বিভক্ত ইসলাম ইসলামের শক্তিকে যে ধ্বংশ করে এতে কোন সন্দেহ নেই।
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন মহিউডীন ১১ নভেম্বর, ২০১৩, ১১:৩৪:৪২ সকাল
Assalamualaykum. When I started to recite Al Quran and Sunnah very deeply found some Islamic thought which contradicts with the Islamic groups the way they are delivering message to the mankind. Many sunni walama announcing islam worldwide according to main stream from prophet(pbuh) and this is the true way to send message to the mankind.Muslim ummah is one ummah. There must not be any division on it. 160 million muslim in the world are divided various way as Sura An’am 159 and Sura Room 32 explained clearly about them. The crisis started for muslim ummah due to the division and those are following so called democratic government which is made by human being. The root of the country and society is sovereignty. It is the supreme authority to make legislation and establish law and administration for the country. It is necessary to be a permanent and supreme power for owning sovereignty. Allah swt is only owner of this universe not a human being. The one is the owner of sovereignty , He is the one has right to make legislation. For forming government and applying administration in various countries of today’s world , sovereignty is for human being, it’s a lie and a revelation against Allah swt. The right position of human being is an Ambassador from Allah and will lead the life under His sovereignty. If human being is deviating from his position , surely he is violating the order of Allah. Human being has given a temporary authority in this life for testing how he is performing his life in earth. Sura mulk verse 2 explained, I created death and life to justify whose work is the best. Islamic people must be united but not to be separated the way in our subcontinent or other Islamic world are divided such as various groups through Majhab and a lot of Pirtontro(Tasauf) those Islamic announcement are contradicting with Prophets (pbuh) life and the life of golden age. They dived into shirq and Bida’a which are floating every corner of the society and millions of innocent ignorant people are following those as Ebada.
We have to be careful for the announcement of islam whether we are in correct way or not. We have to be remember , Islam din’t come from family or leaders or any saint. Islam is the guidance from Allah swt. through a holy book(AL QURAN) and following a special kind of human being , a polite and extraordinary character in the universe named Mohammad ( peace be upon him). In the last philgrimage He(Prophet) declared I have kept two things for you, The Kitabullah and my Sunnah. Unfortunately muslims in the world are not going to study from the main stream to find out their way of life. We have to analyze ourselves very well which way of life we are following in case of Ebada. If you study the sahabas life and golden age of islam which is our base, you will not find the divided muslims. They were following Al Quran and Sunnah for their daily life and amended people accordingly. Why today muslim going behind leaders book unless reciting Quran and Sunnah? We can earn vast knowledge from this two main stream. If we have an ocean it is not necessary to fill it up from dirty pond. If anyone has no knowledge surely he can go to learned but to a true learned who is most qualified in relation of the knowledge of quran and sunnah. We have to work behind muslim not be separated but to be one group till the end of our life. The authentic hadith of Abu Dawood explained Rasul (pbuh) said Yahud will be divided 71 groups, Christian will be 72 groups and my ummah will be divided 73 groups. Yahud ,Christian and my ummas 72 group will be thrown in hell fire and one group will enter in paradise. This one ummah is exactly following the way of His life.
In civics we have read family is the smallest unit of the state. We have to look ourselves how we are furnishing our personal life. Look the society , parents are the leaders for the home. Most of us are fake leaders. We don’t have initiative to give proper education from Quran and Sunnah for our children. No one can change rapidly but we have to start to change our Islamic environment slowly, with patient,by giving dawa daily basis to our family and children. Every parents need to dedicate for keeping them within Islamic environment. Sura Tagabun verse 15 explained “ your riches and your children may be but a trial but in the presence of Allah , is the highest reward” . How much our need in this world? If you read the boyhood and education of Greek philosopher Socrates, He Quoted “ how many things I can do without” it means we can survive without a lot of things. Every of our rich families spending a lot of un necessary things and most of the houses you will find aristocracy and inside decorated with furniture which are not used whole of their life. We muslim are not looking world wide how muslims are suffering? Do we read the muslim prisoners from abu garib and guantenamo are crying for the help from muslim world? Ladies are tortured every moment.Our leaders of Islamic world has no proper initiative and they are behind achieving power for their gain. sura ma’ida verse 44 explained “ if any do fail to judge by what Allah has revealed they are disbeliever”. It means that where the rule is based on Quranic laws, it shall be an Islamic government and if it is not based on Quranic law , it shall be a government of non-believers. In the pre historic society the battle was with muslims and non muslims. Now muslims are killing muslims of different groups. Prophet (pbuh) said if anyone kills a anyone he kills al the ummah if anyone saves anyone he saves the whole ummah. We have to understand the scripture and place our dawa for the betterment of ummah. We should not be happy and joyful if any group survived and another is losing. This is not a Islamic way of life and islam din’t built in this way.
Allah swt gave all of us knowledge to think and help mankind as per our capacity. We have to use best way to proceed ourselves in the way of earning good knowledge( elmun nahe’w) and Honest work (A’mal saleh) basing the way of Prophet(pbuh). If we can do that surely we will find the straightway as suratul Fatiha we are reciting o lord! Show us straight way and this straight way we will find in the way of Prophets (pbuh), way of truthful people, way of suhada and the way of honest working people. In islam there is no other way to be followed except these. May Allah bless and guide you , me and other mankind in the way of Allah swt and His beloved Prophet(pbuh).
Mohammad Mohiuddin Patwary
Letter of credit in-charge
Finance Department
Saudi Binladin Group, ABCD Jeddah.
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