must believe by heart when a verse of Quran or any sohi( authentic) sunnah is coming to him. For the division of islam Surah An’am verse 159 and surah ar Rum clearly defined about this division of islam. Our work to study , justify and apply in our life. We don’t need to follow who is doing what?
Todays world a kind of muslims are using islam in their way of life. Allah swt says in Surah Hasr verse 7, “ what my apostle is giving accept it and what he is forbidding stop for it”. Due to the divisions muslim ummah lost the strength. Every group has their own invented manifesto by taking some from Quran and sunnah and their political thought. Not only that they have invented various types of Ibada(worship) which is contradicted with Quran and sunnah. In the Indian sub continent there are a lot of Islamic groups which divided from Madhab. If you go through all Madhab, will find all Emam followed authentic sunnah. Emam abu hanifa told his first number disciple emam yousuf , “ O yakub ! I am sorry for you. Don’t write all my words. Today what I am telling , tomorrow I am changing it. If you see any of my word is disagreeing with the authentic sunnah, throw my word and take the sunnah.” And emam yousuf disagreed 2/3rd of his(emam abu hanifa) opinion. British ruled 190 years in Indian sub continent and they divided muslim through “ divide and rule” which you need to study. In the continent the main groups are 1. Qadiani Group 2. Moududi Jamat 3. Berulevi Jamat 4. Dewbond Jamat 5. Illiyasi Tabligue 6. Pirtontro. This is a large subject just I am highlighting you to read their books(kitab). I have gone through the fundamental of their manifesto and some books which explained shirk and Bida’a.
For me it is clear that I am a muslim and I have to fundamental scripture which Prophet pbuh said in his last philgrimage, “Verily I have left amongst you that which will never lead you astray, the
Book of Allah and my sunnah, which if you hold fast you shall never go astray. After this sort of clear information why ummah divided and invented their books? Which a kind ignorant people are following. You will find them worshipping graves various places of India , Pakistan and Bangladesh. You are kindly requested to read books of “Illiyasi Tabligue” named “ Fazael” A book which translated in begali by Mawlana Shakaet ullah and another Ambor Ali. The books are , Fazaeli Tablig, Namaj(prayer), quran, zikir, Ramjan,Hedaya sahaba, sodaka , durud sharif,hajj , jazul amal etc. Specially you need to read Fazaeli durud and hajj. You will find many shirk (polytheism) and Bida’a(new invention). It is simple that why I will go behind these? These way millions of muslim are directed wrong way of culture.
My brothers of islam remember ,I am telling again, Islam din’t come from family or leaders or any saint. Islam is the guidance from Allah swt. Through a special kind of human being , a polite and extraordinary character in the universe named Mohammad ( peace be upon him). So we muslim must be careful at the time of our worship. We have to think before doing any worship whether it is described in Quran or Sunnah. This is the only way to find straight way. Moreover our new generation the way are adopted their culture it’s really harmful for Islamic heritage. Our generation usually inventing various culture importing from abroad. Like I was observing every year and what happened in 31st 2012 and every year muslims are following the same with other nations. Chittagong is the second city of Bangladesh, one week back of 31st December all hotel , motel , resorts, private houses booked and many people slept in the car and in open area. Why? They wanted to enjoy 31st night and all the hotels arranged concert by bringing national artiste and artiste from india and to see the first rising sun of the new year 2013. In these days you will find most of our young generation there. Long ago I have seen in my eye. Many boys and girls have gone there with school, college and university trips. When they reach there, boys and girls left to enjoy in sea-beach. Did those parents thought about their children for their security? In these days millions of corruptions are happening. We have to think and we have to control our generation from these diseases. Did any muslim thought that we should worship this night because another new year is coming and I have done a lot of mistakes during the previous year. No, they were not in the right way. If you ask them there is an Islamic seminar or you need to contribute for the orphans and widows of the society , you will find them in a miserable condition. This way they are avoiding islam. Allah swt. also explained in sura Taha verse 124-126 “ those who will return from my way surely his bread will be lessen and in the day of judgment they will come with blind eye. They will ask o lord! In the world we had eye and you brought us with blindness. Allah will tell them , you received my direction in the world but you avoided and you will be hated today. There many other invented occasions are misguiding generation. Parents are kindly requested to look these and control the children. It is the responsibility of every parents. Government and administration if honest can help some important issues but the people of the country must be conscious the matters. These are happening due to wrong interpretation of islam and all muslim organization should come in the shade of one ummah as Prophet pbuh informed to us. There is no other substitute in front of muslim.
বিষয়: বিবিধ
১৪০৫ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য
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