Political Thought of Islam Mohammad Mohiuddin Patwary Senior Accountant Saudi Binladin Group , Jeddah
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন মহিউডীন ১৩ ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০১৩, ০৮:৩১:৫২ রাত
The political system advocated by Islam needs to be clarified. The modern Muslim scholars say that Islam is a democratic religion, yet many Muslim clerics today do not believe in democracy. I would like to discuss briefly what I feel is meant by Islamic democracy.
A few verses of the Holy Quran are presented here which give us the basics for Islamic political thought. In Sura Baqara verse 30 (The Heifer) the Quran says: “And remember when your Lord said to the angels, I am going to place a successor (Khalifa) on Earth” . This verse is about the vice-regency of Adam. Then again in the same chapter Sura Baqara verse 124 about Abraham the Quran says: “And remember when the Lord of Abraham tried him with certain commands which he fulfilled. Allah said to him, verily, I am going to make you a leader (Imam) of mankind. Abraham said, ‘And my offspring? Allah said, ‘my providence includes not the wrong-doers (oppressors)”. This verse shows that divine leadership is not for transgressors and tyrants. It is for righteous and just people.
In Sura Al-Qasas verse 5 the Quran says: “And we wished to be gracious to those who were being depressed in the land, to make them (Imams) leaders and make them heirs.” This verse shows that Allah condemns transgressors and oppressors and divinely helps the oppressed ones making them leaders and heirs on the basis of justice and piety. Then at another place the Quran alludes about divine rulers as a man of physical fitness and of knowledge. According to Sura Baqara in verse 247 the Quran tells us about Jalut appointed as king because of his knowledge and physical prowess. The Shias consider Imam Ali fit for these merits.
In Sura Al-Nisa (The Women) verse 59 The Quran says: “O you who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those charged with authority among you” . The above cited verses give us the basics of Islamic political morality. These verses tell us that a leader or a ruler in Islamic state must be a man of certain qualities. Muslim ruler must be a pious, knowledgeable and just man with administrative qualities. There are numerous sayings of the Holy Prophet that instruct us to obey the men of piety and virtuosity. The tyrants and evil-doers must not be accepted as leaders or rulers.
These passages leave unanswered the question of how a ruler is to be chosen. Is it through nomination or through elections? On this point we find Muslims divided. The Sunni sect believes that the Holy Prophet did not appoint his successor. He totally left it up to the Ummah (community). The Sunnis believe in “Ijmah”(consensus), which, of course bears some similarity to democracy but not the democracy of west. They say that when the Holy Prophet was on deathbed, he asked Hazrat Abu Bakr to lead the prayers. To their way of thinking this request indicates the superiority of Hazrat Abu Bakr.
After the Holy Prophet of Islam died, the Helpers of Medina and the Immigrants of Mecca had a heated discussion on the right of caliphate. Both the groups exchanged hot words. According to Tabari ultimately Hazrat Omar presented the name of Hazrat Abu Bakr and he was elected in Saqifa Bani Saada. Then Hazrat Abu Bakr, on his deathbed, nominated Hazrat Omar as his heir, who in turn nominated six people and asked for elections amongst them. They were Abdur Rehman, Uthman, Ali, Talah, Zubair and Saad bin Waqas. Hazrat Uthman was elected. Ali did not participate in the competition. When Hazrat Uthman was assassinated the majority of people openly elected Hazrat Ali as their Caliph. The Sunnis maintain that, after these four guided caliphs, the Mawiyya turned the caliphate into a monarchy.
The book of Abu Aula Mududi, entitled “Caliphate And Monarchy” sheds ample light on this issue. Now, the Sunni clerics say that Mushawart (consensus and counseling) must be adopted for Islamic concept of Caliphate. By Islamic democracy they mean the election of pious, honest and just people.
By contrast, Western democracy can change the basic moral and divine laws and regulations. The Western parliaments have passed rules favoring and allowing homosexuality, which is not permitted in divine scriptures. In an Islamic democratic state, the basic rules are the divine rules and cannot be changed by the decision of majority. Sovereignty lies with Allah swt. So divine law can not be changed or modified but Islamic ijtihad can be considered for this purpose. We have remember that those are involved in ijtihad , they are the follower of divine law and according to the analysis of sunnah expressed their opinion. In this regard the modern democracy came from west and the constitution made by human being. Some modern Islamic thinkers opined to follow and some are not.
To establish the rule of justice is a basic responsibility of an Islamic state. The demands for justice prevails in all walks of life and let us speak only for judicial justice. The Quran also provides the required guidance for justice. It is necessary to understand one basic principle about justice. According to common concept of justice in the world, the duty of a law court is to decide the disputed affairs according to the code of law that is prevalent. Therefore a decision made accordingly shall be considered as based on justice. But if the law itself is not based on justice then the decision based on it can never be considered just. Thus the principle laid down by the Quran is that the law of the land should also be based on justice. In this respect the Quran does not indulge in a philosophical debate as to what is meant by “ Law on the basis of justice” and what is the definition of justice. It addresses the Islamic sovereign state decisively follows sura ma’ida verse 44 “ if any do fail to judge by what Allah has revealed they are disbeliever”. It means that where the rule is based on Quranic laws, it shall be an Islamic government and if it is not based on Quranic law , it shall be a government of non-believers. In this respect any Islamic group is joining democratic government they are surely following disbelievers because the present constitution made by human being. Only that law shall be considered as based on truth which conforms to the book of Allah , any law contrary to it shall be based on “zulm” ( injustice). Thus the judges are addressed in Quran “ They guide the people towards the truth and dispense justice in accordance with what it dictates”.
The real justice , infact is the justice based on truth. If the law is not based on truth, then any judgment according to this law cannot be considered as meeting the requirements of justice. Truth is in fact, another name for the book of Allah. The same is the difference between an Islamic state and a secular state. In sura saad verse 26 is saying “ thus we told Daud (pbuh) (to carry on with mission of reforming the society without any fear) that we have granted you the control over the kingdom, so that you can decide on people’s affairs with complete justice and equity in accordance with the Divine laws and do not follow anyone’s personal desires. If you were do that , these people will lead you astray from the right path. Just remember that people go astray because they forget or ignore the day of accountability. The result is total destruction”. This makes clear two issues: first , that the law of the land ought to be based on truth( Quran) , secondly , that the court of law should remain above its personal sentiments that is it should remain natural. That is what is called ‘ a just decision’. David was not only a leader or caliph or prophet but he was ruler as well. Hence according to the Quran a ruler must be truthful and just. It is the religious obligation of a ruler to provide justice to everyone irrespective of color, cult, class, country and creed. In Sura Sajda verse 24(The Adoration) while talking about the children of Israel the Quran says: “And we appointed from among them, leaders (Imams), giving guidance under our command, so long as they preserved with patience and continue to have faith in our signs” . Hence we see that patience and faith are the basic requirements for divine leadership.
For a system of justice the Quran has explained sura nisa verse 58 “ in order to establish quranic system, it is necessary to entrust responsibility to those who are capable of discharging it. all matters should be decided justly. This is excellent counsel which Allah is giving you for Allah Almighty hears and sees all”. even when you make peace between parties , do so with justice. In sura hujrat verse 49 Allah says “ if two factions of muslims develop a dispute, sort out their mutual conflict with justice”. Even enmity with a nation should not incline you to act unjustly. Sura ma’ida verse 8 Allah says “ Let not the enmity of others make you away from justice, be just, that is only nearer to Taqwa( Piety). Not only for the muslim but also for the cases of non muslims also should be decided with justice. It is ordered to Prophet (pbuh) sura ma’ida verse 42 “ Even if the non muslims come to you for the judgment of their cases , judge between them with equity”. Sura ma’ida verse 42 Allah says again “ So judge between them as Allah Almighty has revealed and follow not their vain desires”.
Democracy were used in ancient Greek philosophy. They could not solve most of the major problem of the society. The leaders cannot take merely sound decision. The modern concept of democracy came from Abraham Lincoln , one of the old president, the Americans call him the father of democracy. The duration of his reign from 1861-1865. His theory is “ Government of the people , for the people and by the people”. In this theory country people are holding the supreme power, legislation will be made by them, it can be amended whenever needed. But muslim constitution is Quran. This law is from the supreme authority Allah only . It is only the divine power. It cannot be amended or modified. Allah swt. decided what is valid or non valid( halal and haram) and it will remain till day of judgment. Allah says those who do not judge by Allah’s rules , they are disbeliever. So democracy is against the law of Allah. How muslim can accept this? A kind of muslim leaders has given political explanation and they are participating with democratic government. In worldwide there are a group from various muslim countries following in ISLAMIC MODERNISM. Islamic modernism is a reform of Islamic movement which started by politically- minded urbanities with scant knowledge of traditional Islam. These people had witnessed and studied western technology and socio-political ideas and realized that the Islamic world was left behind technologically than the west and had become too weak to stand up to it. They blamed the weakness on what they saw as “Traditional Islam” which they thought held them back and was not progressive enough. They thus called for a complete overhaul of Islam including or rather in particular Islamic law (sharia) and doctrine (Aqidah). Islamic modernism remains popularly an object of derision or ridicule, and scorned by traditional muslims and funadamentalists alike. In islam there is no opposition and in democracy there are many groups or alignment. If the ruling class is giving best effort also the opposition will blame them. Because their target achieving power. In democratic government most of the leaders are not honest. So it is not possible for them to give proper decision. General muslim may ask what will be the solution or how we will lead our life? In this situation if any government is coming, muslim must obey the rulers with their good deed. For bad deed or mistakes people will inform them by speech , by writing , by seating together without making any crisis. What is happening now a days? The ruling class is in power. According to their expertise and political policy they are working for the country. Some of the issue perhaps are not agreeing with the opposition opinion. The opposition are on the way of movement. The power is with the ruling class and surely all the government department will follow them accordingly. If the opposition will move destructive way there will be fighting with the government force because the law and rule will support them. Most of the developing country are in same condition. Islam is teaching us to run peacefully in this situation. All the muslims must be united because they have one guideline. Allah swt did not gave authority to Prophet (pbuh) to make war before handing over the power of the state. In the state or society the only peaceful method is the way of Prophet (pbuh) and Sura Noor verse 55 Allah swt has given this commitment to the believer. Unfortunately a group of muslim all over the world in the name of politics joined under democracy with other opposition political group and started to make collision with the ruling class for which in the society increases un happiness , political un-stability , less economic development , Damages peoples wealth ,killing people , price of daily necessary goods going to be higher and higher , law and administration is in worse situation and mass people are losing their minimum rights. If Muslim wants to see muslim government, must be united together , Must build the character the way of Al Quran and Sunnah , Must trained up area people by teaching Quran and sunnah and educate themselves with scientific education. Al Quran says if you have any quarelling or confusion go back to Quran and sunnah and it is clear to us. My argument according to my Islamic thought only and this is not quarreling with anyone personally. The reason this is our field of examination. We need to study the holy book and run our life. The final justification will be with Allah swt. We can place our true and authentic dawa according to Quran and Sunnah that’s all.
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