মাননীয় প্রধান মন্ত্রি , বিরোধীদলীয় নেত্রি,সাংসদ বৃন্দ,কুটনীটিকবৃন্দ , সমাজের পদস্হ কর্মকর্তা বৃন্দ ও আপামর জনসাধারন সমীপে।
লিখেছেন লিখেছেন মহিউডীন ২৭ জুন, ২০১৩, ০৪:৩৮:৪৬ বিকাল
Assalamualaykum. As a muslim and as a resident of Bangladesh I have right to speak or make correspondence with our Prime minister, Opposition leader and members of pirliament for the betterment of the country. We are all well wisher for the country. Islam teaches us how to make communicate with others , to help others, to advise at the time of need. Islam teaches us how to throw information to the ruler when one is going wrong way. This is the right of a national to save himself as well as country.Last twenty years I was serving to Saudi Binladin Group as a Senior Accountant. Usually when people are suffering are finding a way to survive. Many Bangladeshi people came to us and we tried to provide many of them. The most important factor is , those are coming abroad from Bangladesh , 90% of them are labor. We can tell them un-professional. They don’t know how to speak English or Arabic or even many of them are such an illiterate don’t know how to write. I don’t know for others , I am finding most of the days unemployed people are gathering personnel division and are refused by their quality and they are searching any Bangladeshi professional is there or not. Can you imagine? Among these people many of them came abroad by losing all their asset. I interviewed more than 500 people during the past years. Most of them are suffering due to the Travel Agent of the country. The travel agency is not telling them the right picture. They are focusing a dream in front of them. These innocent people are providing 50% of their money before travelling and travel agency investing the money in business three months to a year. After that some are getting visa some are repaying and some lose their money. Our prime ministers two or three times holding the position of prime ministry and knowing well about the situation of the foreigners including homeland. My intention to place you some information as a national , as a well wisher of the country so that people can be benifitted.
I don’t want to go back to history. Bongo Bhondu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wanted to make this country a land of golden land. President Ziaur rahman worked with local people.We got freedom and 41 years are passing but mass people are suffering from poverty. Last 41 years we are dreaming only but our dream is not coming true. I am telling you some reason. We could not learn anything from history. We have no sympathy for our generation. Our leaders perhaps efficient but they don’t have quality to go to the rural area physically. Our member of parliament are speaking in the seminar only. Sorry , why I am telling the words? I have seen in my eyes in many areas of the world how they are using their wealth. How they mix with the country people. How they are polite to their people. how they are trying to generate wealth to survive poor. They are respecting their people various way. Do they not take it from muslim? In middle age civilization muslims were powerful by knowledge , by technology, by the merits. At the time England could not wear their clothes. The sincerity , politeness and modesty they took from us and we muslim are suffering. Because we have changed our attitude. We have changed our culture. Muslims are divided. Obcourse we have enemy worldwide. It was from very beginning. Islam teaches us how we will lead our life. If anyone declares him as a muslim must follow the life of prophet sm. Unfortunately worldwide a type of muslim leaders started to make Islamic organization. From where they found this thought. Islam is only islam. It cannot be divided. If it happened the strength of muslim will be loosen and we have seen in the history when muslim were together no harm touch them and they oppose together. Islamic people will follow the prophet and his followers the way lead their life and after prophet sm 1000 years there were no divisions of islam. Surely Rasul sm said in abudawood my ummah will be divided with 73 divisions and a division will enter in paradise. Moreover islam teaches us when there will not be Islamic government people will follow the rulers. If they are right way no problem and if they do any mistake will be informed them to make amendment by writing , by speaking and by seating together but there will not be any chaos and confusion. Islam is not allowing any kind of sentimental work. In islam there is no extremist and terrorism. In islam no one can murder or kill a person. Even no one can do harm anyone by their speak. All the incidents are happening in the society due to the depression, Due to poverty ,due to seize power from other, discrimination in the society. We learn from Al Quran and sunnah muslim is one nation. They must be in one shade and follow Islamic rules and regulations and 30 years Kholafae rashedin exactly rulled the society. We have to absorb those character in our life. Even afterwards Mullukiat came and still running some Arab areas their generation are not going against them for the basic things. Millions of muhaddesin followed the rullers but if they found something against sunnah they informed the rulers modest way. We have to build our character and educate people this is the only way. Any ruling party comes in power the opposition must work together till their ending. If there is misunderstanding must seat together to solve the matter. The things are happening like killing people , damaging wealth , theft and robbery , kidnapping each other, speaking rough words to each other , harming people various way etc surely these are all against law and against humanity. Islam is telling if anyone is speaking rough words , reply him with good words. These way the relation will increase. Who will take initiative? I am sure the one will come in power he must be an example.
We have cheap manpower , we have furtile land , we have professional but few are thinking for the country. I remember the days of President Ziaur Rahman who was a president joined with the local labor. This is the exact quality of a leader. But the leaders after wards din’t follow exactly the focus of President Ziaur Rahman. During my vacation I am visiting local areas and I find people are not cultivating a big % of land. I am visiting some time Saudi local area how our people including Pakistani , Indian and srilankan producing wealth for this country. I have many example and I am placing one for your information so that in future you can take a positive step. Now a days many of our young generation started and are doing well. If government take initiative it will give a fruitful result for us. A man came here and was working 8 hours under the sun. He find my name and came to me. I was asking his manager to release him in another sister company where he can work under shade. This boy was energetic and in the meantime earned some knowledge. He stayed two years and accumulated some money by my advice. He has some land around his home. He furnished his land first year and started make one small poultry , a small garden of fruits and a vegetable garden. This man was phoning me some time he is earning every month around 50,000.00 taka. So it means they can establish themselves but it needs security and help from the government. If Government is taking a plan millions of our young generation can be build up their life in the country. These kind of example must be highlighted in the media so that people can be educated. In my verification in every village there are business and moneyed people , local leaders are there. They need to take an initiative to form a group for the development. This group will be formed from the unemployed people from the area. By donation a fund will be established. Fishery , poultry , cottage material , fruit garden , vegetable garden , paddy field three times a year etc. I notice many places people are doing these by their personal effort and it is going to be loosen unemployment problem. If Government flushing it to media and local government trained people through upozilla offices , I am sure the picture of Bangladesh will change within 5 years. Definitly we have many other natural resources which are not used and applied properly. Every of us must love our country. But unfortunately I am recalling the word of bango bondhu “ people are getting the mine of gold and I found mine of thieves”. This is the reality of Bangladesh. I am a small man but I verified many Bangladeshi those I know personally last thirty years how they make money. Many people before thirty years they were dam poor. Even they din’t have three time food but in the name of corruption they are millionaire. If this way is running generation will be corrupted. I read a hadith of rasul sm “ if anyone loves prophet the poverty will come to him as the flood water coming”. Omar ® spoke in his first speech powerful in front of me the poor, for whom I will bring resources from the moneyed man in the country.Believe me the local people want some basic things, to have three times food , to work peacefully, to send their children in school and to sleep peacefully. Last 41 years we have failed to do this. I hope the time is coming for you and you can make example for the generation. For this you need to be honest , your cabinet must be honest and hard worker, Law and justice must be in favor of sufferer. State ministry to be well arranged for social security. If a man is real muslim he cannot make any sorts of fraud to the mankind. A muslim means who is surrendering himself to his lord. Anywhere of the world is not excercising islam honestly. I have learnt islam from AL Quran and sunnah. In sura An’am verse 159 Allah is telling to the Prophet sm “ Those who divided their religion you have no responsibility for them” We have problem in the country. I cannot tell you all in this short span of time. If all the political parties are well wisher for the country why we have unstable society? I think we have no respect in our religion. We have no respect with each other. Because all the religion is telling not to kill people , to make robbery, losing chastity etc are big sins but our society is full to the brim by these. As a Bangladeshi national , As a muslim it is paining many of us.
What we need ? Every of us will be accountable to Allah for our action. Almighty has gave us sense to chose right or wrong. we all need to work for our generation. All the political parties needs to follow the manifesto. I think every manifesto is spoken for the betterment of the people. All the political parties or leaders needs to have a good relation because their objective to build the nation. The ruling class should take vital role. Leaders must be a model in the society. They must love each other and communicate to earn knowledge from others which is not shown now a days. Every minister or leader or an official or a country man must be honest and responsible for their work. We have to use our resources in scientific way and government must help local administration by supplying their needs. in every sector officers must be honest and sincere for their work. The present situation even before is not favorable for the mass people. They must think their food is coming from peoples tax and must feed back to them. Allah will never help a nation those who are not helping themselves. We must share our knowledge and give any kind of information which can be flourish our society. The foreign policy is playing an important role for developing the country and all the government should take much care of this ministry.
The foreign policy of Bangladesh needs to be reflective of the times and energy of the nation’s people in order to improve the quality of their livelihood. The decision-making process should invariably take into account the changing realities, both in the domestic and international scenes. Bangladesh requires a foreign policy that can actively and promptly respond to the challenges of the 21st century including poverty, terrorism, food and energy security, education, population, health, human rights, social justice, environmental degradation and disaster management. Such expanded activities would serve to broaden the scope for bilateral and multilateral relations of Bangladesh. Bangladesh occupies a strategic position as a land bridge between South Asia and Southeast Asia and a trade corridor for landlocked countries like Nepal and Bhutan and the seven states of India’s northeast. It must therefore be strong enough to dominate its environment or risk becoming the victim of external threats, traditional or non-traditional
Ever since achieving independence in 1971, the nature and substance of Bangladesh foreign policy has undergone comprehensive changes. The impact of globalization on Bangladesh, largely resulting from changes in information, communications and transport technologies as well as international laws and practices governing trade, commerce and investment, has had a profound impact on Bangladesh’s foreign relations and the conduct of its foreign policy. Bangladesh's reform and opening up of the media, cable television, and rapid expansion of the cellular phone networks with a subscriber base of over 79 million and technological improvements constituted significant positive developments, as have developments in the pharmaceutical, textile and readymade garments (RMG) sectors. Initiatives have been taken to combat corruption, undertake regulatory reforms and improve the business climate in the country. In the past two decades, with its involvement in the readymade garments industry and other export sectors, Bangladesh has become an attractive destination for trade and investment due to its excellent foreign investment opportunities but during the period the extremist are destroying the garment industry which is alarming us to take a proper prevention against them. Its substantial human resources, large amount of remittances from Bangladesh migrants working abroad, proactive civil society, the many achievements of its widespread human development program, its vast network of NGOs, and a rapidly expanding private sector, make Bangladesh a country with an extremely bright future. However, Bangladesh’s economic and social potential will not be fully utilized unless a number of key foreign policy challenges are effectively addressed. A major diplomatic initiative needs to be undertaken to improve cooperation with SAARC, ASEAN, OIC and the Gulf countries. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina herself has taken a deep interest in combating terrorism. it is very important for the government to seek international cooperation in combating terrorism and terrorist financing at home and in the region. We being a muslim nation ask help from Allah and must be guided ourselves by the holy book. If anyone fear Allah no crisis or terrorism can come society. The maintenance of harmonious relationships between Bangladesh and its neighbors, particularly India, is an imperative component of Bangladesh’s foreign policy. Inequitable distribution of resources, mistrust and misunderstandings have long plagued cooperation on contentious but critical issues. Some important initiatives need to be taken to improve the business and investment climate in the Bangladesh. In particular, we need to reform the existing foreign exchange regulations, in line with some of our neighbors in the region, most notably India, which could help in doubling our exports within the next two years. It is also important to improve the infrastructure in the country, not simply the supply and availability of gas and power, which of course remains of critical importance, but also the efficiency of Chittagong port, our road and railway systems and solve the ever-expanding traffic problems. Present government has taken some initiative to solve traffic problem. Perhaps most important of all, is the need for a highly efficient, private sector- minded bureaucracy. If domestic responses are not sufficient to effectively mitigate these issues, they may be addressed through foreign policy initiatives. Greater multilateral undertakings to improve the transport infrastructure, particularly with South Asian nations, may provide the impetus to improve the state of road, rail and maritime transport in Bangladesh.A third major challenge is in the area of finding jobs for Bangladeshis overseas and simultaneously building a healthy and productive relationship with the Bangladeshi Diaspora all over the world. Sensibly managed, exploitation-free movement of our workers, including in some cases permanent migration, will remain important for Bangladesh in the years ahead, given the important contribution of remittances to the growth and development of Bangladesh.
Recent studies have shown that in the next five years Bangladesh’s remittances can increase to 30 billion US dollars. If this is to be achieved then much more importance has to be given to leveraging the Bangladeshi Diaspora. Both in the areas of attracting investment, leveraging knowledge and mobilizing the Diaspora to influence positive changes in the countries where they have moved to and also in the case of their country of origin, they can and should be encouraged to be much more proactive. In order to drastically reduce poverty throughout the country, and become a middle-income country by 2021, Bangladesh must address these three major challenges. It is these three priority areas that must also drive the foreign policy and foreign relations of Bangladesh in the 21st century in general and during the next decade in particular. The country’s foreign relations and foreign policy will have to be seriously revamped, and it is here that the pivotal role of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the missions abroad must be given much greater importance than has been the case during the past four decades. Despite the existence of major challenges, Bangladesh’s foreign policy portends great opportunities, both in the form of reaping greater benefits from current initiatives and also from undertaking innovative diplomacy in traditionally ignored regions of the world.
The RMG sector is the mainstay of the economy and accounts for more than 75% of Bangladesh’s exports. Thus concerted foreign policy and advocacy initiatives must be undertaken to get a bill through the US Congress to extend duty free access for all Least Developed Countries (LDCs) for their RMG exports. This is especially important since the United States allows duty and quota free access to all LDCs except those in Asia, whereas all other developed countries, as well as some developing countries, have extended duty free benefit to all LDCs without any exception.
Bangladesh’s diplomacy should be effectively geared towards improving Bangladesh’s image in international markets. Its focus should lie in attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), particularly for the infrastructure and energy sectors. Since access to reliable power is of prime concern for most manufacturing firms in Bangladesh, a comprehensive effort must be undertaken to accelerate the process of energy cooperation in South Asia, obtaining support for nuclear energy plants and securing foreign assistance to develop efficient and renewable energy technologies.
Despite sharing a common history, culture and ethnic roots, South Asia has been a region plagued by conflicts and remains one of the least integrated regions in the world. Bangladesh, as a non-partisan, non-aligned nation can play a key role in mitigating long-standing conflicts, facilitate confidence building measures and sensitize the notion of common security and conflict avoidance in multinational platforms such as SAARC and BIMSTEC. Elongated peace and stability in the region is the panacea from SAARC becoming a forum of regional discussion rather than an architect of regional economic policy.
As one of the founding members, Bangladesh must once again play a pivotal role in influencing the regional powerhouse India to engender SAARC as a dynamic medium of the globalized economy. As such, Bangladesh’s foreign policy should continue to focus on strengthening SAARC as a platform for peace and prosperity in the region. Apart from SAARC, energy cooperation in the region and realizing the aims of the South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) requires a strong and sustained effort on the part of all the member states and also pressure and support from the private sector, civil society and the media throughout the region. Remittances from economic migrants play a critical role in the Bangladeshi economy. In October 2012 Bangladesh received $1,453.69 million in remittance from migrant workers. Ministry of foreign affairs and other relevant ministries should focus on boosting foreign remittances and attracting tangible and intangible investment from the Bangladeshi diaspora. The export of human resources to the Middle East and South East Asia creates a unique opportunity not only of manpower export but also of creating multi-pronged bilateral relations with the labor importing nations. If Bangladesh wants to increase its manpower exports, whether to countries in East Asia or the Middle East, it must think beyond the realm of manpower export and bilateral relations should cover trade and investment where possible, as well as training, orientation and assistance of migrants. Bangladesh currently has diplomatic missions in only around 46 countries. More importantly, Bangladesh does not have any diplomatic missions in South America and only around three missions in the vast and economically dynamic continent of Africa. Although recent initiatives have been undertaken by Ministry of foreign affairs to open 19 diplomatic missions in these two continents, these developments must be properly administered, funded and effectively implemented. The rising economic powerhouses in South America, especially Mexico, Brazil and the resource rich countries of Venezuela and Colombia offer opportunities of bilateral cooperation in economic trade and development, which would remain unexplored in the face of an inadequate or non-existent foreign policy. Bangladesh is also lagging behind the regional powerhouses of India and China in establishing strong diplomatic relations in Africa. A young population and a vast array of resources have made Africa the new destination for foreign investment, and Bangladesh should expand its missions in Africa to endorse trade and economic relations. Special attention should also be given to the Nordic countries, and, Central Asia. The Nordic countries have been outstanding proponents of regional cooperation on technology, research and innovation. Nordic cooperation has led to Nokia, a Finnish company, to be one of the foremost mobile technology companies in the world. This shared vision makes Nordic countries an attractive option to establish bilateral relations in the context of technology and innovation. The Nordic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) has been established in Bangladesh to facilitate Nordic investment as well as to raise awareness of Nordic technology solutions in commerce and industry. Such initiatives should not be one way. Bangladesh must incorporate effective programs of technology sharing under its foreign services akin to the Indian Technical and Cooperation Program undertaken by the Indian Ministry of External Affairs. Such programs should have a commercial focus with the view of mutually beneficial technological initiatives as well as utilizing the local mobile phone subscriber base of 79 million to attract FDI. Active diplomacy is also required to intensify our relations with key countries and groupings, including the US, UK, France, Germany, the European Union, Russia, China, Japan, Republic of Korea, India, the member states of ASEAN, in particular Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Myanmar, and Australia, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf states and Turkey. Bangladesh’s economic, social and political development is heavily dependent on its ability to address challenges and exploit opportunities pertaining to foreign policy. In order for this to be achieved, the country’s foreign relations and foreign policy would have to be fundamentally restructured. For this, the role of Ministry of foreign affairs and the overseas diplomatic missions is crucial. Substantial investment must be made in upgrading the selection and training of Foreign Service officers, with special attention given to language, region and subject specialization, information technology, global security and social skills. Greater funding must be allocated to Ministry of foreign affairs which should take a rational approach to distributing resources to diplomatic missions abroad. The whole of the Foreign Service should be doubled in size with a cadre of at least 600 professional diplomats. Globalization has rendered all fields, including the field of diplomacy to be extremely competitive. If the above mentioned challenges and opportunities are not accounted for, Bangladesh risks falling behind other nations in the competition of exporting labor, attracting FDI and getting elected to key international bodies. Since the economic development of our nation is contingent upon the effectiveness of our foreign policy, immediate action needs to be taken to revamp our foreign policy and expand and buttress our diplomatic missions.
Last 41 years history is telling two ruling parties will be in position. Either Awami league or BNP. If any of You are coming in position again , my request on behalf of 16 crore people, please have patients , call all the political leaders , All the experts from any corner of the country how you can reconcile and make prosperous country. The one will take initiative first she will be highly appreciated. Both of you are in ending of your life. You must have a determination to take a fruitful project and direct your people to work honestly so that the country can rise shortly. After Twin Tower incident Saudi Arabia investing their money in his own country and it is developing rapidly. Billions of our money is going abroad. If Anyone has money he has a dream for staying Europe. These way country cannot rise. Country will rise if the law and rules are applying correctly , people if follow this correctly and administration if go friendly near to the people. I am afraid of the present situation of the country. No one has security in the country.41 years we have seen the rulers are coming and speaking good words but poor are going to be poor. We are in practical position and seeing how many people are suffering From poverty. Actually Allah dint send them to suffer in this universe. If we are well wishing others no case will be found in the court and it is seen during the time of Omar (r). We must be honest and sincere , we must play a positive role wherever we are. I believe family is the smallest unit of the state and in this regard I am also a part of government. Every people of the country should play their roles to help the government. One day we will stand in front of Allah for our action. You need to appoint sincere and efficient advisors around you. They must advise you and make a perpetual plan for giving a new direction to the country. Young generation are harmful for the society now a days. They need to be cared well and not to involve in destructive politics. May Allah bless you for the dedication you have made past days and hope you will be an example for the next decade.
Mohammad Mohiuddin
Senior Accountant
Saudi Binladin Group
বিষয়: বিবিধ
১৩৪৫ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য
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