যদি মরণের পরে কেউ প্রশ্ন করে কি দেখেছ তুমি? বলবো বাংলার রূপ আমি দেখিয়াছি
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন মহিউডীন ১৮ ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০১৩, ০৪:২২:৪৫ বিকাল
Istagfirullah wa'tbu ilaihi ( i beg pardon to my lord). i recall my old days while i was a student. i was young and islamic monotheism was not touched me even i was built in a conservative family. my father was a teacher and a religious person. we had a radio at the time. this is the time of 1974/75. i was fond of pathetic music and gazal. My sisters loved the song of abdul alim , apple mahmoud , mustafa zaman abbasi so on. later i found the above song written by rafiquzzan and sabina yasmin is the singer. Prophet pbuh said every human born in nature but parents are diverting them christian and jew. family is the first place to have knowledge. if the parents are not islamic it is very difficult for children to be built themselves in islamic way except if Allah swt will not show the way. There are hadith already been described from Prophet pbuh said about death and there will be three questions. if a writer or singer have knowledge of Quran and hadith, he or she cannot sing like this song.After death when a person is buried the two angels with voices like thunder and eyes like lightening will ask the following questions:
1. Who is your Lord?
2. What is your Religion?
3. Who is your Prophet?
If the deceased is able to give correct answers, a gate is opened near his head, and his grave is widened as far as he can see. The period of Barzakh (which will continue until the Day of Resurrection) passes with ease and the angels proclaim to him, "Sleep thou like a newly wedded bride." However, if the deceased is unable to give correct replies, a door of the hell of Barzakh will open for him, and a breath from the breaths of hell will fill his entire grave.
“But there are, among men, those who purchase idle tales, without knowledge (or meaning), to mislead (men) from the Path of Allah and throw ridicule (on the Path): for such there will be a humiliating Penalty.” (Surah Lukman verse 6)
Ibn Abbas (radhi Allahu anh) said idle tales in this verse “lahu al hadith” is evil and music.
Mujahid (rahimahu Allah ) said idle tales in this verse “lahu al hadith”was the drum.
Hassan AlBasri said this verse was revealed about music and musical instruments.
Ibn al Qayyim (rahimahu Allah ) said, “The interpretation of the sahabah (companions) and Tabi’een (their followers) of idle tales in this verse “lahu al hadith” is sufficient in that it means music.”
Abu Alsahbaa’ said I asked Ibn Masoood about Allah’s verse. He said,“Wallahi the one and only one its music – repeating it three times.” (This is authentic in being attributed to Ibn Masood and Ibn Abbas)
Ibn Umar (radhi Allahu anh) also said it means Music.
Therefore, if you take time to observe around you will see that music is a path to adultery and fornication. It plants the seed of hypocrisy , the seed of polytheism. When people turn to music, like it and get addicted to it, it becomes the alcohol of the mind. One turns away from the Qur’an more than anything else once their hearts become addicted to music.
Allah says, “..for such there will be a humiliating Penalty .” for those who replaces the Qur’an with idle tales.
The Madhab of Imam Abu Hanifa:
The Madhab of Imam Abu Hanifa is among the most critical and harshest quotes on music. Imam Abu Hanifa’s students clearly declared musical instruments haram and anyone who listens to it is considered a fasiq whose testimony is not accepted.
Some went on to say that listening to music is fisq (astray) and enjoying it is kufr. They used weak hadith to support that statement.
They also said one must strive not to listen to it if he passes by it or if its near him.
Abu Yusuf, one of Abu Hanifa’s most famous student, said, “A house that music is heard from can be raided without permission because ordaining the good and forbidding the evil is fard, and if we require permission for entry in such situation then people would not be able to perform the fard of forbidding the evil.”
The Madhab of Imam Malik:
Imam Malik (rahimahu Allah ) was asked about those who play the drums and flute and those who enjoy listening to it as one passes by.
He said one must get up and leave unless he is sitting for something extremely urgent or cannot get up. If he hears it in his pathway then he should go back or speed forward.He said music is something the fusooq (astray) do.
The Madhab of Imam Shafi’i:
His students and those truly knowledgeable of his madhab clearly declared music and musical instruments haram and denied that he ever said it was halal.
The Madhab of Imam Ahmad:
Imam Ahmad’s son, Abdullah, asked his father about music. His father said, “It grows hypocrisy within one’s heart and I dislike it.” And, then he said Imam Maliks quote that only fusooq (astray) do it.
Ibn Qudamah, who is considered among the biggest Imam of the Hanbali Madhabs, said, “Musical instruments are haram like guitar, trumpets, flutes, drums and so on. Whoever continues to listen to it, his testimony is rejected.
And then he goes on to say, “If one goes to a wedding with prohibition like alcohol musical instrument and can forbid evil then he must otherwise he should not attend.”
Ibn Taymiyyah:
He said, as evident with the four imam’s Madhab, that all musical instruments are haram. As the prophet (pbuh) said in Al Bukhari that there will be those who make halal musical instruments and that they will be transformed into apes and pigs. He notes that none of the followers of the four imams mentioned a dispute amongst them on this matter.Ibn Taymiyyah also said musical instruments are alcohol to one’s soul, and it does to one soul more than what alcholol does.
Once we know from the solid proof mentioned that musical instruments are haram, then anyone who mentions a musical instrument to be halal must present proof.
Among the exception, and the only one in fact, is the use of a duff (a small hand drum) with no metallic tones on them. The prophet (pbuh) made an exception to that instrument for ‘Eid and weddings.
It is not correct to claim that since he (pbuh) permitted that, then drums must be halal, or other similar instruments are halal. They had drums then, and scholars named drums specifically among the haram. The scholars even specified the duff (small drum) with metal on its sides to make noise as being haram as well.
In one hadith narrated by Aisha (radhi Allahu anh) two young girls were chanting with the duff on ‘Eid while the prophet (pbuh) had his back turned to them because he was preoccupied. Abu Bakr (radhi Allahu anh) walked in and scolded them for using instruments in the prophet’s house which the prophet (pbuh) forbade. The prophet (pbuh) told Abu Bakr to let them be for it was the day of ‘Eid.
We learn from that hadith that the prophet (pbuh) heard the duff play, meaning its not haram. Therefore, it is not haram upon men to hear it even though it was known that men never played it.
We find that the whole world is obsessed with the kufr idea of freedom, i.e. freedom of speech, freedom of movement, etc. In modern schools and universities, we observe independence, free expression and secular thinking being encouraged. This idea of freedom, “ It`s my life, I`ll do what I want” is a predominant, underlying theme of today`s music. It is being used as a means for drilling those modern ideologies that are totally contrary to Islamic Shariah and values, into the minds of Muslims.One should abstain from evil audacities such as listening to music and encourage others to do the same too.
May Allah increase us in our strength to obey Allah’s rule and the way of Prophet (pbuh) in our daily life.
বিষয়: বিবিধ
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